A Not So Successful Meeting

At the old Jiang Villa, where Old Master Jiang lived, he waited patiently for the Feng family to arrive. He was eager to know why they had requested this meeting. Soon, the butler came and announced, "Master, the Feng family is here."

Old Master Jiang raised an eyebrow and said, "Well, let them in."

The butler returned with Feng Zhengzi and Feng Guiri in tow. Feng Zhengzi greeted the old man, "Jiang Zhiming, how are you, old friend?"

Jiang Zhiming responded, "Oh, I'm surviving. How are you? And this is your second son, Feng Guiri, right?"

Feng Zhengzi nodded, "Yes, yes, this is my second son, Feng Guiri." Feng Guiri bowed respectfully and said, "Good morning, Old Master Jiang."

Jiang Zhiming's eyes narrowed as he observed the younger man. "The last time I saw you, you were a small boy. You have grown. I heard you got married and have three daughters."

Feng Guiri replied, "That's true. I have twin girls and another daughter, all very well-groomed young women."

Jiang Zhiming raised an eyebrow, already understanding the underlying meaning behind Feng Guiri's words. "That's good. We should teach our daughters to be the best they can be."

They all sat down, and the butler brought a tray of tea. Jiang Zhiming took a sip and said, "So, to what do I owe this pleasant visit? You know, living all alone here, I hardly have guests."

Feng Zhengzi cleared his throat and said, "Well, you see, I wanted us to discuss the marriage alliance that was agreed upon by our fathers."

Jiang Zhiming nodded, "Oh, yes, that. What about it?"

Feng Zhengzi continued, "Your grandson came to visit our household just yesterday. I'm sure you're aware of that?"

Jiang Zhiming's expression remained neutral. "Oh, he had not informed me about it. The last time we spoke, he wasn't so eager to get married. You know how these young ones are, always living life according to their own rules."

Feng Zhengzi glanced at Feng Guiri, who took over the conversation. "He did come, and my four granddaughters all presented themselves to him, well... well, except for one. You see, my older son's daughter, Feng Ruoxi, is a very troublesome girl. She has been stressing all of us with her... let me say, unconventional ways of doing things. I think she might have that gap of losing her mother at such a young age."

Jiang Zhiming's eyes narrowed, and he could clearly see the bias in their statements. "That was really sad what happened to that girl. I'm sure she misses her mother every day."

Feng Zhengzi, trying to maintain a neutral expression, said, "It was sad indeed."

Feng Guiri added, "I must add, she is very rebellious, failing dismally in school, and recently, she caused her stepmother to have a miscarriage."

Jiang Zhiming's face remained impassive, but his mind was working, analyzing the information they were providing. "That is quite alarming. Why would she do something so evil?"

Feng Guiri's voice held a hint of contempt. "We don't know, but she just pushed her down the stairs."

Jiang Zhiming's eyes narrowed further, and he could see the obvious bias in their statements. He said, "Hmm, but you still haven't got to the point."

Feng Zhengzi finally revealed the true reason for their visit. "Your grandson had picked Feng Ruoxi as his bride, and we think this was not a wise choice."

Jiang Zhiming's expression hardened. "Are you questioning my grandson's decision?"

Feng Guiri quickly interjected, "No, no, don't get us wrong, but we think he might have been distracted by something."

Jiang Zhiming's voice was firm as he replied, "I know that boy very well. He would never get distracted by anything. Surely, he saw something interesting in Feng Ruoxi that all of you might not recognize."

Feng Zhengzi clenched his teeth, but maintained a fawning smile. "We think this girl might ruin your reputation. Imagine what people would say if they knew that the Jiang family's madam was someone who didn't even pass through high school."

Jiang Zhiming's eyes narrowed further. "How do you know she won't pass? She hasn't written her college entrance exams yet."

Feng Guiri's voice held a hint of condescension. "With her low grades, it's obvious she won't make it to college. I'm sure the importance of education is very much stressed in a family like yours, Old Master Jiang."

Jiang Zhiming's expression remained calm, but his mind was working overtime. "If I'm understanding this correctly, you're saying Jiang Yukan made the wrong decision by picking Feng Ruoxi, and he should have picked one of your three daughters instead. Is that correct?"

Feng Guiri and Feng Zhengzi exchanged glances, realizing that Old Master Jiang had seen through their real intention.

Jiang Zhiming's voice was firm as he said, "Stop beating around the bush, Feng Zhengzi. I don't have all day."

Feng Zhengzi swallowed hard, knowing they had been caught. "Can you advise young Master Jiang to rethink his decision?"

Old Master Jiang's response was unwavering. "No, I won't be doing that."

Feng Guiri felt his anger boil up, but Feng Zhengzi patted his knee to calm him down. Feng Zhengzi asked, "Why?"

Jiang Zhiming's eyes held a glint of wisdom as he replied, "Jiang Yukan is 30 years old, old enough to make his own choices when it comes to his future wife."

The Fengs sat in silence, their carefully crafted plan crumbling before their eyes. Old Master Jiang's unwavering stance had left them at a loss, and they could only wonder what the future held for their family and the proposed marriage alliance.

Jiang Zhiming continued, "You've come here today, clearly intent on convincing me to intervene and sway my grandson's decision. But let me make one thing clear: Jiang Yukan is his own man, and he has the right to choose his own path in life, including the woman he wishes to marry."

Feng Zhengzi tried to interject, but Jiang Zhiming raised his hand, silencing him. "I know Jiang Yukan better than anyone. He is a principled and level-headed young man, and I trust his judgment implicitly. If he has chosen Feng Ruoxi as his future wife, then I see no reason to interfere."

Feng Guiri's face flushed with anger. "But you don't understand, Old Master Jiang! Feng Ruoxi is a troublemaker, a girl who has brought nothing but shame to our family. How can you allow your grandson to marry someone like her?"

Jiang Zhiming fixed Feng Guiri with a stern gaze. "I understand that you and your family have concerns about Feng Ruoxi. However, it is not my place to judge her character or her actions. That is something my grandson will have to discover for himself."

Feng Zhengzi tried a different approach. "Old Master Jiang, surely you can see the potential consequences of this marriage. Feng Ruoxi's reputation could tarnish the Jiang family name. Think of the scandal it would cause!"

Jiang Zhiming shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't share your concerns, Feng Zhengzi. The Jiang family name has stood strong for generations, and I doubt the actions of one person, no matter who they are, can diminish our reputation."

Feng Guiri slammed his fist on the table, his composure finally breaking. "You're being unreasonable, Old Master Jiang! Can't you see that this girl is a liability? She'll only bring trouble to your family!"

Jiang Zhiming remained unfazed by the outburst. "I understand your concerns, Feng Guiri, but I'm afraid I cannot agree with your assessment of Feng Ruoxi. She may have faced challenges in her life, but that does not make her unworthy of my grandson's affection."

Feng Zhengzi tried a different tactic, appealing to Jiang Zhiming's sense of tradition. "Old Master Jiang, you know how important it is to maintain the honor and prestige of our families. Surely, you must see the wisdom in choosing a more suitable bride for Jiang Yukan, one who can uphold the Jiang family's legacy."

Jiang Zhiming's eyes narrowed. "I'm well aware of the importance of family honor, Feng Zhengzi. But I also believe that true honor comes from the strength of one's character, not the status of one's family." He paused, letting his words sink in. "Jiang Yukan has made his choice, and I will respect that decision, regardless of what you or anyone else may think."

The Fengs sat in stunned silence, realizing that their attempts to sway the old man were futile. Jiang Zhiming's unwavering stance left them feeling frustrated and powerless.

Finally, Feng Zhengzi mustered the courage to speak again. "Old Master Jiang, I must insist that you reconsider. Surely, there must be some way we can come to an agreement that benefits both our families."

Jiang Zhiming's gaze was unwavering. "I'm afraid there is nothing to reconsider, Feng Zhengzi. Jiang Yukan has made his choice, and I will not intervene. If you have concerns about Feng Ruoxi, I suggest you discuss them with Jiang Yukan himself, of which I doubt he will change his mind."

Feng Guiri's fist clenched, his knuckles turning white. "You're making a mistake, Old Master Jiang. Feng Ruoxi will only bring shame and ruin to the Jiang family. Mark my words!"

Jiang Zhiming raised a hand, silencing the younger man. "I appreciate your concern, Feng Guiri, but I'm afraid I don't share your pessimistic view of the situation. Jiang Yukan is a capable and intelligent young man, and I trust that he will make the right decision for himself and our family."

The Fengs exchanged frustrated glances, realizing that their attempts to sway the old man had failed. Jiang Zhiming's unwavering stance had left them with no other choice but to accept his decision.

As the Fengs rose to leave, Jiang Zhiming spoke one last time. "I hope you'll respect my grandson's choice, just as I have. The future of our families may depend on it."

The Fengs nodded stiffly and made their way out of the villa, their plans for the marriage alliance in shambles. Jiang Zhiming watched them go, his expression pensive.