The Unexpected Turn

Jiang Yukang sat in his mansion, completely engrossed in his phone, a rare smile plastered across his face. If any of his men, even his trusted bodyguard Chang Wei, were to see him in such a cheerful mood, they would likely think the world was coming to an end. Jiang Yukang's fingers tapped rapidly on the screen, his eyes fixed on the device as if eagerly awaiting a response.

Suddenly, his expression shifted, the smile fading from his lips. He placed the phone down, his brow furrowing as he seemed to ponder something deeply. Crossing the room, he poured himself a glass of wine, almost as if to celebrate some achievement he had long been anticipating.

Jiang Yukang's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Glancing at the caller ID, he answered with a polite tone, "Grandfather."

The voice of the elderly Jiang Zhiming crackled through the line. "You sound like you're in a good mood."

"Yes, I am, Grandfather," Jiang Yukang replied, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Jiang Zhiming hummed thoughtfully. "I received a call from Old Master Feng. He requested a meeting with me. Do you know what it might be about?"

Jiang Yukang paused before responding, "I went there as per your request, Grandfather, to pick a wife."

"Ah, that's wonderful!" Jiang Zhiming exclaimed. "So, I assume he wants to discuss that matter with me."

Jiang Yukang's lips curled slightly. "Let's just say, it might be because I picked someone they had not expected me to choose."

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line as Jiang Zhiming seemed to process this information. "Is that so? And who might that be?"

"Feng Ruoxi, the daughter of Feng Zhaoxuan," Jiang Yukang revealed.

Jiang Zhiming let out a contemplative hum. "Ah, yes, the child he had with his late wife, Pang Yuwei. I knew the girl's mother; she was a kind and humble woman. If Feng Ruoxi is like her mother, you've made the right choice, my boy."

"Thank you, Grandfather," Jiang Yukang replied, a touch of pride in his voice.

"Now I understand," Jiang Zhiming mused. "That old man might want to change the bride."

Jiang Yukang's jaw tightened slightly. "I will marry her and only her," he stated firmly.

Jiang Zhiming chuckled, the pride evident in his tone. "Good, good. A real man stands by his decision. I've taught you well. Alright then, goodnight."

The line went dead, and Jiang Yukang shook his head with a slight smile. His grandfather had always been a bit eccentric, but he had long grown accustomed to the old man's ways.

Jiang Yukang's gaze drifted back to his phone, his fingers tracing the screen almost reverently. There was a determined gleam in his eyes, a silent resolve that had been ignited by this unexpected turn of events. He would stand firm in his decision to marry Feng Ruoxi, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

With a deep breath, Jiang Yukang turned away from the phone and made his way to the balcony, gazing out at the sprawling grounds of the Jiang estate. There was a sense of anticipation and purpose that had taken hold of him, a feeling that this was the beginning of a new chapter, one that would test his mettle but also offer him the opportunity to forge his own destiny.

As the night wind ruffled his hair, Jiang Yukang couldn't help but feel a slight tug of a smile at the corners of his lips. Whatever the future held, he was ready to face it head-on, with Feng Ruoxi by his side.

Jiang Yukang returned inside, taking out a cigarette as he poured himself another glass of wine. With the drink and nicotine in hand, he made his way back to the balcony, gazing out at the expansive city skyline that stretched out in the distance.

His thoughts were in turmoil, replaying the unexpected information he had uncovered. The situation had taken a turn he had not anticipated, but one that seemed to work in his favor.

Jiang Yukang took a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly as he contemplated his next moves. This revelation had opened up new possibilities, ones that he had not dared to entertain before.

As he sipped his wine, Jiang Yukang couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, tinged with a hint of trepidation. This turn of events had the potential to change the course of his life, to forge a path he had not envisioned.

His jaw tightened slightly as he considered the potential hurdles he may face. The reaction of those involved was bound to be volatile, if his grandfather's assessment was accurate. There would be resistance, possibly even attempts to derail his plans.

But Jiang Yukang was a man of unwavering resolve. He had been groomed his entire life to lead, to make difficult decisions in the face of adversity. And now, with this unexpected opportunity before him, he was more determined than ever to seize it.

Stubbing out his cigarette, Jiang Yukang drained the last of his wine. His gaze swept over the glittering cityscape, a newfound sense of purpose burning within him. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he would meet them head-on, secure in the knowledge that he had chosen his own path.

With a deep breath, Jiang Yukang turned and headed back inside, already formulating his strategy. The chess pieces had been set in motion, and he was prepared to play the game to win.

Jiang Yukang returned inside, setting down his empty wine glass as he approached the table covered in various files and documents. His original intention had been to review the paperwork, to ensure all was in order for the impending meeting with a new client.

However, try as he might, his gaze kept drifting back to his phone, the device that had been the source of his earlier contemplation. The unexpected information he had uncovered was still weighing heavily on his mind, distracting him from the task at hand.

Jiang Yukang frowned, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He needed to focus, to prepare himself for the challenges that were sure to arise. But his thoughts kept circling back to the possibilities that had been opened up by this turn of events.

Sighing, he finally gave up on the files, deciding it was futile to continue in his current state of mind. Jiang Yukang crossed the room and sank down onto the edge of his bed, his eyes once more drawn to the silent phone on the table.

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he considered the implications. This was no longer just an arranged marriage, a merger of two powerful families. There was the potential for something far more profound, something that could reshape the course of his life.

But with that potential came risks, obstacles that he would have to navigate with the utmost care and determination. Jiang Yukang knew he could not afford to be reckless, not when so much was at stake.

Shaking his head, he rose from the bed and began preparing for the night, his mind still buzzing with the unexpected turn of events. As he slipped beneath the covers, Jiang Yukang allowed his eyes to flutter shut, his body finally succumbing to the day's weighty contemplations.

With a deep, steadying breath, he drifted off to sleep, his thoughts still lingering on the mysterious woman who had so unexpectedly captured his interest.