Form a group

When Dylan left the room freshly bathed, he was greeted by a rich aroma the moment he opened the door. He walked to the kitchen guided by the smell and when he arrived, he looked at the figure of Alison busy in front of the stove, it seemed that she had I heard him leave because of what he said without turning to see him.

Alison: Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes.

Dylan: Then I'll put the plates on the table.

After placing the plates Dylan sat watching Alison prepare dinner and when it was ready he helped her carry the pots to the table, Alison prepared some fried rice, sweet and sour pork and sautéed vegetables, everything looked and smelled. Very delicious, when he took the first bite he almost swallowed his tongue because it was so delicious.

Alison watched Dylan take the first bite and asked a little nervously: how is it, is it to your liking?

Dylan nodded his head and when he swallowed the food he had in his mouth he said with a smile: it's delicious.

Alison let out a sigh and said, I'm glad you like it, this is her first time making it and I wasn't sure how it tasted.

After dinner they washed the dishes together, while they were doing it Dylan recommended the stealth and critical hit skills, he also told her that he will help her make a weapon and armor so Alison bought the materials at the store and gave them to her, when When it was time to sleep, Dylan told her to stay in bed and he would stay on the couch. At first, Alison refused and said that she would stay on the couch, but Dylan managed to convince her in the end.

The next morning Alison was the first to wake up, when she left the room she looked at Dylan who was just waking up, he was shirtless showing off his incredible body with his well marked abs, he had messy hair and sleepy eyes, when he looked at her he was He said good morning, his voice sounded a little hoarse since he had just gotten up but everything about him emanated an aura of sensuality so he couldn't take his eyes off of him. When Dylan stood up, his gaze was attracted by the enormous tent in his pants, he felt his face getting hot so he turned around and walked to the kitchen in a hurry while saying: good morning, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Dylan watched in bewilderment as Alison practically ran to the kitchen while thinking (she seems to have a lot of energy in the morning) he scratched his stomach and looked down, when he landed on his tent his ears turned slightly red (and it seems (she's not the only one with a lot of energy this morning) then ran to the bathroom to take care of her energetic little brother.

Alison was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast but she couldn't get the image of Dylan out of her mind (he really has an incredible body, and in that part... it seems... he's quite big) she slapped her cheeks a little to get those thoughts away ( that boy is too sexy for a virgin like me, I feel like he seduces me every moment, I wonder how it will feel to have him inside... no, no, no, I can't keep thinking about that) he shook his head as if trying to throw away his dirty thoughts ( focus on the food and stop thinking about eating him, argh stop thinking about him, I think I'm going crazy at this rate) I take out a bottle of cold water from his inventory and drink it (I need something cold to cool down).

When Dylan left the room, Alison already had breakfast on the table, which consisted of oatmeal, chopped fruit, and orange juice, so they sat down to have breakfast together. If you paid attention, you could notice that they both have ears. slightly red, when they finished breakfast, Dylan went to make a pair of armor for him and her, as well as a weapon for her and Alison stayed to wash the dishes, when Dylan returned he gave her a complete set of leather armor and a bronze short sword, they both put on the equipment and Dylan taught him some moves until he gained the skill of swordsmanship.

During dinner yesterday they had agreed to form a group for when they were teleported, they discovered a way for several people to be teleported together, which only consisted of them having to hold hands or touch some part of their body, this was what he said. a couple in the local chat yesterday, so when it was almost 8 am Alison put her hand on Dylan's shoulder, at that moment the robotic voice was also heard.

*Good morning my dear survivors, I hope you had a good day of rest and recovered your energy as you will need it for our next challenge, without further ado, good luck and SURVIVE*

When the voice stopped speaking their bodies were surrounded by an intense light so they closed their eyes, when the light disappeared and they were able to open their eyes they observed their surroundings, all they could see were kilometers and kilometers of yellow sand everywhere, It was quite hot and the wind was dry, there was no sign of vegetation or animals in sight, this was a place where they would easily get lost, luckily Dylan had the map skill so he could have a way to orient himself.

They were thinking which direction to walk when a screen appeared in front of them that said

There is a person next to you, do you want to form a group with that person? YES / NO

When forming a group, the rewards and experience will be divided among the members of the group, the creatures they defeat will count for all members of the group, the objective requirements will be increased depending on the number of members that make up the group.

Dylan turned to look at Alison and when she nodded he clicked yes, then another screen appeared in front of them that said


1: survive 24 hours

2: find water source

3: find or create shelter

4: defeat 15 animals or enemies

Rewards: (rewards given to each party member will be the same as shown below)

Level +1, 10 gold, 1 skill point, tower defense blueprint.

Seeing the list of targets Dylan frowned and said: It seems that this time we can face other people, I think we better keep the stealth activated, I will activate it first, since we are in the same group it is possible that we can see each other once. being in stealth.

When Dylan activated the ability his body became transparent, but just as Alison had said she could still see his slightly translucent body.

Alison: I can still see you.

Dylan: Okay, so let's walk this way.

After deciding a direction in which to walk, they set off. They had been walking for almost 30 minutes when about 20 meters in front of them they saw a scorpion, approximately 2 meters long. It was black with 8 red eyes.

Dylan approached Alison and said quietly, what do you think, do you want us to try to kill him?

Seeing Alison nod, he said: I'll try to get him to focus on me, when you can try to cut off the tip of his tail, but be careful as it could be poisonous.

Dylan distanced himself from Alison, took out his bow and nocked an arrow, he carefully aimed at the scorpion and stretched the string as far as he could, the arrow came out at a great speed and hit one of the scorpion's eyes, when the arrow pierced the eye. The scorpion let out a high-pitched screech and ran in Dylan's direction. It was quite fast and took about 5 seconds to approach them. In this time, Dylan was able to shoot 3 more arrows which successfully hit the scorpion's eyes, leaving it half blind. Dylan got close enough, put away the bow and equipped 2 long copper daggers and prepared for the attack of the scorpion, which was quite upset and directed all his blows at Dylan, dark blue blood flowed from the head of the scorpion which It came out of the eyes that Dylan destroyed with his arrows, this obscured the scorpion's vision making it easier for Dylan and Alison to dodge its attacks, even so several times it came close to stinging Dylan with its tail but Alison intervened in time and hit the tip of the tail deflecting the attack, it took them about 10 minutes to defeat the scorpion, when the scorpion turned into wisps of light they heard a mechanical voice

You have defeated 1 animal


70 exp, x1 shell, 1 silver 70 copper