Unveiled Desires

The journey from the Feng family villa to the opulent confines of Jiang Yukang's private estate had passed in a tense silence, the weight of the evening's events hanging heavily between them. As the sleek, black town car glided to a halt before the wrought-iron gates, Feng Ruoxi found herself releasing a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

It was only when they had crossed the threshold of Jiang Yukang's private sanctum, the heavy oak doors closing behind them with a resounding thud, that the tension finally seemed to dissipate. Feng Ruoxi turned towards her husband, her expression a mixture of gratitude and barely concealed defiance.

"You didn't have to stand up for me like that, you know," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of rebuke. "I'm more than capable of handling the likes of my family and their petty machinations."