I am So much More Than A Lowly Basic Human

I could see it in his body language and what little of his observable face I could view. Funny enough, the one emotion I could see on his face was Fear, which I hadn't expected to find in a being as old as him.

You'd figure that once you got to the Purple-Haired Elder Fae's age, you would have seen all the world could offer and would no longer be affected by the going ons of the "mortal world"…Arkadia aside because that was an outlier.

From what I knew of the Older members of the Myriad Races, they all appeared otherworldly and unfeeling, yet the reaction I got out of the Purple-Haired Elder Fae was beyond my expectations.

I could tell that the Fear he was feeling only scratched the surface, masking multiple layers of concern and something akin to parental affection toward the younglings, which, to me, bumped up his danger level significantly because I knew that he would throw caution to the wind in order to protect them.