Lingering Memories - A Lustful Bath ***

Ryuji's hands wrapped around Yumiko's abdomen to hold her in place, her movements too intense as the water began to splash over the sides. He could feel the difference as her insides felt hot as her insides clung to him and refused to release.

His cock had never felt this before—a strange yet irresistible pleasure enveloped him as she looked back with complacent eyes.

'I want him so bad~ it feels so good when his dick gouges my insides, and the agonising heat in my womb starts to fade.'

'She's suffering... I have to solve her needs first!'

After he realised just how much being in her heat affected her, Ryuji stopped being passive; his hands slipped down to her sides before lifting her soft buttocks above the water—the slap of their hips meeting and splashing the water echoed through the room. 

"Ahh... it's cruel not to penetrate me~ Ryuji~ fuck me, make me feel good, make the pain go away!"