Delinquent and Fox - Investigating her new tail and ass ***

Ryuji closed his eyes, feeling the disturbance and voice in the living room fade. The mansion boasted great soundproofing.

However, his evolved demon ears could hear everything.

With a warm smile on his face, he looked at Yumiko, who sat wearing his shirt and nothing else. Her fluffy blonde patch of fur was visible, with two tails swaying behind her.

"You look really sexy like that, Yumiko."

"I know~ doesn't it make you want me?" 

Yumiko leaned forward, letting her breasts spill from the opened buttons. Her alluring pink nipples flashed in the small gaps. Yet, Ryuji didn't move. Instead, he leaned back, placing both hands on either side. 

"Turn around and show me your ass." 

In reality, he wanted to see her tails, to touch and inspect them. However, Yumiko reacted best to lewd orders and wordings. He knew just how to control his lovely girlfriend.

"Mnnn~! You're so lewd~!"