Schemes in the Shadows

Within the confines of their bedroom, Feng Zhaoxuan and Qiao Yingyao spoke in hushed tones. Feng Zhaoxuan was propped up in bed, engrossed in a book, while Qiao Yingyao was busy with her nightly skincare routine.

Qiao Yingyao finally broke the silence. "Hubby, your daughter hates me."

Feng Zhaoxuan responded without looking up from his book. "She's a teenager, just getting rebellious."

"Am I the only one who noticed that she seemed changed today?" Qiao Yingyao pressed.

Feng Zhaoxuan shrugged. "Maybe she was still angry about her punishment."

Qiao Yingyao's eyes narrowed. "But her punishment was what she deserved. She took away our precious baby. What kind of vicious girl kills her own sibling?"

Feng Zhaoxuan's gaze darkened as he met his wife's eyes. "I know, wife. She is indeed ruthless."

Qiao Yingyao's expression softened, a hint of vulnerability creeping in. "Just like her mother."

Feng Zhaoxuan shot her a stern look, and Qiao Yingyao's heart nearly stopped. "I'm sorry, I know I wasn't supposed to say that. But I'm hurt, hubby. You know how much I've always wanted my own child, to give the Feng family a son, a true heir. We all know daughters are meant to get married. A family legacy cannot be entrusted to a daughter."

Feng Zhaoxuan's expression softened slightly. "I know. We can try again. It means you can still get pregnant. There's a chance."

Qiao Yingyao's eyes widened with hope. "I'm getting old, what if that child was my last one?"

Feng Zhaoxuan considered her words. "Then we can adopt. How about that?"

Qiao Yingyao's face lit up. "Really, you would do that for me?"

"Of course, anything for my beautiful wife," Feng Zhaoxuan replied with a gentle smile.

Qiao Yingyao beamed. "But will your father agree to it?"

"I can talk to him. Don't worry," Feng Zhaoxuan assured her.

"You're the best, hubby," Qiao Yingyao gushed, her fingers trailing along his arm.

Feng Zhaoxuan's smile widened. "I think it will be best if Feng Ruoxi could marry into the Jiang family."

Qiao Yingyao paused, considering his words. "Well, honestly, I think you're right. If we do adopt, I don't know what she'll do to that boy out of jealousy."

The couple exchanged a loaded glance, their conversation laced with underlying schemes and manipulations. Feng Zhaoxuan and Qiao Yingyao were clearly plotting, their sights set on securing their own legacy, even if it meant sacrificing Feng Ruoxi's future.

Qiao Yingyao's eyes gleamed with a calculating look. "We can only hope that your father's plan of changing the bride doesn't work, you know, hubby. If she marries into the Jiangs, that will surely ensure your position as the future leader of this family once your father passes. We both know your brother is also eyeing that position. We can't let him win. Imagine his smugness if one of his twins married the Jiangs and his wife - she always thinks she's better than everyone."

Feng Zhaoxuan remained silent for a moment, considering his wife's words. After a while, he spoke, "You're right. For now, we can only hope there will be no changes."

As they prepared for bed, Qiao Yingyao hid a wicked smile. Things were going according to her plan. She had wanted to get rid of Feng Ruoxi from the moment she married Feng Zhaoxuan, but had always failed. Now, if Feng Ruoxi got married, it was the perfect chance for her to finally remove the girl.

Everyone knew that a married child had no claim on their family's assets. If Qiao Yingyao could have her own child, he would not have to compete with Feng Ruoxi. The prospect filled her with a twisted sense of triumph.

Feng Zhaoxuan, on the other hand, saw this potential marriage as his way to solidify his position as the future leader of the Feng family. With Feng Ruoxi married into the prestigious Jiang clan, it would cement his status and give him an edge over his brother, who was also vying for the coveted role.

The couple's hushed conversation was laced with underlying schemes and manipulations, each driven by their own personal agendas. Qiao Yingyao was determined to secure her own future and that of her potential child, while Feng Zhaoxuan sought to solidify his hold on the family's legacy.

As they settled into bed, the air around them seemed to crackle with tension and deceit. The shadows in the room seemed to deepen, reflecting the darkness that had taken root in their hearts. Both Feng Zhaoxuan and Qiao Yingyao were willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals, even if it meant sacrificing the well-being of others.

The following day would bring a pivotal meeting with the Jiang family, a gathering that could forever alter the course of Feng Ruoxi's life. But for Feng Zhaoxuan and Qiao Yingyao, it was an opportunity to manipulate the situation to their advantage, regardless of the cost.

As the night wore on, the couple drifted off to sleep, their minds consumed by their respective schemes. The future was anything but certain, with the threads of their family's fate hanging precariously in the balance.

The next morning, Feng Zhaoxuan and Qiao Yingyao rose early, each with a specific agenda in mind. Feng Zhaoxuan sought out his father, Feng Zhengzhi, to discuss the upcoming meeting with the Jiangs.

"Father, I've been thinking about this marriage alliance," Feng Zhaoxuan began cautiously. "Perhaps it would be best if we move forward with Feng Ruoxi as the bride."

Feng Zhengzhi regarded his son with a keen eye. "Is that so? I was under the impression you had reservations about her."

Feng Zhaoxuan chose his words carefully. "I've come to realize that this could be a strategic move for our family. Feng Ruoxi's marriage to the Jiangs would solidify our standing and ensure a smoother transition of power when the time comes. And since Young Master Jiang had picked her, maybe if we try to change his mind, he might see us as not being serious about this alliance."

Feng Zhengzhi nodded slowly, considering his son's reasoning. "That's an interesting perspective. I'll keep that in mind as I meet with the Jiangs today."

Satisfied, Feng Zhaoxuan excused himself, knowing his father would likely think carefully about his advice. Qiao Yingyao, on the other hand, had a different approach in mind.

Qiao Yingyao wasted no time in seeking out the family's trusted butler. Her voice was laced with urgency as she spoke in a hushed tone.

"I need you to ensure that the Jiang family's interest in Feng Ruoxi is solidified. This marriage alliance must go through."

The butler regarded her with a hint of confusion. "Madam Qiao, I thought you were opposed to this arrangement?"

Qiao Yingyao's expression hardened. "That was before. Now, I see the strategic value in having Feng Ruoxi married off to the Jiangs. You will make sure this happens, won't you?"

The butler hesitated, sensing the gravity of her request. "I... I will do my best, Madam. But I cannot guarantee the outcome."

Qiao Yingyao's eyes narrowed. "See that you do. The future of this family depends on it."

Dismissing the butler, Qiao Yingyao turned her attention to the upcoming meeting, her mind already racing with contingency plans. She would not let this opportunity slip through her fingers. Feng Ruoxi's marriage to the Jiangs was the key to securing her own position and that of her future child.

As the family gathered around the breakfast table, the tension in the air was palpable. Each person had their own thoughts and agendas swirling in their minds.

Suddenly, Feng Guiri spoke up. "Father, I would like to accompany you to the meeting with Old Master Jiang today."

Feng Zhengzhi regarded his son with a curious expression. "Oh, why is that?"

Feng Guiri's gaze was unwavering as he replied, "Grandpa, we both know that Feng Ruoxi will embarrass our family with her rude manners. I just want to ensure that Young Master Jiang picks the right person as his bride."

Feng Zhengzhi looked between his two sons, his brow furrowed in contemplation. Earlier, Feng Zhaoxuan had approached him with a different perspective, wanting his daughter Feng Ruoxi to be the one to marry Young Master Jiang. Now, Feng Guiri was obviously hoping one of his three daughters would have the chance.

The patriarch was conflicted. He could see the merits in both of his sons' arguments, but the only way to resolve this would be to meet with Old Master Jiang himself.

Clearing his throat, Feng Zhengzhi addressed the table. "Very well. Feng Guiri, you may accompany me to the meeting. We shall see what Old Master Jiang has to say."

Feng Guiri nodded, a hint of triumph flashing in his eyes. Qiao Yingyao, on the other hand, watched the exchange with a carefully neutral expression, though inwardly, she was seething.

Feng Zhaoxuan, ever the shrewd tactician, observed the dynamics with a calculating gaze. He knew he would need to navigate this delicate situation with the utmost care if he hoped to solidify his position as the future leader of the Feng clan.

The tension in the room was palpable, and it was clear that the clash of wills was only just beginning. As the family dispersed to prepare for the momentous meeting, the air was thick with the weight of their unspoken ambitions and the uncertainty of what was to come.