Opening the door wasn't quite enough to catch Rea's attention.
On the other hand, Liz and Cero's attention,
"Holy shit… How many screens does she need?"
"More than the average person, that's for sure." Liz whispered. "There might be more screens than there were in the ship's command room."
While Cero's gaze lingered on Rea for a moment, Liz turned to the rest of the room.
It was completely dark, despite the fact that it was the middle of the day.
All windows were closed and blinds shut, with the only sources of light being the numerous monitors that lit up half of the room. The other half was filled with pillows and plushies, something that surprised Liz, as well as Cero once he managed to tear his gaze away from Rea's figure, accentuated by the tight pyjamas she was wearing. She was seated with her back to them. On her knees, making the rolling chair spin slightly to the right and then to the left alternatively.