First Floor Boss Fight!

Ryuji stepped on the corpse of the fire-type lizardman, pulling his axe from its flesh. He turned on his feet before lunging towards the second two bursts of fire rushing across his sides. The heat burned his cheeks and shoulders slightly.

The light of the flames blinded him.

"Ugh... damn rats!"

However, his eyes were not the only active senses. With his demonic-enhanced vision, Ryuji could see the outline of the rushing flames—lowering his shoulder, he smashed into a fire-type, slamming its back into the wall, the cold sensation of its scaled body pressing against his face, while the hot embers from its lips formed a ball beside his face.

'This little monster!'

Ryuji's hand grabbed the throat of the lizardman, tightening around the sac that seemed to enable them to create flames. The lizard struggled. A booming kick caught the side of his ribs, prompting Ryuji to release and roll on the floor before jumping back up and swinging his axe once more.