A Princess, Delinquent and Fox Visit The Crimson Rooster!

The Crimson Rooster was located twenty metres to the south of the tailors, with quite a rustic look. The facade of the building was clad with thick red-coloured timbers while a small stone pathway led up to the main doors, which were a large white painted sign with the name on it in the same crimson shade as the timbers.

However, it seemed quite popular, with the first floor completely packed, while the second floor seemed empty; the moment Ryuji and his party approached the door, a beautiful woman in a red rooster outfit, even a small feathered tail poking from her buttocks made it look amusing, greeted them.

"Welcome to the Crimson rooster!" She said cheerfully while adjusting her large breastplate. "I am Roostina; may I ask if you have booked a table or are members of the adventurer's guild?" She questioned with a smile, even when she eyed Yumiko's fluffy ears.