Climbing a Slippery Slope.

Without the aid of my Talent, I'd need to be fully coherent in my every word; if not, the situation could easily spiral out of control and end up with me being a debt slave to the Elder Fae for the rest of my life.

All around me, I could feel the movements of the previously inert Fae Younglings coming back to themselves and getting up, a sign that my Coersion had already worn off, and even the stupid bug with my blade against its throat was showing signs of wishing to struggle against me.

'Then there's the other Elders in the vicinity who haven't shown themselves. The fact that this purple-haired fuck decided to appear indicates that he is of the highest standing in the group and views the situation as being in his favor.' I thought while Analyzing my surroundings and attempting to spot a shimmering phenomenon, something that usually meant someone was using a low-level Stealth technique.