The Family Fallout

As Feng Zhengzhi and Feng Guiri sat in the backseat of the car, heading back to the Feng family estate, the air was thick with tension. Both men were fuming, their carefully orchestrated plans to dissuade Jiang Yukan from marrying Feng Ruoxi had crumbled before their eyes.

Feng Guiri was the first to break the silence, his voice laced with anger. "Can you believe the audacity of that old man? How dare he refuse to intervene and override Jiang Yukan's decision?"

Feng Zhengzhi let out a frustrated sigh. "I should have known Old Master Jiang would be so stubborn. He's always had a soft spot for that grandson of his."

"Soft spot?" Feng Guiri scoffed. "More like he's completely blind to Feng Ruoxi's flaws. That girl is nothing but trouble, and she's going to ruin the Jiang family's reputation."

Feng Zhengzhi nodded in agreement. "You're absolutely right. We can't let this marriage happen. The Jiang family's prestige is on the line, and we need to do something about it."

Feng Guiri's brow furrowed. "But what can we do? Old Master Jiang made it clear he won't interfere. And we both know Jiang Yukan is too stubborn to be swayed."

Feng Zhengzih's expression darkened. "We'll have to find another way, Guiri. We can't let this opportunity slip through our fingers. The Jiang family's alliance is too valuable to lose."

As the car pulled up to the Feng family estate, the two men could see the rest of the Feng clan waiting anxiously. Feng Meiling, Feng Xiuying and Feng Airi, and their mother, Zhang Lihua, all rushed to greet them.

Feng Meiling asked worriedly, "Dad, Grandpa, what happened? Did the meeting with Old Master Jiang not go well?"

Feng Zhengzi and Feng Guiri exchanged a grim look before entering the house, the rest of the family trailing behind them.

Once they were all seated in the living room, Feng Zhengzhi cleared his throat. "The meeting with Old Master Jiang did not go as we had hoped."

Feng Xiuying spoke up. "What do you mean? Didn't he agree to have Jiang Yukan reconsider his choice of Feng Ruoxi as his bride?"

Feng Guiri's face twisted with disgust. "That old fool refused to intervene. He's completely blinded by his affection for his grandson."

Zhang Lihua looked bewildered. "But how can that be? Surely, he must see the wisdom in our proposal. Feng Ruoxi is hardly a suitable match for the Jiang family's heir."

Feng Airi chimed in. "That's right! Ruoxi has been nothing but a troublemaker. She'll only bring shame and ruin to our family if she becomes the Jiang family's madam."

Feng Zhaoxuan, who had been silent until now, cleared his throat. "Now, now, let's not be too hasty in our judgments. Perhaps there's more to Jiang Yukan's decision than we realize."

Qiao Yingmei shot her husband's brother a disapproving look. "Zhaoxuan, you can't seriously be defending that girl. You know better than anyone how much trouble she's caused our family."

Feng Ruoxi, who had just returned from school, walked into the living room, her expression indifferent. "If you're all done discussing my life as if I'm not here, I'd like to retire to my room."

Feng Guiri's face twisted with rage. "You insolent girl! How dare you waltz in here, acting as if you've done nothing wrong? Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Feng Ruoxi raised an eyebrow, unfazed by her uncle's outburst. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps you could enlighten me?"

Feng Meiling stepped forward, her voice dripping with disdain. "Don't play innocent with us, Feng Ruoxi. You've somehow managed to ensnare Jiang Yukan, and now you're poised to become the Jiang family's madam. Do you have any idea how that will affect our family's reputation?"

Feng Ruoxi shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm afraid I don't care about your family's reputation. If Jiang Yukan has chosen me as his bride, then that is his decision, not mine."

Feng Airi let out an exasperated huff. "You ungrateful wretch! Do you have any idea how much this opportunity could have benefited our family? And you're just going to throw it all away?"

Feng Zhengzhi raised a hand, silencing the room. "Enough. Arguing amongst ourselves won't solve anything." He turned to Feng Ruoxi, his expression stern. "Feng Ruoxi, you need to understand the gravity of the situation. The Jiang family's alliance is crucial for our family's future. We cannot afford to jeopardize it."

Feng Ruoxi studied her father's face, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "I understand your concerns, Father, but I'm afraid I don't share them. If Jiang Yukan has chosen me, then that is his prerogative. I won't stand in the way of his decision."

Feng Guiri slammed his fist on the table, causing everyone to jump. "You insolent girl! Do you have any idea what you're doing? You're risking everything for our family!"

Feng Zhaoxuan placed a calming hand on his brother's arm. "Guiri, calm down. Clearly, Jiang Yukan sees something in Feng Ruoxi that we may have overlooked."

Feng Zhaoxuan tried to reason, deep down he was glad that his father's plan of changing the bride didn't fall through. Now with his own daughter being married into the Jiang family, he knew his status would rise much higher than it already was. 

Like every rich family, the Fengs had their own internal fights. Feng Zhengzhi had long announced that he will only choose the heir by merit. Feng Zhaoxuan was currently the CEO while Feng Guiri was the CFO of the Feng Group, but both them wanted that Chairman position more and to get there, it was their father who would make the decision.

Qiao Yingmei scoffed. "Overlooked? That girl is nothing but trouble. She's brought nothing but shame to our family, and now she's going to do the same to the Jiangs."

As she spat the words, she was secretly rejoicing that the eyesore girl was going to leave this household. She wanted her gone so she could start with her plans.

Feng Ruoxi turned to her stepmother, her expression unflinching. "If my presence in the Jiang family is such a concern, then perhaps you should have been more vigilant in keeping me out of their sights."

Feng Meiling let out an exasperated sigh. "Ruoxi, you need to understand the importance of this alliance. The Jiang family's prestige and resources could greatly benefit our family. Why can't you see that?"

Feng Ruoxi shook her head, a sardonic smile playing on her lips. "I'm afraid I don't share your obsession with status and wealth, Meiling. If the Jiang family wishes to align themselves with our family, then so be it. But I won't be a pawn in your political games."

Feng Zhengzhi raised a hand, silencing the room once more. "Enough. We need to accept the reality of this situation. Jiang Yukan has chosen Feng Ruoxi as his bride, and we cannot afford to be on bad terms with the Jiang family." He leveled a stern gaze at his family. "We will have to find a way to make this work, for the sake of our family's future."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Feng Ruoxi simply turned and left, heading to her room, leaving the rest of the Feng clan to grapple with the unexpected turn of events.

As the family continued to discuss the implications of the Jiang-Feng alliance, Feng Zhengzhi and Feng Guiri exchanged a troubled look. They knew that this was far from over, and they would need to find a way to either influence Jiang Yukan or undermine Feng Ruoxi's position within the Jiang family.

The future of the Feng clan hung in the balance, and the two men were determined to do whatever it took to secure their family's place in the hierarchy of power.

Feng Meiling and Feng Xiuying exchanged glances, both obviously angry and disappointed that things had not went their way. Zhang Lihua looked at her husband with nothing but fury in her eyes, she felt that he had failed to speak up for his daughters well enough to convince Old Mater Jiang.

As for Feng Zhengzhi, he knew it would be a risky move to talk to Jiang Yukang about this, but he was willing to try. What he wanted was an obedient girl to marry at the Jiangs, someone he could control and by the looks of it and with the change of attitude that Feng Ruoxi had been showing the past three days, he was worried that he would not able to control her to get what he really wanted from the Jiangs.