Chapter 7: Mana and Breakfast

As the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains, Zen awoke with a newfound determination. Today marked the beginning of his journey into the world of magic, and he was eager to take his first steps. With a sense of purpose driving him forward, he reached for the spellbook, which lay where he had left it the day before, on the small wooden desk by his bedside.

Opening the spellbook, Zen's eyes eagerly scanned the pages, searching for guidance on how to harness the arcane energies required for casting spells. His gaze fell upon a section detailing the importance of attuning oneself to one's own mana – the energy that fueled all magical endeavors.

In order for someone to wield any spells, the book explained, they must first develop the ability to sense and manipulate their mana. There were various methods outlined, but Zen decided to start with the tried and true practice of meditation.

Crossing his legs and closing his eyes, Zen focused on quieting his mind, blocking out the distractions of the outside world. With each breath, he delved deeper into a state of calm and introspection, allowing himself to become attuned to the subtle currents of magic that flowed within him.

As he meditated, Zen felt a tingling sensation wash over him, a faint pulse of energy resonating from deep within his being. It was as if he were tapping into a small spring of power that had always been there, waiting to be awakened.

With every breath that Zen took, he felt the air and energy moving inside of him. A deep breath, the air moving from his nose to his lungs, slowly filling him. His heart pulsing strongly in his chest. The mind feeling every single sensation, the slight draft in his house, the way his nose whistled with every intake of air. Slowly Zen dove deeper and deeper into his own consciousness until he arrived in his mind's eye.

In his mind's eye he saw a small body of Mana, akin to a small cup of water, of pure energy. It was a liquid shining and shimmering the faintest of blue. Reaching out to touch the liquid Zen felt as if a warm blanket was encompassing him, comforting him. The Mana slowly wrapped around Zen until it was fully around him, fitting just like a second skin.

[DING! Host has unlocked a new stat *MANA* and *MANA REGENERATION* please inspect it]

Zen jolted out of his meditative state at the alert of the system. Opening up the interface he saw a new feature.

[Name: Zen Hoshi

Titles: None

Age: 5 year

Strength (STR): 4

Agility (AGL): 2

Stamina (STA): 5

Endurance (END): 6

Mana Points (MP): 2/2 *NEW*

Mana Regeneration (MR): 1MP per hour *NEW*

Luck (LUK): 7 (fixed)

Average Human Adult: 20

Free Attribute: 0

System Points (SP): 1,000

Resistances: Novice Fire Resistance

Skills: Language lvl 3, Sleeping lvl 5, Swordsmanship lvl 1]

Curious Zen inspected the new stat.

[Mana Points (MP): Mana Points (MP) represent the capacity of an individual to harness and manipulate mana, the fundamental energy of magic. At the current level, Zen possesses 2 out of a potential maximum of 2 mana points. Mana points replenish gradually over time or through external sources such as mana potions or magical environments. As Zen's proficiency in magic grows, so too will his mana capacity, enabling him to cast more powerful spells and sustain longer magical endeavors.]

With a newfound sense of excitement coursing through him, Zen couldn't help but smile at the sight of his newly unlocked stat, Mana Points. It was a tangible confirmation of his growing connection to the mystical energies of magic, filling him with a sense of wonder and anticipation for what lay ahead on his magical journey.

Just as Zen was about to delve deeper into his exploration of mana, a familiar voice echoed from downstairs, breaking his concentration.

"Zen, breakfast is ready! Come down before it gets cold," his mother called out, her voice warm and inviting.

Zen's smile widened at the prospect of a delicious meal waiting for him, and with a sense of eagerness, he closed the interface and made his way downstairs to join his family for breakfast, his mind still buzzing with excitement over his newfound discovery.

As Zen descended the stairs to the comforting aroma of breakfast wafting through the air, he found himself greeted by the sight of his parents bustling about in the kitchen. The table was set with plates of avocado toast, scrambled eggs, and glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice, a tantalizing spread that made his stomach rumble with anticipation.

"Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad," Zen greeted them cheerfully as he took his seat at the table.

"Good morning, Zen! Sleep well?" his mother asked, her smile radiant as she placed a plate of eggs in front of him.

"Morning, champ. How are you liking your new toys?" his father chimed in, a hint of curiosity lacing his tone.

"They're great, Dad. Been practicing with the training sword and reading my spellbook," Zen replied eagerly between bites of avocado toast.

His parents exchanged a glance, a mixture of surprise and pride evident in their expressions. "That's fantastic, Zen! But, uh, you already started on the spellbook?" his father asked, a hint of disbelief creeping into his voice.

Zen swallowed his last bite of toast before leaning in, excitement shining in his eyes. "Yeah, Dad. I've been learning about magic! I felt my mana this morning, and I'm about to start using it," he revealed, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

His mom stared at him in stunned silence, her mouth agape. Then, as if on cue, his father did a spit take, nearly choking on his orange juice. "Say what now?" he sputtered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Zen's mother recovered first, her expression a mix of astonishment and curiosity. "That's incredible, Zen! How does your mana feel?" she asked, her voice tinged with awe at her son's revelation.

"It's like a warm blanket, Mom. It wraps around me, making me feel all cozy and comfortable," Zen explained, his words met with a look of genuine shock from his mother.

"Wow, that's... I don't even know what to say," she murmured, her mind clearly reeling from the revelation. "You're really something special, Zen."

"Mom, how does your mana feel like?" Zen inquired, his curiosity piqued by his newfound understanding of mana.

His mother paused, a thoughtful expression crossing her features as she considered her response. "For me, it's like a bright light that surrounds me, filling me with warmth and energy," she explained, her voice tinged with wonder at the question.

Zen nodded, absorbing her words with fascination. "That's so cool, Mom. I never knew mana could feel different for everyone," he remarked, a sense of awe coloring his tone.

"It's true, Zen. Everyone's mana is unique, reflecting their innate characteristics and abilities," his mother elaborated, her eyes sparkling with pride at her son's inquisitive nature.

Feeling a bit left out of the conversation, his father cleared his throat and interjected, "Speaking of abilities, how'd you like your sword champ?"

As Zen listened to his father's question, a grin spread across his face. "It's awesome, Dad! The sword feels really cool in my hands," he exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. 

His father's expression softened with pride as he nodded, a hint of nostalgia flickering in his eyes. "Alright, champ. Since I can't help much with the magic stuff, how about I teach you a few basic sword moves?" he suggested, a playful glint in his eye.

His father's expression softened with pride as he nodded, a hint of nostalgia flickering in his eyes. "Alright, champ. Since I can't help much with the magic stuff, how about I teach you a few basic sword moves?" he suggested, a playful glint in his eye.

Zen's face lit up with enthusiasm at the prospect. "That sounds amazing, Dad! I've been practicing some simple moves, like a slash and a stab. Lemme go upstairs and grab my sword to show you."

As Zen eagerly prepared to retrieve his training sword, his mother's gentle interruption momentarily diverted their attention. "Woah, not so fast, both of you have to eat your breakfast first," she interjected, her tone gentle yet firm as she placed a hand on Zen's shoulder.

Zen's enthusiasm didn't wane despite the delay. "Okay, Mom. But can we practice after breakfast?" he pleaded, his eyes pleading with a mixture of eagerness and determination.

His father chuckled at Zen's persistence. "Of course, champ. Breakfast first, then we'll hit the training area," he agreed, his smile warm and encouraging.

Reluctantly, Zen nodded in agreement, knowing that his mother's insistence on a balanced meal was for his own good. "Alright, Mom. Breakfast first," he conceded, his stomach growling in anticipation of the delicious meal laid out before them.