
Luo Feng was released from the detention house on the morning of the day, Yi'an District of an antique teahouse, a private room, only Zhou Huayang and Zhang Hao white two people, two people in front of the tea steaming, fragrant. Zhou Huayang sat there, his face gradually sink, silence. "Zhou Ge, you this early in the morning to call me, what is the matter?" Zhang Hao white voice suppressed, gently asked, "is that the matter has a result? If you really get it done, Zhou Ge you rest assured, the money is absolutely no problem." Zhang Hao white some expectations, Luo Feng is not really broken a leg, an arm. Zhou Huayang took a deep breath, low voice: "Zhang Hao white, you are cruel enough, you want to find death even drag me down." Zhou Huayang sneered at Zhang Hao white. "I, I how?" Zhang Hao white confused, eagerly, "Zhou Ge, you talk." Zhang Hao white from Zhou Huayang's tone, the face are aware of something wrong, but he Zhang Hao white really do not know, what happened in the end. Zhou Huayang low voice: "Zhang Hao white, you are let me invite people to break Luo Feng's leg and arm, right?" "Yes, how?" Zhang Hao white nodded. "Hum, how?" Zhou Huayang voice cold, sneered, "you deal with Luo Feng, he is a candidate!" "candidate?" Zhang Hao Bai suddenly lost. Quiet. Quiet in the room, Zhang Hao Bai pale, silly sit in that move, forehead sweat extraction. "How so, how can it be so?" Zhang Hao Bai now has no jealousy, there is only fear! His family is a rich family, for a candidate for some privileges he is very clear... They even sent to break a candidate for a leg and an arm, a candidate for the military can let the Jiangnan City Security Bureau to catch themselves. A security bureau, his life is finished! "No, no..." Zhang Hao Bai face white. "Know afraid, silly?" Zhou Huayang gas will cups heavily hit on the table, shouted, "the mother of you this fool if you really want to die, don't drag me! Candidates ah, you let me arrange people to break a candidate for a leg and an arm, people once reported to the security bureau, I am in trouble!" Zhou Huayang gas gritted his teeth. "Zhou Ge, how do I do? How do I do it?" Zhang Hao Bai Lian Dao, "I, I don't want to be caught by the security bureau, you tell me, I now how to do it?" Security bureau... For ordinary citizens, it is a mysterious and terrible place. Can send the security bureau to catch people, then almost a lifetime is over. "By the way, Zhou Ge, have you put me out?" Zhang Hao white eyes a bright even said, he asked Zhou Huayang to do things, also Zhou Huayang a person know, if Zhou Huayang did not put him out, then this thing there is room. "What are you thinking of this dog day?" Zhou Huayang gas a buttock stood up, angrily pointing to Zhang Hao white, "the government to me this interrogation me, I dare not say? I don't say, die on your behalf!!!" Zhang Hao white a zhen. Indeed, if Zhou Huayang does not give him to for, Zhou Huayang himself will be very unlucky. "I am to see in you and I for so many years of friendship, just to tell you a. Prevent you from being caught by the security bureau, do not know what is going on." Zhou Huayang sneered, "I advise you to go back, will this matter with your father to discuss, your father way more than you. Do things better than you. Brother... you Zhou Ge I don't accompany you, go first! This table of bills I have paid, you don't have to pay." Then, Zhou Huayang directly pulled the door and walked out. Zhang Hao white is the only one left in the room. "How can this be?" Zhang Hao white sitting in a chair, shaking his head, still can not believe, "he, he is a candidate for the warrior! Before the college entrance examination, his fist is 800 kilograms. This just a few days? How can he become a candidate for the warrior?" "No, no, I don't want to be caught by the security bureau." "Dad, dad... I go to find my father." Zhang Hao white face pale quickly rushed out of the teahouse, to the fastest speed to go home. Home. Zhang Hao white sitting in the living room sofa, clenched fist, body slightly trembling. "Ka!" The door opened. "Hao white ah, so called me to do? Say I come back late, you are going to die?" Zhang Zelong hurried back from the company pushed the door and walked in, look at his son's face, the appearance, the bottom of my heart knot, dark way, "not good, Hao white this child is afraid to make trouble." "Dad, I made trouble." Zhang Hao white looked up at his father. This simple words - I made trouble. Let Zhang Zelong heart a cold. "Say, how is it going to be, you give me detailed, don't miss any point. All clear." Zhang Zelong expression solemn up, although know things trouble, but Zhang Zelong did not lose his composure, after all, he was from the great Nirvana period through, what waves have not seen? Zhang Hao white breath: "is that, last time in my family yard, decoration company to send furniture to ..... "From beginning to end, Zhang Hao white did not dare to have a little to hide, all said out. "You, you even dare to find people to disable the would-be warriors?" Zhang Zelong stared. "I, I don't know." Zhang Hao white was so stared at by his father, all flustered, "if I know, I also dare not kill ah!" Zhang Zelong took a deep breath, did not speak, just take out the mobile phone even call. "Du - du -" "drip!" A voice ringing on Zhang Zelong's mobile phone, Zhang Zelong saw not from the eyebrows. "What's wrong, dad?" Zhang Hao white even asked. "I call your uncle, but your uncle is now hunting monsters outside the base downtown." Zhang Zelong sat on the sofa, "waiting for your uncle to come back." In the base downtown, maybe there is a monster hidden somewhere. So generally speaking, it is a safe place to communicate with the downtown. After a while - "big brother, what's the matter?" A deep voice ringing, "I'm busy now." "A tiger, this time the thing is not small. Your nephew made a big trouble." Zhang Zelong said, his eyes were red. "Hao white made what trouble, big brother you say. I listen." Zhang Zelong's brother 'Zhang Zehu' voice came. "It is so." Zhang Zelong immediately will just son said again. Silence in the mobile phone for a moment, and then Zhang Zehu's voice came: "Hao white this child, even dare to find the trouble of the warrior. It is too bold! So, from today on, Hao white you give me stay at home every day, don't go out to trouble. Don't go to see that Luo Feng." "I know, uncle." Zhang Hao white as if holding the last straw, even nodded. "Well, you don't do anything." The voice in the mobile phone continued, "everything I come back. Even if the security bureau came, you caught. Don't do any other things, everything I come back. I am more important this task, estimated one or two months to come back." Hang up the phone, Zhang Zelong, Zhang Hao white father and son two people this just long breath. Zhang Jiajia is panic, but Luo Feng's family is happy. After dinner. Luo Feng with his brother Luo Hua, from upstairs to the community, Luo Feng pushing a wheelchair, in the community walk. "Elder brother, this community we lived for more than ten years, parents is lived more than twenty years." Luo Hua looked up at the community, the density of the residential buildings in the community is very large, the green is very little, "after we leave this, live in the Mingyue community. Every day I want to go out and stroll, one of their own on the line." Every day up and down the stairs, sitting in a wheelchair for Luo Hua is a great difficulty. "Well." Luo Feng smiled and nodded, pushing the wheelchair, "A Hua, after we don't have to expose to the sun all year round, don't have to be in the small room all year round. Mom and Dad don't have to sleep on the sofa." Luo Hua even nodded. This day... they look forward to for a long time. "Someone came by." Luo Hua looked up to the front, a young man with glasses came smiling, first to sit in a wheelchair Luo Hua smile, and then looked at Luo Feng, "Luo Ge, right?" "You are?" Luo Feng wondered at the man. The young man smiled: "Luo Ge, hello, my name is Zhou Huayang! I don't know if Luo Ge has time, we find a place to talk?"