First kiss

After defeating the scorpion they walked towards the direction in which it was heading and after walking for 3 more hours they began to find vegetation so it was very likely that they would find a water source nearby, in that time they had found and killed to 6 more scorpions, it seemed that that area was their territory since they did not find animals of any other type.

They stopped to rest and eat something under a palm tree, Dylan took out some pears and energy drinks from his inventory and Alison took out some sandwiches, after eating they continued walking and after 10 more minutes they came across a 4 meter snake that was resting at the foot of the tree. the shadow of some huge rocks about 20 meters away or so, Dylan turned to look at Alison and when she nodded, he took out his bow and began the attack. As the snake was asleep, it took a while to react and it took about 13 seconds to approach. at Dylan, during this time Dylan shot 8 more arrows of which he only hit 5, by the time the snake approached them it was already quite injured so it did not take them long to defeat it.

You have defeated 1 animal


50 exp, x2 snake meat, 1 silver

After defeating the snake, they approached the rocks where it rested and Dylan climbed to the highest part to better see the area that surrounded them. In front of him, at a distance of about 200 meters or so, was an oasis, when he came down. Of the stones he didn't find Alison so he walked around until he saw her come out of a crack in the middle of two huge rocks.

Dylan: I found an oasis about 200 meters ahead

Alison: that's good, I just found a cave, it's not very deep, it's about 20 meters deep, the final part has a space of about 5 meters so we can accommodate ourselves well.

Dylan: Well, how about we go and see the oasis and then come back here to make the shelter.

After agreeing they walked towards the oasis, along the way they met 4 coyotes that were about 2 meters tall which they defeated in 10 minutes each. When they approached the oasis the temperature was cooler and more pleasant, Dylan took a little water in her hands and when the screen appeared that said it was drinking water, she took out 2 tanks with a capacity of 5000 liters each and filled them, while they waited for the tanks to fill they investigated the surroundings and Alison found a tree of dates, Dylan also took the opportunity to gather some, cut some trees and collect some large stones. When the tanks were full, Dylan put them away and returned to the place where they would make their shelter. When they were about 20 meters away, they saw a rapidly approaching sand storm so they ran as fast as they could and barely managed to enter when the sand storm reached them, Dylan took out a flashlight to illuminate the inside of the cave and placed stones to block the entrance so that the sand would not get in or some other creature.

Dylan: Looks like we'll have to wait here until the storm is over.

Alison: Yes, I think we should make a campfire, it seems like the temperature is dropping a little, it might get dark soon and the nights in the desert are usually very cold.

Once I set up the campfire Dylan took out a pack of cards from his inventory and asked Alison: I have a card game, would you like to play something?

Alison: Sure, what kind of game?

Dylan: do you know poker or blackjack?

Alison: I once played blackjack with some friends.

Dylan: So let's play blackjack, do you remember how to play?

Alison nodded and said: you have to add 21 with the points on the cards, the K, Q and J are worth 10 points, the A can be worth 1 or 11 points, the one who has 21 points with the fewest cards or has the most cards wins. points, but if you go over 21 you lose, if you get 21 with 2 cards you make blackjack and win automatically.

Dylan: You could say that's the short way to explain it, so let's play.

Alison: okay, but let's make it more interesting and bet something

Dylan: Do you want to bet money?

Alison shook her head: that wouldn't be fun… umm… How about some punishment or challenge?

Dylan: what kind of challenges?

Alison: something like a series of exercises?

Dylan: ok, then let's get started, I'll be the dealer.

In the first round Alison lost and had to do a pirouette, in the second Dylan lost and had to do a 20 second belly flop with Alison on her back, in the third round Alison lost and had to do 10 sit-ups, Dylan held her hand. tiptoe and every time Alison raised her body, their faces got so close that they were almost kissing, when she finished they were both red-faced, they played several more rounds where Dylan lost most of them, how he was getting. As it got colder and colder, they decided to take out their bags and go to sleep.

Since he felt very cold despite having the campfire lit, Dylan said a little hesitantly: Are you cold?

Alison: Yes, it seems that we underestimate the cold of the desert.

Dylan: umm... would you like us to share the same sleeping bag and use the other one to cover ourselves with?

Alison hesitated for a moment before nodding: let's use yours since it's bigger and cover ourselves with mine.

Alison got up, took her jacket and placed it on top of Dylan's, then she lifted a corner of the jacket and got into it. Once she lay down next to him, they could both perceive the light aroma that emanated from their bodies, and feel her heat.

With a slightly hoarse voice Dilan said: sorry.

Then he brought Alison's body closer to him and placed his left arm under her head and put his right arm over her waist. Once he finished he said quietly: this way we will stay warmer.

Alison could feel her heart racing, it seemed about to jump out of her chest, since she had Dylan's face a few centimeters from hers, her hands were resting on his chest and she could feel his firm muscles, she felt his face. hot, her heart skipped a beat when he placed his arm on her waist and when he spoke she raised her face and their lips almost touched, she didn't know what happened, but she advanced that small distance that separated them and kissed him.

Dylan had just spoken when Alison raised her face and their lips almost touched, a second later she closed her eyes, moved her head forward a little and put her lips together, it was a light touch and when she reacted to Alison's action she reciprocated. the kiss, this time he used his tongue to stop her lips and when she opened her mouth a little, he took advantage of the moment and put his tongue in and ran through every corner of that sweet little mouth, his kiss intensified and it seemed like he wanted to Emptying the air from his lungs as he swallowed the small moans she was beginning to make, he used his right hand to hold her by the back of her neck and prevent her from moving away from him, their lips only parting for short moments to allow him to take a little. of air, his hand went down her back to her waist where he began to caress her lightly.

With every second that passed, their kiss became more intense and passionate. When he pulled back to look at her face, he was fascinated, since her little face was blushing, her eyes were wet, her mouth was slightly open with her sweet lips a little swollen. He leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the lips, then kissed her chin and slowly moved down to her neck while she ran her hands through his hair, stopping at his collarbone and returning to his lips once again, when she felt his member He was getting painfully hard, he pulled away from her lips, placed his head on her neck, inhaled her scent and said in a hoarse voice: I think we should stop here.

I raise my head and kiss her on the forehead: let's continue when we return home.

When she nodded he gave her one last kiss on the lips then he pulled her close to his chest, hugged her and closed his eyes trying to control the heat that boiled inside him, since this was neither the time nor the place to continue with this. kind of things.

(Note! I hope you enjoyed the chapters, next time I will also upload 5 or 6 chapters)