


[-After Few Days-]


[Hachiman's POV]

It had been four days since Yukinoshita prepared her tagline – Work until you're ready to die.

….which, by the way, felt like some kind of 'Dictatorial Rule' was imposed on all of us.

However, as the days unfolded, the tagline transformed into a devastating reality. It truly seemed like we were under the reign of a ruthless ruler, especially when we were thrust into [Phase-2] of our tennis training.

….welp, that might have been a tad too dramatic. But I believe you get the gist of it.

Putting the complaining aside for a moment, we did manage to complete our basic training, and now we are finally practicing with actual equipment.

Yeah, the initial phase of training was fully focused on physical training.

Like building up muscle strength and stamina, which are crucial elements in a sport like tennis, Totsuka, in particular, was noticeably lacking in this department, which was expected given his physique.


Anyhow, coming back to our training, we have tackled all the essential muscles for generating power - biceps, deltoids, pectorals, abdominal muscles, obliques, back muscles, and thigh muscles - through push-ups and running.

But I did later recommend incorporating body-stretching positions, aiming for a flexible body that should be adaptable to Totsuka's fragile bones. And on top of push-ups, I also added squats and planks.

...wait! Does it seem like I was the one who increased our workload more than Yukinoshita?

A-anyway, that was all about the [Phase-1] we did.

Though, when I said 'we' I really meant only 'Totsuka' and 'Me.'

Yeah. I did not back down from the challenge. I did my best to follow the training schedule Yukinoshita set.

However, my main goal was to still help and support Totsuka, whether morally or physically.

I stayed willingly right behind him during every exercise, and we spent a lot of time rallying the tennis ball against each other.

Well, mostly I was the one who hit the ball in difficult areas, while Totsuka simply passed it in return.

Luckily, I was glad I took the doctor's recommendation to heart and chose to exercise daily and even go for a run on every odd day after getting discharged from the hospital. Otherwise, I would have a hard time keeping up with a tennis team member.

Basically, I was the walking [Wall Monster] that followed the instructions of the Demonic Instructor, Yukinoshita Yukino.

Initially, Yuigahama did join Totsuka's practices, but she grew bored of it quickly and now spent most of her time napping next to Yukinoshita, who mostly left everything to me and just sat and read books under the shade of a nearby tree.

But once in a while, when she seemed to remember that I and Totsuka were there, she would come over to check on us and issue further commands.

And as for Zaimokuza, it seems he simply took a break, just now…

He is still only halfway through the first training, and I doubt that at the pace he's maintaining and the condition he's in, he will make it to the second part.

Although I do feel slightly sorry for him, it is not a terrible thing for him to burn off a small portion of the fat that he has stored in bulk there.

Even with occasional tantrums and his usual high-pitched quotes, he is holding up quite well…

But I gotta say he didn't give up easily. Well, I suppose he doesn't have much of a choice given that Yukinoshita is in charge of the program. In the end, he doesn't have a way out of this.

Despite everything, he is still holding on, and that does deserve some recognition, I suppose.

And believe me when I say he was not idle. During these breaks, he was immersed in his own small world, creating new techniques. So, I just let him be for now.

Anyway, Yukinoshita is going to take care of him.

"Totsuka. I will now start throwing the balls in tougher spots. I hope you are ready." I informed him that it was enough warm-up for today, and he simply nodded.

I grabbed some balls from the cart and hurled them at Totsuka's blind spot, as he would try his utmost to get to those balls.

Then I gradually shifted the balls' spots, forcing him to stretch his body and put in extra effort to catch them.

Meanwhile, Yuigahama was responsible for laboriously collecting the fallen balls around the court and bringing them back to the ball cart, as per Yukinoshita's orders.

"Hikigaya, please don't hold back…..*huff, This practice is meaningless otherwise." Totsuka spoke while breathing heavily.

Hearing his words, I looked at Yukinoshita, who was also looking back at me.

She looked calm and collected. But I know what that meant.

Yukinoshita was serious… and seriously crazy. She was seriously trying to train Totsuka from the decision to take up this task, and so am I.

"*chuckle…well, I won't." With a chuckle under the eyes of clam Yukinoshita and worried Yuigahama, I agreed.

I started to aim the balls at more difficult positions. Totsuka would run and try to catch up to the balls.

This continued back and forth.



...but, sometime around the twentieth ball, he finally fell to the ground with his face down, trying to reach for a ball.

"Uwah, Sai! Are you okay?!" Yuigahama stopped collecting the ball and ran towards him.

"hahha…" Totsuka sat up and rubbed his grazed knees, but he smiled through his tear-filled eyes and tried to assert that he was fine.

He then stood up. "I am fine, so let's keep going."

What a brave fellow…

However, Yukinoshita scowled once she heard that. "You… still want to keep going?"

Well, it seems she is surprised by Totsuka's determination, and I am too.

Now, I feel bad for initially trying to skip over this part of the story in the beginning just because I didn't want to deal with the shrimp gang.

Ahh, how annoying! Gotta make it up for that.

"Yeah… Everyone's helping me, so I want to put a bit more effort in."(Totsuka)

"…I see. Well, Hikigaya. Yuigahama. I will leave the rest to you." Yukinoshita said that, then briskly turned on her heel and almost disappeared.

I shouted. "Don't take too long."

"The office should be on the first floor of the special building and diagonally behind the cafeteria." I added.

Hearing my shout, Yukinoshita stopped her steps for a second but resumed immediately, disappearing back into the school building. She didn't even turn back.

….a simple thank you would have been much appreciated… Yukino.

Totsuka seemed anxious as he watched her go. "Did I… say something to… make her angry…?"

"No. She probably went to get something." I assured him.

"Maybe she just… got frustrated with me…? I haven't gotten any better, and I can only do five pushups…" Totsuka's shoulders dropped as he looked down at the floor.

Hm, well, I guess it is plausible for him to think like that based on Yukinoshita's always cold outward appearance, just like any other.


"I don't think that's the case. Yukinon won't ever abandon people who come to her for help." Yuigahama spoke as she twirled a ball round and round in her hand.

I supported her statement. "Well, that's true. I mean, she even tried to help Yuigahama learn to cook. There's still some hope for you, so I doubt Yukinoshita gave up."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Yuigahama hurled the ball toward my head.

I simply caught the ball with my hand, threw it in the ball cart next to me, and suggested. "Before she comes back, shall we keep going?"

"…Okay!" Totsuka answered energetically and went back to practicing.


For a while after that, there was not another complaint uttered, nor were there any more tears. Totsuka was just trying his best.

"Ugh, so boring~~… Hikki, switch with me."

In fact, Yuigahama was the first to complain, as she was tired of running around gathering the balls.

This wasn't the first time it happened.

However, she would again get bored enough to throw the balls from the sixth throw at maximum. Like really. That was way too fast. Her endurance is really terrible.

Nonetheless, I agreed. "All right. We can switch."

"Yay~~." She cheered and came over to take my spot.

"!Aahm..!" However, as she took the position, I saw her previously smiling expression turn a bit hazy and gloomy while stuck looking off in a specific direction.

I turned around to see what had caught her attention.

…and I immediately understood the cause.

"Ah, someone's playing tennis! Tennis!"(???)



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 20+chapters advance in Patreon.]
