The Embers of Discontent

Zhang Lihua recoiled as if struck, her eyes widening in outraged disbelief at the blatant insult leveled not only at her but also at her daughters. Beside her, Feng Guiren's features contorted into a mask of barely contained rage, his body trembling with the force of his fury.

"You go too far, brother," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "To disrespect my wife and daughters in such a manner is an affront that cannot be tolerated."

Feng Zhaoxuan's lips curved into a slow, predatory smile, his eyes glittering with a mixture of amusement and barely veiled contempt. "Is that a threat, dear brother?" he purred, his voice rich with condescension. "Or merely the impotent ramblings of a man who has lost his grip on power and relevance within our esteemed clan?"