Changes In Feng Ruoxi

The air in the Feng family's dining room was thick with tension as Feng Ruoxi made her way to breakfast. She could sense the strained atmosphere, but maintained her usual nonchalant demeanor.

As she took her seat, Feng Zhengzhi, the family patriarch, turned his piercing gaze towards her. "Ruoxi, you should stop this habit of being late for meals," he admonished.

Feng Ruoxi responded with a casual "Hmm," her eyes barely acknowledging his reprimand.

Seizing the opportunity, Feng Airi leaned in with a slight smirk. "So, dear cousin, are you ready for the exams?" Her tone dripped with subtle condescension.

Feng Ruoxi knew all too well the family's low opinion of her academic performance. Ever since her mother's untimely passing, her grades had steadily declined, and the constant bullying at home only exacerbated the problem. But unbeknownst to them, the Feng Ruoxi they saw before them was no longer the same person - her soul now belonged to Bai Yunshu, a former spy with a razor-sharp mind.

Raising her head, Feng Ruoxi met Feng Airi's gaze unflinchingly. "Why, are you worried I might beat your score, dear cousin?" she retorted, a hint of confidence lacing her words.

The room erupted in laughter, the twins, Feng Meiling and Feng Xiuying, even shedding tears from the sheer amusement. Their mother, Zhang Lihua, shook her head in disbelief.

"Oh, please," Zhang Lihua scoffed. "As if you could ever match my daughter's top scores with your mediocre results."

Feng Ruoxi's lips curled into a slight smile. "Well, Aunt Lihua, that's just your opinion. And it's still far too early to make any such claims, don't you think?"

The tense atmosphere in the Feng family's dining room was palpable as they gathered for the morning meal. All eyes were fixed on Feng Ruoxi, who seemed unfazed by the scrutiny, despite the family's general disdain for her.

Feng Zhengzhi, the family patriarch, cleared his throat, his gaze stern. "Ruoxi, I've noticed a rather dramatic change in your behavior these past few days. You've been - how should I put it - more focused and alert during our conversations."

Feng Ruoxi met her grandfather's gaze evenly, undeterred by the underlying criticism. "Is that so, Grandpa? I suppose I've just been making more of an effort lately."

Feng Guiri leaned forward, his brow furrowed with skepticism. "That's an understatement. You were practically challenging Feng Airi's academic achievements earlier. The old Feng Ruoxi would never have dared to do that."

Feng Airi nodded in agreement, a hint of smugness in her expression. "Yes, Grandfather. It's as if she's a completely different person now. Where is the timid, underperforming Ruoxi we all know and... tolerate?"

Qiao Yingyao interjected smoothly, her tone laced with feigned concern. "Now, now, let's not be too hasty in our judgments. Perhaps Feng Ruoxi is simply maturing and taking her studies more seriously. That can't be a bad thing, can it?"

Feng Zhaoxuan spoke up, his voice betraying a hint of calculation. "My wife is right. We should be encouraging Ruoxi's newfound determination, not questioning it. After all, a bride with impressive academic achievements would be a great asset to the Jiang family alliance."

Feng Zhengzhi's gaze shifted between his sons, his expression unreadable. "That's true, Zhaoxuan. And yet, I can't help but wonder what has spurred this sudden change. Ruoxi has always been a rather lackluster student, and to be honest, a thorn in our side."

Feng Meiling, one of the twins, piped up, a hint of mischief in her voice. "Maybe she's trying to impress someone. You know, a certain young master from a certain powerful family?" 

The table erupted in laughter, with the exception of Feng Ruoxi, who simply raised a brow. "If you must know, I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm simply doing what I should have been doing all along - focusing on my studies."

Qiao Yingyao's eyes narrowed slightly, her dislike for Feng Ruoxi evident. "Be that as it may, Ruoxi, we can't help but notice the change. It's quite... unexpected, to say the least."

Feng Ruoxi observed her family's feigned concern with a detached amusement. She could see right through their façade of care - it was nothing more than a calculated ploy to maintain the appearance of a united, harmonious household.

"How amusing," she thought to herself, her lips curving into a slight, sardonic smile. "They're only putting on this act because of the impending meeting with the Jiangs. The moment that's over, it'll be back to the same old resentment and disdain."

Feng Zhengzhi's brow was furrowed as he contemplated the situation. Deep down, he knew that Feng Ruoxi was not the ideal choice to marry into the prestigious Jiang family. She was, after all, still a teenager - impulsive, lacking in maturity and, most importantly, lacking in the poise and grace expected of a Jiang bride.

The twins, Feng Meiling and Feng Xiuying, on the other hand, were 22 years old - well-groomed, refined, and far more suitable for the role. Feng Zhengzhi couldn't help but wonder if it wouldn't be better to convince Old Master Jiang to reconsider his grandson's choice.

However, the patriarch knew that voicing this opinion openly would only serve to create a rift between his two sons, Feng Zhaoxuan and Feng Guiri, who seemed to have diverging views on the matter. Feng Zhaoxuan appeared to be in favor of Feng Ruoxi's marriage to the Jiangs, while Feng Guiri was adamant about one of his own daughters being the chosen bride.

Feng Zhengzhi let out a barely audible sigh. "If only Old Master Jiang would see reason and choose one of the twins," he mused inwardly. "Feng Ruoxi is still so young and... well, Ruoxi. She would only embarrass the family with her lack of refinement."

As the family's discussion continued, Feng Ruoxi observed them with a keen, analytical gaze. She could sense the underlying currents of manipulation and self-interest that drove their words and actions. It was clear to her that this family cared little for her wellbeing - they were merely concerned with how her marriage to the Jiangs could benefit their own agendas.

Qiao Yingyao's saccharine tone grated on Feng Ruoxi's nerves. "Ruoxi, dear, we're only looking out for you. You know how important this alliance is for the family. We want to ensure you make the best impression possible."

Feng Ruoxi fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Of course, Stepmother. I'll be sure to keep that in mind," she replied evenly, her words laced with a subtle disdain that went unnoticed by the others.

Feng Guiri's gaze remained fixed on Feng Ruoxi, his distrust and dislike for her palpable. "See that you do, Ruoxi. The Jiang family's status and influence could make or break our own standing. We can't afford for you to ruin this opportunity."

Feng Zhaoxuan, ever the tactician, interjected smoothly. "Now, now, Feng Guiri, let's not be too hasty. Ruoxi might surprise us and show remarkable progress in her studies. Perhaps we should give her a chance to prove herself."

Feng Zhengzhi nodded, his expression unreadable. "Yes, that's a wise suggestion, Zhaoxuan. Ruoxi, I expect you to continue this newfound dedication. Who knows, it may just impress Young Master Jiang and solidify your position as his chosen bride."

Feng Ruoxi inclined her head, her mind already whirring with possibilities. "Of course, Grandpa. I'll do my best to make a favorable impression."

As the family dispersed, Feng Zhengzhi couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. Deep down, he knew that Feng Ruoxi was not the ideal candidate, but with Young Master Jiang's specific choice, it would be difficult to convince Old Master Jiang otherwise. He could only hope that the esteemed patriarch would see reason and choose one of the more refined and mature twins instead.

Feng Ruoxi watched her family leave, a hint of amusement still lingering in her eyes. "Hypocrites, the lot of them," she murmured to herself. "But no matter, I'll play along for now. After all, I have my own agenda to pursue."

Feng Ruoxi stood up and said, "Well since we are all done pretending, I have classes to get to"

Before anyone could register her words, she had quickly dashed out the room. Fen Airi rolled her eyes and remarked, "Why is she acting so serious about school all of sudden?"

Feng Meiling replied, "Oh sis, don't worry, she is just trying to impress, we all know here that her monthly exams will come back with those eyesore results as always"

Feng Xiuying scoffed and said, "Is she wasn't a Feng, they would probably have long kicked her out that school, she doesn't belong there"

Feng Zhengzhi slammed the table looking at Feng Airi and said, "Shouldn't you be also leaving for school?"

Feng Airi lowered her head not knowing how to respond. She jolted up, said her goodbyes and left.

Feng Airi and Feng Ruoxi were both in 12th Grade, at First High School, the most prestigious school in Kyoto City. But Feng Airi always made sure to keep away from Feng Ruoxi in school, not wanting be associated with her in any other way. Though people knew they were cousins, she still maintained her distance, gossiping about Feng Ruoxi like the rest of the school.