A strange Dream ***

Ryuji felt comfortable—a warmth enveloped his lower body, creating a slimy sound as something sucked on him. He felt exhausted from the constant battle and fell asleep the moment they returned; now, a soft pair of lips touched his cheek, and the warm, sticky sensation around his lower body moved faster.

Ryuji's mind remained dazed before he opened his eyes. His hands caressed a soft cheek and long blonde hair before he kissed her. Her soft lips pressed against his, and his tongue invaded her mouth, a strange taste, not the usual but still delicious. A pair of hands pushed against his chest as if to resist for a moment before slowly slipping around his neck, her tongue moving more aggressively.

'Her kiss feels rather awkward, like when we first started... is Yumiko nervous?'

"Yumiko..." Ryuji grabbed her hips and pulled her on top of him before grasping her ass and slipping his hands inside her pants. "Eh?"

"Eh... Ryuji, this isn't..."