Chapter 8: Swordsmanship with Dad

After finishing a hearty breakfast, Zen launched upstairs to retrieve his training sword, his anticipation palpable with each step. He returned downstairs, sword in hand, and made his way to the backyard where his father awaited him.

As they stepped into the crisp morning air, Zen's father, Sora, watched with a proud glint in his eyes. "Alright, champ. Let's see what you've got," he said, gesturing for Zen to demonstrate his moves.

POV Shift - Sora Hoshi:

As I watched Zen brandish his sword with youthful enthusiasm, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride welling up inside me. His novice moveset showed promise, a testament to his dedication and eagerness to learn. For only having the sword for less than 24 hours, his grasp of the basics was remarkably good.

"Not bad, Zen," I remarked, offering measured praise. "Your form is impressive for a beginner, but there's always room for improvement."

With a gentle yet critical eye, I began to offer constructive criticism, pointing out areas where Zen could refine his technique and enhance his skill.

"Your wrist needs to be mobile but tense, your fingers need to be agile. The power comes not from your elbows but from your entire body. Slashing should be a more smooth motion whilst stabbing should be an abrupt ending."

I watched as his eyes lit up, him greedily absorbing the knowledge I was providing. I started reminiscing, back when I was his age, what was I doing? Playing around in the dirt. I only started seriously training when I was thirteen, unfortunately my sensei said if I had started younger I would have been much stronger than I currently am. Even then I still managed to become a Gold 4 Swordsman, even managing to fuse swordsmanship with Mana Domain, a talent rarely seen in a mere Gold City.

With a sigh I brought myself back to reality. I began observing Zen and how he began incorporating the criticism I just gave. His slashes became more and more fluid, with his overhead slash he began to integrate gravity into his swing, using his entire body weight to help. His horizontal slash was using his offhand as a counterbalance swinging as if he had two swords, using his entire body for rotational power. Only he was using too much power, his sword went flying out of his hand. I smiled at the clumsy yet exceptional rate of progress he was making.

"Alright there champ, it's already been an hour and you're all sweaty. Let's take a short break and then you can hit the shower, " I said to him.

Zen startled at my voice, the sheepishly grinned at me. He stopped swinging his sword and walked over to me.

"Alright there champ, it's already been an hour and you're all sweaty. Let's take a short break and then you can hit the shower, " I said to him.

Zen startled at my voice, then sheepishly grinned at me. He stopped swinging his sword and walked over to me.

"By the way, Zen," I began, my tone turning more serious, "have you heard of Noah Kingsley?"

Zen furrowed his brow, shaking his head in confusion. "No, Dad. Who's Noah Kingsley?"

"He's a boy a few years older than you, but he's already a Bronze 7 Swordsman," I explained, my voice tinged with a note of respect. "He's quite the prodigy when it comes to swordsmanship."

Zen's eyes widened in awe as he processed the information. "Wow, really? That's amazing!"

I nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of my lips. "Indeed. Noah's a talented swordsman, but remember, he didn't reach that level overnight. It took years of hard work and dedication to get where he is."

I couldn't let Zen get overconfident. Was he good, yes, better than I, but I want him to be the best. I brought up Noah so that he could have a good benchmark to compare to.

"It's okay dad, in a few years I'll be even better than Noah. I'll work twice, no three times as hard to surpass him. Watch him eat my dust as I become the world's top expert." Zen said with a determined face. 

With a proud smile, I clapped a hand on his shoulder. "That's the spirit, champ. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll achieve great things. Now let's go get some lunch."

Together, we headed back inside, ready to refuel with a hearty breakfast and recharge for the day. And as I watched Zen devour his food with renewed determination, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in my son and the promising future that lay ahead for him.

POV shift back to Zen

As Dad and I finished breakfast, I was itching to get back to practicing with my sword. I dashed upstairs to grab it, excitement bubbling up inside me like a fizzy potion. Clutching the training sword tightly, I hurried back down, eager to show Dad what I'd been learning.

We stepped out into the cool morning air of our backyard, and Dad gestured for me to go ahead and demonstrate my moves. I swung the sword, trying to remember everything I practiced yesterday.

His eyes gleamed with pride as he watched me. "Not bad, Zen," he said, giving me a nod of approval. "But there's always room for improvement."

I soaked up his feedback like a sponge, eager to soak in every drop of wisdom. As I swung the sword again, I focused on his advice, trying to make each movement smoother and more precise.

Suddenly I hear…

[DING! Detecting that Host has made significant progress in a skill. Skill: Swordsmanship has leveled up two times]

[Skill Name: Swordsmanship

Level: 3/100

Description: Swordsmanship evolves into a more refined art at Level 3, granting the practitioner a deeper understanding of blade control and technique. At this stage, the practitioner can execute basic strikes with increased precision and finesse, allowing for more fluid and effective combat maneuvers.]

It was as if a light bulb went off in my mind. Suddenly my father's criticisms made sense to me. I started using my entire body for power and force. I used gravity in my overhead slashes, I could feel the difference in the strikes. The wind started whooshing around the edges of my sword.

I tried to do a horizontal slash, using my left hand as a counterbalance and using my hips to add rotational power to it. I felt my sword traveling at great speeds when suddenly-

Disaster struck – I swung too hard, and the sword slipped from my grip, flying through the air like a startled bird. I winced as it clattered to the ground, feeling a pang of embarrassment.

Dad chuckled softly, ruffling my hair. "Alright there champ, it's already been an hour and you're all sweaty. Let's take a short break and then you can hit the shower," he said, his voice warm and reassuring.

I startled, then smiled sheepishly at him. I started walking over to him.

Then, he asked if I'd heard of Noah Kingsley, a boy a few years older than me who was already a Bronze 7 Swordsman. I shook my head, my curiosity piqued.

"He's quite the prodigy when it comes to swordsmanship," Dad explained, a note of respect in his voice. "But remember, he didn't reach that level overnight. It took years of hard work and dedication."

I inwardly scoffed, as if I was going to let a little kid overshadow me. If that kid has talent then there's only one thing I can do, train. Train so hard and so much that I'll shatter any perception of talent. Training hard will become my talent.

[DING! Detecting that the Host has undergone severe emotional disturbance. Generating Quest…

Quest: Defeat Noah Kingsley in a battle of Swordsmanship

Time limit: 4 years

Reward: 1 Gold spin

              8 Free Attributes

              2,500 SP

Consequence: Halving Mana Stat

Do you accept?


Looking over the quest I chose to accept it. Since arriving in Gaea I had my first goal. I sure as hell won't allow a kid to be what's blocking me from my goals. Let's see what the people of this planet can offer me.

I looked over to my father and saw him waiting for my response.

"It's okay dad, in a few years I'll be even better than Noah. I'll work twice, no three times as hard to surpass him. Watch him eat my dust as I become the world's top expert." I exclaimed, my voice brimming with confidence. As if I would allow a kid to remain ahead of me.

Dad smiled, clapping a hand on my shoulder. "That's the spirit, Zen. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll achieve great things."

Together, we headed back inside, ready to refuel with a hearty breakfast and recharge for the day ahead. And as I devoured my food with renewed determination, I couldn't help but feel a swell of confidence in myself and the promising future that lay ahead.