The troubled duchess

The next day, closer to the elven empire, Asura once again spent hours practising with Alice. After a long time of training and dealing with the duchess, who suffered from pent-up frustration, the pair lay side by side on a rock in silence under the moonlight. 

After travelling further east, they found a vast river named the River of Judgement or Nuvu by the locals. There was a clearing with several trees and fruits that resembled bananas, which were sweet and delicious. Serena and Velvet confirmed the fruit to be a special delicacy, as they grew it in rare places around the world.

"It must be difficult for you to always hide your true self..." Asura's voice echoed through the empty clearing, along with distant croaks and sounds from the forest's wildlife as the day ended.

"Well, it's not like a noble can act like this, right?" Alice turned on her side, covered in dirt and wounds from their training as usual.

"Sounds annoying, noble or not..."