The Unexpected Scholarship

On Monday morning, Feng Ruoxi found herself driven to school by one of Jiang Yukang's chauffeurs. As she stepped out of the luxurious vehicle, Jiang Yukang leaned towards her from the backseat, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Have a great day at school, wifey," he called out, his tone laced with amusement. "I'll pick you up during lunch so we can get officially married."

Feng Ruoxi scoffed, rolling her eyes at his eagerness. "Too eager to marry an eighteen-year-old, are you?"

Jiang Yukang's smile widened, his eyes glinting with mischief. "No use delaying the inevitable."

"Right," Feng Ruoxi muttered, closing the car door with a firm click.

As she made her way towards the school gates, her mind was already formulating a plan to slip away during the lunch break. She needed to visit the bank and secure a new card under her new identity, Feng Ruoxi. Thanks to Xiao Zheng's assistance, her funds had been transferred, leaving her with a substantial fortune at her disposal.

As she passed by the office department, Feng Ruoxi noticed Xia Xingxing standing alongside an older man she assumed to be her father. Xia Xingxing rushed towards her, her expression a mixture of sadness and apprehension.

"Ruoxi, I'm going to miss you," she blurted out, her voice trembling slightly.

Feng Ruoxi frowned, her calm demeanor unwavering. "Where are you going?"

Xia Xingxing's shoulders sagged as she gestured towards the man beside her. "I'm changing schools. This is my dad; he's here to get my transfer papers."

Feng Ruoxi's brow furrowed in concern. "Changing schools when we're this close to the college entrance exams is not a wise choice."

Xia Xingxing nodded solemnly. "Well, I don't have a choice."

"What's wrong?" Feng Ruoxi pressed, her curiosity piqued.

Xia Xingxing sighed, her expression clouding over. "You remember that man my dad owed? The one who kept harassing us?"

Feng Ruoxi frowned, recalling the details from their previous conversation. "Yeah, is he the reason you're changing schools?"

To her surprise, Xia Xingxing shook her head. "Actually, no. He was killed a few days ago. Such a relief, if you ask me."

A sly smirk tugged at the corners of Feng Ruoxi's lips. "That is great news. So why are you changing schools, then?"

Xia Xingxing's shoulders sagged once more. "Well... my parents can't afford the fees here. They're already owing about one hundred thousand yuan for the past year. Principal Li was kind enough to extend time for them."

At that moment, Mr. Xia approached them, his expression solemn. "Let's go, Xingxing. The principal will see us now."

Feng Ruoxi held up a hand, her mind working quickly. "Wait..."

Xia Xingxing turned to her, her brow furrowed. "What's up?"

"Let me talk to Principal Li first," Feng Ruoxi suggested. "I have a very urgent matter I want to discuss with the principal."

Mr. Xia eyed her curiously. "And who might you be, young lady?"

Feng Ruoxi straightened her posture, her chin lifting with confidence. "My name is Feng Ruoxi, Xingxing's friend and classmate."

Recognition flashed across Mr. Xia's features. "Oh, yes, Miss Feng. My daughter talks about you all the time."

"Please, call me Ruoxi," she insisted with a friendly smile.

Mr. Xia nodded. "You also want to have a meeting with the principal?"

"Yes, it's kind of urgent," Feng Ruoxi replied. "Can you allow me in first? I promise I'll be quick."

Being the kind-hearted man he was, Mr. Xia agreed. "Sure, we're in no rush anyway."

Feng Ruoxi offered a respectful bow before heading into the office. Principal Li looked up from his desk, a puzzled expression on his face.

"Miss Feng, I was expecting someone else," he remarked.

Without waiting for an invitation, Feng Ruoxi took a seat, crossing her arms over her chest. "How much is Xia Xingxing owing the school?"

Principal Li's brow furrowed. "Well, Miss Feng, it's quite a staggering amount. Her parents had missed even last year's tuition, and now the board is asking questions too."

"I said, how much?" Feng Ruoxi repeated, her tone firm.

Principal Li hesitated for a moment before responding. "One hundred and fifty thousand yuan."

"Okay," Feng Ruoxi murmured, retrieving her phone from her pocket. She tapped away at the screen for a few minutes, her expression focused.

"Done," she announced, slipping the phone back into her pocket. "I'll forward you the proof of payment to the school's email."

Principal Li's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, that was unexpected."

Feng Ruoxi leaned forward, her gaze unwavering. "I would appreciate it if you don't tell them about the payment."

Principal Li frowned, confusion etched on his features. "Then how will I explain this?"

A sly smile curved Feng Ruoxi's lips. "You're a resourceful man, Principal Li. I'm sure you'll think of something."

With that, she rose from her seat and left the office, her steps purposeful and confident.

Outside, Xia Xingxing and her father waited patiently. Xia Xingxing's eyes widened as Feng Ruoxi approached.

"That was quick," she remarked, a hint of surprise in her tone.

Feng Ruoxi offered her a enigmatic smile. "Like I said it would be. Thank you, Mr. Xia."

Mr. Xia returned the smile, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Feeling quite pleased with herself, Feng Ruoxi made her way to her first class of the day. Doing something good for someone else was an unfamiliar yet thrilling sensation, a feeling she had never truly cared about in her previous life.

Meanwhile, back in the principal's office, Mr. Xia and Xia Xingxing entered, their expressions expectant. Principal Li cleared his throat, his features schooled into a carefully neutral expression.

"Mr. Xia, how can I help you today?" he inquired, clasping his hands together on the desk.

Mr. Xia nodded, his expression grave. "Well, you see, I wanted to discuss a very important matter."

Principal Li leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady. "Of course, please go ahead."

"Principal Li, my family really appreciates the kindness and patience you have shown us. But we are now failing to continue paying the school's tuition and we want to transfer Xingxing to another school. One we can actually afford" Mr Xia said with a heavy heart.

Clearing his throat, Principal Li began to weave a tale of half-truths and fabrications. "It seems that the board has recently introduced a new scholarship program for students whose families are facing financial difficulties."

Xia Xingxing's eyes widened, hope flickering in their depths. "A scholarship?"

Principal Li nodded solemnly. "Yes, it's a pilot program aimed at assisting parents who wish to provide their children with a quality education but cannot afford the tuition fees."

Mr. Xia's brow furrowed. "That's... very generous of the board. But why haven't we heard of this before?"

"It's a new initiative," Principal Li explained smoothly. "And I took the liberty of suggesting your daughter, Xingxing, as a potential candidate."

Xia Xingxing's jaw dropped, her eyes shining with a mixture of disbelief and elation. "Me? But... my grades aren't exactly stellar, Principal Li."

Principal Li waved a dismissive hand. "That's not a concern, my dear. The board wants to test this program with students from various academic backgrounds. What matters most is your potential and your drive to succeed."

Mr. Xia's expression softened, gratitude etched into the lines of his weathered face. "Principal Li, I... I don't know what to say. This is truly a blessing for our family."

Principal Li offered a warm smile. "Think nothing of it, Mr. Xia. We're simply doing our part to ensure that no deserving student is left behind due to financial constraints."

Xia Xingxing clasped her hands together, her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy. "Thank you, Principal Li. I promise I won't let you or the school down. I'll work harder than ever to maintain this scholarship."

Principal Li nodded, his expression kind yet resolute. "I have no doubt you will, Miss Xingxing. However, there is one condition attached to this scholarship."

Mr. Xia tensed slightly, his brow furrowing. "A condition?"

"Yes," Principal Li confirmed. "In order to retain the scholarship for these last two months and to settle last year's tuition debt, Xingxing must perform exceptionally well on next month's monthly exams."

Xia Xingxing swallowed hard, her determination unwavering. "I understand, Principal Li. I'll give it my all and ensure that I pass those exams with flying colors."

Mr. Xia placed a comforting hand on his daughter's shoulder, his expression one of paternal pride. "We're grateful for this opportunity, Principal Li. You can count on Xingxing to rise to the challenge."

Principal Li smiled, nodding in acknowledgment. "Excellent. I have every faith in your daughter's abilities. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some paperwork to attend to regarding the scholarship. Feel free to return to your classes, Miss Xingxing."

With beaming smiles and hearts filled with renewed hope, the Xia family bid farewell to Principal Li and exited the office. As they made their way down the hallway, Xia Xingxing couldn't contain her excitement.

"Can you believe it, Dad?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "A scholarship! And from the school itself! This is like a dream come true."

Mr. Xia chuckled, ruffling his daughter's hair affectionately. "Indeed, my dear. It's a true blessing, and we must not take it for granted."

Xia Xingxing nodded fervently. "Of course not, Dad. I'll study harder than ever and make sure I don't let this opportunity slip away."

As they parted ways, Xia Xingxing hurried to her first class, her steps lighter than they had been in months. She couldn't wait to share the incredible news with Feng Ruoxi, her dear friend who had always been a source of support and encouragement.

During the morning break, Xia Xingxing sought out Feng Ruoxi, practically bouncing with excitement. "Ruoxi! You'll never believe what happened!"

Feng Ruoxi arched an elegant brow, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Oh? Do tell."

Xia Xingxing launched into a breathless retelling of the events that had transpired in Principal Li's office, her words tumbling over each other in her eagerness. "...and so, thanks to this new scholarship program, I don't have to leave the school! Can you believe it?"

Feng Ruoxi allowed a small smile to curve her lips, feigning surprise. "That's wonderful news, Xingxing. I'm truly happy for you."

Xia Xingxing nodded vigorously. "It's all thanks to Principal Li and the school board. They saw my potential and decided to give me a chance."

Feng Ruoxi met her friend's gaze, her expression confident and reassuring. "Well, then we'll both have to work hard for the upcoming monthly exams. If you can maintain this scholarship, it'll be a weight off your parents' shoulders."

Xia Xingxing's eyes shone with determination. "Absolutely. I won't let this opportunity go to waste. We'll study together, Ruoxi, and make sure we both ace those exams."

Feng Ruoxi inclined her head, a glimmer of amusement in her gaze. "Sounds like a plan."