Publication of final results

"Ding ding ding... "The urgent bell echoed in the No. 1 high school campus in Yi'an District. Parents who were waiting anxiously outside the examination hall or sitting on the lawn or sitting on the roadway immediately stood up one by one. Through the campus wall railing to look into the campus. The bustling candidates all left the examination hall. The college entrance examination in 2056 in Jiangnan City was officially over. What the candidates need to do is to wait for the college entrance examination scores a week later. "Hao Bai." Slightly bald, seemingly elegant middle-aged man stood at the school gate and shouted to his son who came out of the examination hall door with a smile. "Dad." Zhang Hao walked over with a smile. "How was the exam?" The middle-aged man smiled. Zhang Hao shook his head and said helplessly: "This time the play can only be said to be OK, but the math questions are really difficult, from multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank to calculation, there are many problems. Especially calculation questions... five calculation questions, I just made two. The other three questions, I can only try to make part of the points according to the steps, which should also give me some points." Five big math questions, the test of thinking, naturally, is according to the steps. "Oh?" Zhang Zelong frowned, "It seems that your score in math this time will be relatively low." "It's OK. Dad. It's difficult for all candidates. Not me a." Zhang Hao white smiled, "the math problem is more difficult, the final undergraduate line is certain to be a little lower. I entered the military, should be no problem." "Oh, right." Zhang Zelong smiled, "before, we wait for you to finish the exam at the school gate, halfway know a thing. Your school that famous called 'Luo Feng' examinee, in the middle of the exam, from the end of the exam and about an hour, even fainted in the examination room." "Fainted in the examination room?" Zhang Hao white stared at his eyes, "Dad, you say Luo Feng?" "Yes, the Luo Feng was taken away by the ambulance, many people saw." Zhang Zelong nodded, "you listen, many parents around and children say this thing." "Luo Feng fainted?" Zhang Hao white even looked around, ears carefully erected to listen, and there were a lot of parents and children talk about a candidate in the examination room fainted unconscious thing, Zhang Hao white clearly heard many people talk about 'Luo Feng'. "Ha ha, the poor boy, also have this day. Ha ha." Zhang Hao white could not help but laugh. "Dad, you don't know, this guy in school, often find me trouble." Zhang Hao white angrily even way, "with the strength is stronger than me, everything is a head of me. This guy, also have this day. "Zhang Hao white heart happy, he is angry to the extreme. In fact, Luo Feng never ignore this Zhang Hao white, but Zhang Hao white himself has been Luo Feng as the opponent, Luo Feng in cultural achievements, force are beyond him, nature let him feel very bad. "Ha ha, this little guy, never seen the world. Psychological pressure, can not bear the collapse. Never mind him. Go, your uncle know you today's college entrance examination ends, personally for you to set the banquet. Go. "Zhang Zelong laughed. "Uncle?" Zhang Hao white eyes a bright. The reason why they can be in Yi'an District is rich, is because his uncle, because... his uncle, is a warrior! "Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Just out of the examination room of Wei Wen, in front of his parents, suddenly urgent, "A Feng how can he faint in the examination room, he is nervous coma? It is impossible. Other than that, A Feng's psychological quality, even in the extreme martial arts school, is also praised by the teacher." Wei Wen and Luo Feng, can not be said to be brothers, is better than brothers. "A Wen ah, this is false? This is what we saw. The Luo Feng his father and his brother who is sitting in a wheelchair, was anxious to go to the hospital together." Wei Wen even said. "Hospital? It should be the nearest hospital. Dad, mom, I first to see Luo Feng, lunch and so on to eat." Saying that not so much, Wei Wen will test stationery to parents, even ran toward the hospital. ..... Yi'an District People's Hospital. Luo Feng is squeezed out of the smile with his father, brother from the hospital hall door walked out, at this time Luo Hongguo and Luo Hua, are some worried about Luo Feng suffered too much. "Dad, I'm fine, go, we go back to eat." Luo Feng a very calm appearance, although the heart some unwilling, but Luo Feng knows, things have happened can not be changed, can do is to accept! "A Feng, A Feng." The sound came from the distance. Luo Feng looked up, saw a figure in the distance is running toward the hospital gate, is his good brother "Wei Wen". Seeing the hurriedly running over, clothes are sweaty Wei Wen, Luo Feng some touched, then the heart of a move, even asked: "A Wen, this math test paper the last three calculations how difficult?" He did not have time to do the last three questions, if the last three questions are very difficult, let the vast majority of people can not do much. His achievement, there is some hope. "It's very difficult." Wei Wen nodded, "this year's math is very difficult, calculation questions five, seems to be slightly easier point on the third question, the other four, are very difficult." "Fine." Luo Feng dark sigh of relief. They still have a glimmer of hope... After the end of the college entrance examination on June 16 at 8 p.m., can be inquired by telephone, the Internet for the college entrance examination results, and undergraduate grades will also come out. June 16, at 7 p.m.. Luo Feng's home, belonging to Luo Feng, Luo Hua brother two people in the room is only Luo Feng a person, the door is closed, Luo Feng is sitting in front of his laptop, the hand mouse again and again to refresh the page, the college entrance examination results are said to be eight p.m., but generally a little earlier. "I am afraid I can't go to the first military school in Jiangnan this time." "However, the math test, I wrote the multiple choice fill-in-the-blank questions, as well as the first two questions of the calculation. Although the second question I didn't completely do it, but also wrote a lot of steps. According to the steps to give points, should give me some points." Luo Feng thought, "if I'm lucky, mathematics should have more than 120 points." Luo Feng is looking forward to: "liberal arts examination, science examination, are normal play. If you're lucky, you should be able to enter the undergraduate line." "As long as you reach the undergraduate line, you can go to the second military school." Two military academies, the first military academy of course better, but the score is very high. Luo Feng has no hope. But the second military academy, according to Luo Feng's own estimates, there is a little hope. "Hmm?" Luo Feng eyes a bright. College entrance examination results page, actually refresh. "God, you help, let me through the undergraduate line. As long as the undergraduate line, you can enter the second military academy." Luo Feng heart uneasy, even in the college entrance examination query page, entered the name, ID number, test certificate number, and then clicked on the 'query' word. Brush! The notebook page flickered slightly, then emerged a table. Candidate: Luo Feng Gender: Male ID number: 426123203806083211 Test certificate number: 5878643567890766 Arts: 216 Science: 223 Mathematics: 118 Total score: 557