Second [Quest]




[Hachiman's POV]



Without warning, the door to the clubroom burst open with a loud bang, interrupting Yukinoshita's mid-sentence and stopping our intense conversation in its tracks.

"Heyoo~~!!" Then came the voice of the person 'in' discussion of our current topic.

Yuigahama entered with a happy-go-lucky and screwed-in-the-head greeting, in complete contrast to the room's atmosphere.

Man, I envy her carefree attitude so much…

However, behind her was Totsuka Saika, who greeted me. "Ah…Hikigaya!"

It seems like some things cannot be avoided.

Well, it's not like I could say I gave it my best shot either. All I did was walk out when he greeted Yuigahama, evading our conversation.

And when he invited me to join the tennis club a few days ago, I politely declined by saying that I was already in another club, which surprised the other party, and he even apologized for making such a request.

…making me feel a little bad.

However, nothing can be done, as the present me had no intention of quitting the Service Club.

So I was already half expecting this.

I mean, the person involved in this whole incident is Yuigahama Yui. Someone who can't be underestimated.

Since it was him coming to my base, I greeted. "Totsuka…"

"Hikigaya. Is this the club you talked about?" Totsuka inquired, looking around with curiosity.

"Yes. I am the Vice President of this club." I made sure to add my title in a slightly forced manner, even though it was unnecessary.

"No wonder you didn't want to join our club." Totsuka nodded in acknowledgment.

"Thanks for understanding." I smiled, pleased by his reaction. "Anyway, what brought you here?"

"I brought a new customer with me today, fufu~~." Yuigahama interjected proudly.

"What customer?" I inquired.

"Hey, come on, I am a part of this club too, ya know? So I thought I would earn my keep. And Sai looked like he had something on his mind, so I brought him here." Yuigahama explained with a grin.

"Yuigahama." Yukinoshita's calm voice cut through the cheerful atmosphere.

"Yukinon, you really don't have to thank me. As a club member, this is the least I can do–"(Yuigahama)

"Yuigahama, I really don't see how you are a club member…"(Yukinoshita)

"I am not?!" Yuigahama exclaimed in surprise and disbelief.

"That's right. You never handed in your application letter, and our advisor has not officially recognized your membership. So technically, you are not a club member." Yukinoshita was pointlessly strict with the rules.

"It is true, Yuigahama. Even I, who was taking the Vice President position, had to go through it." I muttered with a defeated tone.

"You should have said it long before Hikki. Anyway, I will write one! If you want an application letter, then I will write you a million! Just let me join up!" Yuigahama had tears in her eyes as she took a piece of loose leaf and began to write.

"So, Totsuka Saika… Right? What do you want from us?" Yukinoshita ignored the hastily writing Yuigahama, and turned towards him.

Totsuka began to shake as he was pinned in place by Yukinoshita's cold stare. "U-Umm… I want… to make the tennis team… better, I guess…?"

Totsuka was looking at Yukinoshita at first, but as the sentence progressed, he slowly turned to look towards me. He was shorter than I was, so he was looking up at me as he tried to gauge my reaction.

Yukinoshita clarified. "I don't know what Yuigahama told you, but the Service Club is not some miracle cure-all. We are here solely to assist and promote independence. Whether the tennis team gets better or not completely depends on you."

"I… see…" Totsuka's shoulders dropped.

He looked completely disappointed.

Yuigahama must have told him something to get his hopes up…also leaving a bitter taste in my mouth, seeing such an unusual side of an always spirited, sincere, and positive fellow.

...looks like we will have to help him in the end, won't we?

Don't get me wrong.

I don't have anything against Totsuka Sai, apart from his few unusual characteristics. My main reason for avoiding him is my desire to steer clear of Hayato and his gang once more.

Nonetheless, there is no denying that I am purposely trying to keep some distance between Totsuka and me.

"Where's that seal, where's that seal…" Yuigahama muttered as she began to rummage through her bag.

Maybe Yukinoshita came to a similar understanding and glared at Yuigahama, and as she felt her stare, she looked up. "Huh? What is it?"

"Don't give me that… You made irresponsible false promises, and now we have to break this young man's fragile hopes and dreams." Yukinoshita threw merciless words at Yuigahama, but she just cocked her head in puzzlement.

"Hm? Hmmm? But, I mean, I thought Yukinon and Hikki would definitely be able to do something… Was I wrong?" Yuigahama said so in a completely nonchalant tone.

Depending on how you took that statement, you could almost hear a bit of a teasing challenge in it too.

And, unfortunately, there was someone here who would take it just that way.

Just the perfect words to make Yukinoshita Yukino agree.


[-Next Day-]


[Hachiman's POV]

After Yukinoshita accepted Totsuka's request, she went on and prepared a hellish training schedule beginning today, which I am somehow part of.

Our school jersey was fluorescent light blue, and it stood out a lot. The almost impressively unfashionable color scheme made every student hate those uniforms, so they never wore them except during gym or sports practices.

So, everyone else wore their normal uniforms, and I was the only one there, standing out like an idiot in my jersey.

Nonetheless, as it was part of the [Quest], I left with no escape route, so I proceeded to change into my jersey and headed for the tennis courts.

As I stepped out of the dressing room, two individuals with completely contrasting compatibility were visible together.

"Zaimokuza… Was it?" Totsuka asked.

"...Hm-uhmm." Zaimokuza, who still seemed at a bit of a loss(:in astonishment), finally gave a nod.

Oh yeah. I am not alone in this [Quest]. Zaimokuza is with me too.

….and as for the reason? Well, it's really simple.

Hehe~ I can't be the only one suffering now, can I?

You get what I am implying, right? If not, don't worry you will know soon enough.

"If you are Hikigaya's friend, then maybe we could… be friends too? That would… make me happy. I don't have many guy friends…" Totsuka said that and gave a shy smile.

"Fu… ku, ku ku ku ku. Indeed, Hachiman and I are close friends… No, we are comrades… No no no, I am the master and he is the slave…"(Zaimokuza)

"Well, when you put it like that, then I suppose I have no choice. I will… ummm… grace you with my friendship. We could even be lovers." Zaimokuza, who still couldn't digest the world-ending truth(:according to him), mumbled like a mad man.

He looked more broken than when I gave him the review list.

"Uhh, I don't think that's… a good idea. Let's just stick with friendship."(Totsuka)

"Hm, I see… Hey, Hachiman. You think this one here likes me? Does that mean I am getting popular now? It does, right?" Zaimokuza quickly drew close to me and whispered into my ear.

No. If you are wondering why Zaimokuza misunderstood that Totsuka is a girl, then it's false.

The hard truth, according to him, was already broken, but he simply wasn't ready to accept it.

So, not wanting to waste my energy with him, I said. "Totsuka, let's go. You don't want to be late for your first schedule, do you?"

"Hm, that wouldn't be good at all… Then let us hasten forth." Totsuka once again reminisced about Yukinoshita's glare.

Zaimokuza began to follow me and Totsuka. It seemed that he had decided to join the party…


By the time we got to the tennis courts, Yukinoshita and Yuigahama were already there. Yukinoshita was still wearing her uniform, but Yuigahama had changed into her jersey.

They had probably decided to eat lunch there. When they saw us, they both quickly cleared their incredibly small bento boxes.

"Well then, let's begin."(Yukinoshita)

"I-I look forward to working with you." Totsuka faced Yukinoshita and gave her a small bow.

….and that's the beginning of the Totsuka training mission with Yukinoshita's tagline : Work until you're ready to die.

Whatever. Here I come to conquer the Second [Quest].



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 20+chapters advance in Patreon.]
