

[-Same Day Night-]

[Location - Banquet Hall]


[Thirds Person View]

The scene opens in a noisy hotel banquet hall, filled with the excited chatter of about sixty to seventy people wearing a mix of casual and formal wear, but not as classy as suits, except for a few marking them as important individuals.

The gathering is made up of game developers related to various fields and teams.

The mood is high, brimming with the fervor of a successful game launch celebration. The faces of the joyful assembly are illuminated by the warm glow that soft lighting creates across the space.

The air buzzed with excitement and the clink of champagne glasses, as developers, marketers, and executives celebrated the successful launch of their latest game - [Candy Crush].

As the room continued to buzz with excitement. In the center, a non-uniform circle has formed around a charismatic old man in his forties.

His eyes twinkle with pride as he grips a champagne bottle, and his hands are worn from years of hard work in the business. In sharp contrast to the more informal dress of some of the younger developers, his suit is expertly fitted.

His bright grin lit up the room, and his arm hung over Ryota's shoulder, ruffling his hair like an elder praising a child who had achieved something significant.

The old man shouted, his grin widening even more, and he is - Department Head Tanaka.

"I know you can do anything if you put your mind to it, my boy!" His voice carries across the room, drawing all eyes to their small group.

Ryota shifts his weight from one foot to the other, smiling slightly .

"Thank you, Senior." He replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable but accepting the affection.

Tanaka, the old man, passed on the champagne bottle to Ryota, who accepted it with both hands, careful not to drop the expensive vintage.

Nearby, Hachiman stood out due to his age, and his formal suit didn't help him and pushed him into the category of important people.

His eyes wander around the room, taking in the unfamiliar faces and luxurious surroundings, and he is completely clueless about what to do.

Still trying to be unfazed by the adults around him, he turns his attention to a nearby dessert table, where a single cherry sits atop an extravagant cake.

Without hesitation, he plucks it off and pops it into his mouth, savoring the sweet burst of flavor. His nonchalance is a stark contrast to the passionate atmosphere around him.

Meanwhile, Jim, who stood beside Ryota, cleared his throat, a hint of forced cheerfulness in his voice as he spoke up.

"Boss Tanaka, we also did some work..." His words hang in the air, not quite a complaint but a gentle reminder of the team effort.

The old man's grin doesn't falter as he responds.

"Yeah, you did." The old man replied.

"But Ryota is the one who led the project from the ground level." His tone is final, brooking no argument.

The gathered crowd shifts slightly, exchanging glances.

His partiality was evident, but everyone knew he appreciated all their efforts, and it was just that he had a soft spot for Ryota.

Unaffected, the old man launches into a speech, his voice rising and falling as he calls out names and contributions, giving each person a moment of recognition.

Cheers erupted from the crowd each time a name was mentioned.


Not wanting to get caught in that swarm, Hachiman shrank, even though he was the sole guy the party should be focused on.

Suddenly, a familiar name cuts through the noise, causing Hachiman to freeze mid-cheer.

His body jerked in surprise as he looked around, confused.

"Hey, Hachiman... Hachiman." Ryota's voice cuts through his daze, accompanied by sharp jabs to his ribs.

Annoyed, Hachiman turns to him.

"What is it?" He grumbles, rubbing his side.

"The Boss is calling you." Ryota explains, nodding towards the old man.

"Me?" Hachiman points to himself, disbelief etched across his features.

As Ryota nods, Hachiman becomes acutely aware of the eyes on him.

The cheers and applause continue, but now they're directed at him. He awkwardly rubs the back of his head, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.

"I thought so, the name really felt like I heard it somewhere." He mutters to himself before bowing deeply to the old man and the cheering crowd.

Amid the applause, hushed whispers reach Hachiman's ears.

"Who is he again?"(???)

"I don't have a single clue."(???)

"But he looks like someone who is in highsch-!"(???)

"Just shut up and clap your hands."(???)

"Yeah, you do that. His name was called out, which means he did something."(???)

"Now that you put it that way-!"(???)

Someone started the sentence, while another person completed it. "It actually makes sense."


Through the murmurs he could hear, it was clear that most of them had no idea what he had contributed.

Really, men are such simple creatures. A wry smile tugs at Hachiman's lips as he thinks to himself.

Hachiman found the situation silly but reasonable at the same time, and despite all that, he was genuinely affected by the moment.

"Thank you…" He bowed his head a little, expressing his gratitude.

Tanaka approaches, his hand raised.

"Give the young boy a big round of applause!" He shouted, patting Hachiman's back with a strong hit.

The pain he felt reminded him of something very familiar.

Hachiman barely manages to suppress a wince, his smile tightening as he endures the painful pat.

As Tanka moves on to the next person, Hachiman seizes the opportunity to slowly back away from the crowd without causing a disturbance.

Finding a quiet corner, he finally allows himself to react.

"Fuck, that hurt." He mutters, rubbing his sore back.

The celebration continued, and once everyone on the old man's list was acknowledged, Ryota finally opened the champagne bottle. The cheers grew louder, and the party hit its peak.

It took a few minutes for the excitement to calm down a bit.

Finally, Ryota relaxed a bit after managing to escape from his overly enthusiastic boss and all the greetings he received from his fellow colleagues. He found space for himself by moving to a corner where a small round table and chairs were there, and one of the chairs was occupied by Hanchiman.

Without any prior notice, Ryota just made himself comfortable on one of the empty chairs opposite Hachiman.

Hanchiman just remained silent, not giving Ryota's sudden entry much attention, and Ryota did the same.

They watched the party from a distance, the noise was now a comfortable hum in the background.

...and a few more minutes passed by.

Every now and then, someone would approach their corner table, eyes bright with admiration.

"Ryota. Congratulations on the launch. The game is brilliant!" They would exclaim, bowing slightly to Ryota.

With an accustomed look, Ryota would stand, his face lighting up with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much for your kind words. It was a team effort, truly." He would reply, engaging in a brief, energetic conversation.

During these exchanges, Hachiman would seamlessly fade into the background, his presence barely registering with the well-wishers.

They would glance at him initially, curiosity flashing in their eyes, before dismissing him as just another young intern or assistant.

Little did they know that Hachiman was the Game Designer, the creative mind behind every intricate detail of [Candy Crash].

His contract with the company, Orgo Games, stipulated that the game be launched without individual credits, presented as a collaborative effort of the entire studio.

This arrangement suited Hachiman just fine. He had no interest in the limelight or the industry's social complexities. Moreover, he is sure there will be many chances in the future.

As the night wore on, the crowd began to thin.

Waiters weave through the remaining guests, offering trays of beautifully presented sushi and tempura.

But in this secluded corner, Hachiman and Ryota sit side by side, their plates of food barely touched.

The clock strikes eleven, and they exchange a conspiratorial look.

"Ready to get out of here?" Ryota asks in a low voice, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Hachiman nods as relief washes over his features. "Thought you would never ask."

He gestures towards the old man, who's still holding court across the room.

"But is it really okay? That old dude, I mean your Boss, will make a huge ruckus if the event MVP goes missing." Hachiman whispers, concern evident in his tone.

"Don't worry, Jim will take care of it." Ryota reassured him with a smile, though Hachiman didn't feel reassured at all.

To him, it seemed like Ryota was just going to make one of his colleagues suffer for his mischief.

Hachiman's lips twist into a wry smile.

"Sure, sure..." He agreed, but was not entirely convinced.

With natural stealth, they slip out of the hotel, unobserved by the remaining attendees.

As they reached the door, Ryota turned back for one last look at the party, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. Then, adjusting his tie, he followed Hachiman into the chilly Tokyo night, leaving behind the murmurs of celebration.

Just minutes after their departure, a booming voice echoes from within the building.

"JIM! Where is Ryota?" The old man, Tanaka, shouted angrily, his voice carrying through the open doors.

Inside, Jim's head snaps up at the sound of his name. His eyes flickered around the room, searching violently for Ryota.

As realization dawns, his expression darkens. The wine glass he's holding slips from his suddenly numb fingers, shattering on the polished floor.

"Fuck..." Jim cursed, already knowing his fate was sealed.



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 10+chapters advance in Patreon.]
