Road Ahead Is Clear




[Hachiman's POV]

"You think you managed to make me believe that you truly understand me." Yukinoshita spoke, her voice low, but laced with an edge that never ceased to carry.

"Of course… not." I replied, shrugging my shoulders, trying to play it cool, even as the weight of her gaze pinned me in place. "But I will definitely figure it out one day."

For a flicker of a moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of approval cross her face, but just as quickly, it vanished, leaving behind the familiar barricade of her guarded demeanor.

"That was a wonderful choice of words, Hikigaya." She spoke, tucking a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear, her movements betraying that ever-so-slight softness.

"If you had simply said 'yes,' I would have been thoroughly disappointed in myself."

Herself. Not me?

"I won't let you down in that regard." I countered, matching her intensity with a flicker of my own.

"Speaking of which." I continued, feigning innocence. "Did I hear correctly? Did you just admit that you are worried about me?"

I mean, she did say to think, 'whatever I want', so that's not a problem, right?

"Hikigaya, your ability to misinterpret situat-!"

"Stop right there." I interrupted, holding up a hand.

There was no need for her to continue down that path when I could see where it led - a dead end of frustration for both of us.

My eyes met hers, and for a moment, there was an unspoken understanding between us.

"I can see from a mile away where this conversation is heading, so please don't." I said softly, hoping to diffuse the impending storm.

Yukinoshita fell silent, her usual sharp retort dying on her lips.

"I have some work to do, and it seems like you have your plate full too." She watched as I continued.

Without waiting for her reply, I turned away, moving towards an empty desk across the room.

As I settled into the chair, I could feel Yukinoshita's gaze on my back, but he didn't turn around.

After a moment, I glanced at her, half-expecting her to be meticulously organizing her belongings, her usual habit. Instead, I found her staring out the window, her expression distant, unfocused.

"Hey." I called, half-tempted to close the gap between us, but was held back by a mixture of hesitation and respect for her space.

Slowly, she turned her head, her dark eyes locking onto mine.

"What?" She replied, her tone cool but softened by something akin to curiosity.

For a moment, I faltered, the thoughts scrambling in my mind.

Instead of diving into the depths of my feelings, I opted to break the silence. "What's going on with the celebration party? You're not going?"

She glanced down at her work, then backed up at me. "Some of us prefer to ensure everything is properly concluded before moving on to celebrations. But I suppose that concept might be foreign to you."

"Hey, I said I was here to get some work done too..." I protested, rummaging through my bag for the memos I had neatly organized.

"But forget about me, what about you? Seems you are filling out forms." I asked.

"I need to complete the career aspiration survey." Yukinoshita explained. "I didn't have enough time to do it since I was busy with the Cultural Festival preparations. I can finally get it done now that everything's calmed down."

She paused while writing, her hand hovering over the paper. "What did you come here to do?"

"I need to organize the reports." I replied, moving my pen across the page. "I wanted to do it in a quiet place where I could concentrate."

Yukinoshita focused her gaze on my hand. "I see… You thought of the same place too."

"Well, this is our humble [Home Base], isn't it?" I said with a small smile.

Yukinoshita nodded simply. "Mm..."

I didn't hesitate further when I saw her nonchalantly acting on what I said.

Well, I did, but not as much as before, and I spoke up, my voice uncharacteristically uncertain.

"...Hey, Yukinoshita. I want to ask you something, don't freak out, okay."

Yukinoshita's head rose from her book, her blue eyes meeting mine.

"That's hardly a promising start, Hikigaya."

As she continued bluntly, her response was dry, but there was a hint of curiosity in her gaze. "Perhaps it would be best if you didn't ask at all."

Ignoring her attempt to deflect, I pressed on. "Your family is loaded, right? ...I mean wealthy?"

"....I suppose." Yukinoshita confirmed, her voice neutral despite the surprise flickering in her eyes. She was clearly taken aback by my directness but didn't shy away from the truth.

I nodded, tapping awkwardly on the desk with my fingers. 

"Last time I spoke with Haruno, she said something about successors and whatnot." I paused, gathering his thoughts.

"...overall, it gave me the impression that your family is really... traditional. Like, old-school samurai levels of-!"

"Get to the point, Hikigaya." Yukinoshita interjected, her patience wearing thin.

"Alright, you asked for it." I took a deep breath and said, steeling myself. "You don't... have a fiancé or anything like that, do you?"

The effect was immediate. Yukinoshita's eyes widened in shock, her back stiffened, and a small shade of red appeared on her cheeks.

"You... you idiot! What are you spouting all of a sudden?" Yukinoshita sputtered, her usual composure completely shattered.

"Hey, I am not joking. This is serious." I insisted, a small smile tugging at my lips as I noticed her flustered state.

"....and it was you who told me to get to the point, and I was just curious, given how traditional your family seems."

It's true that the 'Hachiman' in the show did date her, but I just want to conform, and let's not forget about her priceless expression just now, it is worth the risk.

Oh, I also thought of asking Haruno, but I didn't let that idea linger in myself for too long, I would have died from all her teasing.

Yukinoshita took a moment to collect herself, her blush slowly fading. Her eyes flashed with irritation as she tossed her long, raven hair over her shoulder.

When she finally spoke, her voice was sharp and cold as ice.

"For your information, Hikigaya, my personal life is none of your concern. And no, I do not have a fiancé….or anything of that sort." The last part came out as barely more than a whisper, but my keen ears caught it nonetheless.

"Ah, I see." I tried to keep my voice neutral, but a note of relief crept in despite my best efforts. "That's... good to know."

Yukinoshita's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And why, pray tell, is that 'good to know'?"

My eyes darted around the room, looking anywhere but at Yukinoshita's intense stare.

Come on, Yukinoshita. Don't act like you didn't get it.

For a moment, a mischievous glint appeared in my eyes, and I raised my eyebrows suggestively.

However, I decided to play it safe and backed off, not pushing in too much. "Nah, just leave it…. It was a random question."

Yukinoshita momentarily stopped seeing my shameless retrieval after bringing up such an absurd topic out of nowhere, which definitely didn't sit well with her.

She sat still, her eyes wide with surprise at Hikigaya's boldness.

Then, like a switch had been flipped, her expression hardened.

"That was highly inappropriate." She spoke, her voice clipped and firm. "I suggest you never bring up this topic again."

"...yeah, sorry, I guess." Thank God I didn't push it.

"Well, if you want, you can also ask about my personal life. Fair's fair, right?" I added, trying to lighten the mood.

Yukinoshita's eyes flashed with a hint of annoyance, but there was something undeniably endearing about the way her brow furrowed ever so slightly.

She puffed out her cheeks almost imperceptibly, a gesture so subtle and unconscious that it only added to her charm.

"Hikigaya, it is not about 'since you asked, now it's my turn'." She explained, her voice tight with barely contained emotion.

"The point is not to ask in the first place." As she spoke, a stray lock of her silky black hair fell across her face.

Without thinking, she reached up to tuck it behind her ear. I found myself momentarily stunned.

Crap…. I thought, my heart skipping a beat.

I really just couldn't win against her. If she's going to tell me something like that with that cute face, how can I even say anything back?

I admitted it, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. "No need to get into all the details, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't... you know, another complication."

A heavy silence fell between us, laden with unspoken thoughts and feelings. After a moment, I broke it, my voice carrying a note of relief that I couldn't quite hide.

"Anyway, that's a relief." I said, then added in a louder murmur, making sure it reached her. " the road ahead is clear."

But Yukinoshita just pretended like she didn't hear.

Before I could formulate a response, the club room door burst open, revealing an energetic Yuigahama.

"Yahallo! Sorry, I'm late, I-!" She paused, sensing the tension in the room. "Eh? Did I interrupt something?"

I and Yukinoshita exchanged a quick glance, and a silent agreement passed between them.

"Not at all, Yuigahama." Yukinoshita said smoothly. "Hikigaya was just demonstrating his remarkable talent for asking inappropriate questions."

"Oi." I protested weakly, but there was no real heat behind it.

But I still cast a welcome smile towards Yuigahama, making sure she was comfortable.

This was the first time Yukinoshita, Yuigahama, and I had met in such a close personal space - I mean, the service club room - after the fireworks show.

…..and also after Yuigahama declared our friendship to be broken.

Actually, I think the suspension of club activities during the cultural festival helped the three of us the most, not making ourselves awkward and uncomfortable and leaving unsorted feelings behind.

During the four weeks or so, the three of us interacted individually and occasionally, and slowly, we all decided on a single arrangement.

Obviously, Yuikonishita hopes that we will still be friends, which is not plausible given how things are going.

In the end, Yuigahama and I decided to go back, as in not friends but simply be…. Comfortable around each other.

And that is what the three of us are working on, in our own ways…. and seeing how it goes.



As I was contemplating, Yuigahama launched into a story about her day with Yukinoshita, just as she used to over the past six months.

But I couldn't figure out the reason why she would come here. Shouldn't she be at the celebration party somewhere right now?

"Good work with the Cultural Festival! So let's go hit up the after-festival event!"

"Not going. So, what's this about an after-festival event?"

"You don't even know, and you refused!? C'mon, Yukinon, let's gooo!"

Yuigahama sat at the usual seat situated beside Yukinoshita and shook her body like a spoiled child.

Although Yukinoshita looked somewhat bothered, she didn't push her away.

Speaking of parties, don't I have to attend one for myself today?

Should I, though?

Nah, I can't bear Ryota's grumbling, so let's just put something on and work on my skills as a successful ornament in the background.

….still, it's a total pain in the ass.

"What got you thinking so seriously?" Yukinoshita budged, reaching a conclusive agreement with her own grumbling partner, Yuigahama.

"...just about a few plans for tonight after going home." I responded.

"So, you already had plans?"



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 6+ chapters advance in Patreon.]
