Cheating Scandal

The classroom buzzed with anticipation as the English teacher, Mrs. Hammond, prepared to announce the results of the monthly exams. Feng Ruoxi sat at her desk, a faint frown creasing her brow as she noticed her name had not been called.

Raising her hand, she caught the teacher's attention. "Excuse me, Mrs. Hammond, but you haven't mentioned my results."

Mrs. Hammond, known for her brusque manner, fixed Feng Ruoxi with a withering glare. "That's because your papers have been canceled due to suspected cheating."

A collective gasp rippled through the classroom, followed by a chorus of hushed whispers and murmurs. Feng Ruoxi's eyes widened in disbelief as Mrs. Hammond continued, her voice ringing out loud and clear.

"It seems Miss Feng Ruoxi thought she could outsmart the system by cheating on her exams. Such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at this institution."

The uproar was instantaneous, with students voicing their outrage and shock at the accusation. Feng Ruoxi's mouth opened and closed, her mind racing as she struggled to formulate a response.

Across campus, the news of Feng Ruoxi's alleged cheating spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of her cousin, Feng Airi, and her clique of friends.

"Can you believe it?" Feng Airi exclaimed, her expression a mixture of disdain and glee. "Feng Ruoxi, the supposed genius, has been accused of cheating on her exams. What an embarrassment to the Feng name!"

Her friends, a group of four girls from the elite Class 1, tittered and giggled, their faces alight with malicious glee.

"Serves her right," Bo Xiaolin, a petite girl with sharp features, sneered. "She always thought she was so much better than the rest of us."

"I knew there was no way she could have gotten those scores legitimately," Jiao Ying, a tall, willowy girl with striking eyes, chimed in.

"I can't wait to see the look on her face when she gets expelled," Ping Ling, a plump girl with rosy cheeks, added gleefully.

"Absolutely," Feng Airi agreed, her lips curving into a smug smile. "This is the perfect opportunity to show Jiang Yukang that he made the wrong choice in selecting her as his bride."

As the news spread like wildfire through the school's halls, the staff room became a hotbed of heated debate and discussion.

"There's no way Feng Ruoxi would cheat!" Mrs. Zhang, Feng Ruoxi's form teacher and mathematics instructor, protested vehemently. "Before her mother's passing, she was an exemplary student, consistently scoring at the top of her class."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the gathered teachers, but Mrs. Hammond remained unmoved.

"Facts don't lie," she retorted, her tone clipped. "Her scores were suspiciously high, and there's evidence of cheating. We have a responsibility to uphold the integrity of this institution."

The debate raged on, with teachers taking sides and voicing their opinions, until Principal Li's authoritative voice cut through the cacophony.

"Enough!" he bellowed, his expression stern. "This matter has gone too far and caused too much disruption. We need to resolve this issue swiftly and decisively."

Turning to Mrs. Zhang, he nodded curtly. "Summon Feng Ruoxi to the staff room immediately. We'll get to the bottom of this once and for all."

Within minutes, Feng Ruoxi found herself standing before the assembled faculty, her expression calm and composed despite the turmoil swirling within.

"Miss Feng," Principal Li began, his tone grave. "There have been serious allegations of cheating leveled against you. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Feng Ruoxi met his gaze unflinchingly, her voice steady and unwavering. "I categorically deny these accusations. I did not cheat on my exams, and I resent the implication that I would stoop to such dishonorable means."

A hush fell over the room as the teachers exchanged skeptical glances, the tension in the air thick and palpable.

Outside the staff room, Feng Airi had gathered a small group of students, her poisonous words fanning the flames of discontent.

"Can you believe she's denying it?" she hissed, her eyes narrowed in contempt. "Feng Ruoxi is nothing but a lying, cheating scoundrel!"

The students murmured in agreement, their faces twisted with righteous indignation.

"She should be expelled immediately!" one boy shouted, his fist raised in the air.

"Yeah, cheaters have no place in our school!" another girl chimed in, her voice shrill.

As the crowd grew increasingly restless, a familiar figure stepped out from the shadows, his posture exuding calm authority.

Jiang Bin, the school's resident heartthrob and an exemplary student, had been Feng Ruoxi's deskmate during the exams. His piercing gaze swept over the gathered students, his expression inscrutable.

"Hold your tongues," he commanded, his voice cutting through the cacophony like a knife. "You're all quick to judge, but none of you were there during the exams. I was seated next to Feng Ruoxi, and I saw no evidence of cheating whatsoever."

A hush fell over the crowd as they processed Jiang Bin's words, their expressions ranging from skeptical to sheepish.

Within the staff room, the debate had reached a fever pitch, with no clear resolution in sight. Principal Li pinched the bridge of his nose, his expression one of frustration.

"Enough!" he exclaimed, his voice ringing with finality. "This has gone on for too long. We need to settle this matter once and for all."

Turning to the gathered teachers, he nodded grimly. "Assemble the entire twelfth grade in the school hall immediately. We'll have Feng Ruoxi take a fresh set of exams, right then and there, under the watchful eyes of everyone present."

A collective gasp rippled through the room, but before anyone could voice their objections, a clear voice cut through the silence.

"I second that motion," Jiang Bin announced, stepping into the room with a confident stride. "Let Feng Ruoxi prove her innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Principal Li regarded the young man with a newfound respect, inclining his head in acknowledgment. "Very well, then. Let's put this matter to rest once and for all."

Within the hour, the school hall was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as the twelfth-grade students filed in, their whispers and murmurs echoing off the high ceilings. Feng Ruoxi stood at the front of the room, her expression impassive as she surveyed the sea of faces before her.

Xia Xingxing, her loyal friend, sat in the front row, her fingers worrying at her nails as she watched the proceedings unfold with a mixture of concern and hope.

Feng Airi, on the other hand, sat among her clique of friends, her eyes glittering with vindictive glee as she reveled in Feng Ruoxi's predicament.

Principal Li stepped forward, his gaze sweeping over the assembled students.

"Silence, please," he commanded, his voice carrying through the vast space. "We are gathered here today to address the allegations of cheating leveled against Feng Ruoxi."

A hush fell over the crowd as he continued, his words grave and measured.

"In order to settle this matter conclusively, Feng Ruoxi will be taking a fresh set of exams, right here and now, under the watchful eyes of you all."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the audience, but Principal Li raised his hand, demanding silence once more.

"The teachers have prepared a series of comprehensive exams, covering all subjects. If Feng Ruoxi can achieve the same level of excellence she displayed on her previous exams, her innocence will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt."

With a nod, he gestured to Mrs. Hammond, who stepped forward, clutching a sheaf of papers.

"Whenever you're ready, Miss Feng," she announced, her tone clipped.

Feng Ruoxi accepted the papers without a word, her expression one of serene confidence. She took her seat at the front of the hall, her pen poised over the first question.