compensate for

"Zhou Huayang?" Luo Feng heart move, "it was him!" The detention center officer said, Zhang Hao Bai is to ask Zhou Huayang to help, arrange people to deal with their own. "You are Zhou Huayang?" Luo Feng showed a smile. Zhou Huayang heart knot, in Luo Feng's gaze can not help some panic, he could not not panic, Luo Feng if you really want to deal with him, he can really have a big trouble, Zhou Huayang maintained that smiling face: "is the little brother. Luo Ge, we go to find a place to talk?" "Yes." Luo Feng nodded, "I have something to talk to you." In the south of the small community not far from a street, there is a "Yangzhou Bath House", this bath house is a relatively high consumption place, even if a small suite, the minimum consumption is one thousand pieces, although Luo Feng heard of this place, but it is never in. And this time he took his brother and the Zhou Huayang came. Yangzhou Bath House, is a set of bath, foot, leisure and entertainment as one. "OK, you go out, what I call you again." In one of the suites of Yangzhou Bath House, Zhou Huayang ordered. "Yes, sir." The waiter left the suite. The suite has three rooms, one of which is a bath room, specially for bathing. The second room is a rest room, can drink tea business meetings, and the third room is a recreation room, is for the Internet, watching TV, singing. "A Hua, you play in this room, I and this week Huayang talk about things." Luo Feng said with a smile. "Go, brother." Luo Hua pulled the wheel, wheelchair directly to the computer, Luo Hua some excitement, "啧啧, 46 inch ultra-thin screen, voice control system, cool." Luo Feng heart sigh, his home laptop is the lowest level of the operating system or manual, a few hundred pieces before a, very cheap. And now some luxury laptop is almost "voice control", and even the legendary top and "three-dimensional virtual holographic projection" type. Of course, the three-dimensional virtual projection equipment, the price is extremely expensive. Belong to the legendary equipment, even if the general rich family is afraid to go bankrupt to afford a. Brother Luo Hua in front of the computer, excited to try to use the voice control system. And Luo Feng and Zhou Huayang, is to enter the rest room. "K." Close the door, the rest room, Luo Feng and Zhou Huayang relatively sit. "Luo Ge, drink tea." Zhou Huayang took the teapot, poured a cup of tea for Luo Feng, and said with a face of shame, "Luo Ge, this time I come to apologize to Luo Ge you! This time... Oh, to speak of it, I am really embarrassed and ashamed!" Luo Feng took the cup and listened silently on the side. Zhou Huayang... such people are many in society, belonging to the kind of people who have a wide range of contacts. What they do is to collect others' money and help people do things. For example, Zhou Huayang, he also collects money and does things, and has no grudges with Luo Feng in advance. For Zhou Huayang, Luo Feng has no great grudges. What Luo Feng really hates is Zhang Haobai. Zhou Huayang saw Luo Feng silently opened his mouth, and continued: "This time I arranged people to deal with Luo Ge you, I did not know Luo Ge you in advance. Zhang Haobai told me, so I made such a stupid thing! I hope Luo Ge you are a lot of adults, spare the little brother." "Spare you?" Luo Feng grinned. "This is a little brother's meaning, I hope Luo Ge can accept it." Zhou Huayang took an envelope from his arms and pushed it to Luo Feng on the table. "This is a registered check from China Merchants Bank, the payee's name is Luo Ge you, only Luo Ge you can take out the money. You can get the money at any branch of China Merchants Bank." Luo Feng looked at, opened the envelope, which does have a check, payment period of ten days, Luo Feng is limited to pay, and the above also has Luo Feng's ID number. Of course, the most attractive is that line of words - one million yuan! "One million?" Luo Feng was a little surprised, this is a relatively large amount, Luo Feng's deposit for so many years has not exceeded one hundred thousand pieces, now the Chinese currency is still very valuable, even if the company's boss, one million Chinese currency for them, is also a big number. "I hope Luo Geng can forgive my brother, this thing is over." Zhou Huayang sincerely. One million... Luo Feng's family has never had so much money, such money, don't white don't. "I know you are the middleman, but also don't embarrass you. Good, I accept this money." Luo Feng nodded, and Zhou Huayang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. "But this check is also troublesome, so, you now directly transfer money into my account through the Internet." Luo Feng spoke. "OK." Zhou Huayang is very crisp. Luo Feng nodded, took out a signature pen on the table, wrote the bank account number and the bank account number on a white paper: "This is my bank account number, the bank address is here, and the account holder is me." "Hmm." Zhou Huayang took back the envelope and check, at the same time from the arms of the mobile phone, through the mobile phone quickly access the Internet into the banking system, just a moment, the transfer was successful. Luo Feng felt his pocket phone vibration, took out opened a look, received a text message, is the bank's bank card balance change notice, notice their bank card balance increased by 1 million. "To the account?" Zhou Huayang smiled. "Hmm." Luo Feng nodded. Zhou Huayang smiled: "Luo Ge is ready to do things, in the city of Yangzhou, Luo Ge if you have anything to solve, directly find me, as long as I can do it will help. Of course, Luo Ge you will soon be a warrior, but Yanwang is better, the little ghost is difficult. Encounter some trouble, or we come forward to solve the more easily." "OK, something will ask you to help." Luo Feng got up. Zhou Huayang also got up immediately, two people shook hands. "Then I will go first step." Zhou Huayang smiled, "the money I have paid for this suite, Luo Ge you can play tomorrow morning." Then Zhou Huayang and Luo Feng's brother 'Luo Hua' also said hello, and then out of the suite. Only Luo Feng, Luo Hua brother two people in the suite. The entertainment room of the suite. "Elder brother, what is this man looking for you?" Luo Hua laughed, "I feel this man is very polite." "It is to give us money." Luo Feng smiled. "Send money?" Luo Hua was surprised. In the detention house encountered, Luo Feng did not and parents, brother said, he did not want to parents for their own worry. In Luo Feng's opinion... since the warrior on this road, then this road will be difficult, crisis everywhere, these dangerous and difficult things, or not and parents said good. "Well, right, O Hua." Luo Feng smiled, "how are you trading?" Brother O Hua because of perennial at home, because of interest in finance, especially the stock industry, don't look at the younger brother is not old, but has been trading for three years. "The first year did not make money, these two years have made a lot, quadrupled. There are more than twenty thousand pieces." Luo Hua said. "So much?" Luo Feng was surprised. "Not bad." Luo Hua laughed, "in fact, playing stocks, one play is psychology, the second play is mathematics. As long as the position control, through the purchase one by one, will buy price control. Follow the behind the scenes, it is easy to operate... but sometimes, the stock market shocks, psychological will be affected. The first year did not make money is often scared to throw away early." Luo Feng listened to a bewildered. "I this money is not what, formidable ace operation futures, etc., I doubled the stock, people can make ten times twenty times. Of course, the futures is more dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be forced to liquidate your position, and you will be all finished." Luo Hua shook his head. Although Luo Feng did not understand these... but he knew a little, stocks to make money is a form of compound interest. For example, the younger brother, from thousands to twenty thousand dollars, spent three years. But if he has a million, maybe now there are four million assets. With a principal of four million, I'm afraid there are sixteen million assets. Money rolls money, the more exaggerated the more back. "A Hua, I will give you 500,000." Luo Feng smiled, "good effort." "500,000?" The younger brother Luo Hua's excited eyes lit up, "the stock market fell very badly today, it is the time to buy the bottom, and can make a fortune." And the younger brother slept in the same room for so many years, Luo Feng had already found... the younger brother always expected the stock market crash. And his neighbor Wang Bo always expected the stock market boom. The younger brother made money from stocks, Wang Bo lost money from stocks. The ace is expecting the stock market crash? Luo Feng thought in his heart. "By the way, where did you get the money?" Luo Hua even asked. "Just that Zhou Huayang." Luo Feng smiled, "the younger brother, you can use the money, and after your brother and I become a warrior, there is a lot of money to make." Ordinary warriors make money not powerful, but... Luo Feng is very clear about his strength, alone control that move is more than the weight of the machine gun to terrible! After all, the bullet is flying in a straight line, and Luo Feng's control of the sharp thorns, can change the direction of the moment. "August 1, warriors in actual combat examination, after the pass, will begin the career of the warrior." Luo Feng holding the right hand of the tea cup can not help but a little hard, crack! The tea cup immediately broken, tea spread on the ground. Next to the brother Luo Hua was frightened to jump: "brother, what's wrong with you?" "Nothing." Luo Feng shook his head and smiled. In the heart is dark thought: "I am in the detention cell, practice gene instinct, strength suddenly improved a lot. Then the ability to wake up, my strength to increase more! Now my strength, speed is much stronger than the past. But the strength of the growth is too fast, it is not a good thing. I am not fine control of the force." An excited, even crushed the tea cup, is obviously not enough control of the force. "Well, tomorrow morning, go to the limit martial arts. From today to August 1, the 20 days, I have a good serious practice. I will now speed, strength, etc., have a good hone to grasp. Let their strength, can play a greater extent." Luo Feng heart dark way.