The Train to London (3)

After saying his part and ignoring my receipts, Inspector Slater stared at me as if trying to see into my mind. Given his extreme sensitivity to particles, I couldn't read his, leaving us at an impasse and allowing our conversation to stall temporarily.

'At best, he maybe picked up an extremely faint particle content in the air back in Hyde, but even with his Skill being at the Major-Plus attainment, it would be impossible for him to pick up on their distinct signature, even if he had arrived as soon as I left, so he is bluffing.' I thought while fighting back the urge to try and use my Talent on the man.

Between his high sensitivity and the fact that I had come in contact with this man numerous times in the past, I knew better than to try using a weak skill like coercion on him, as his Intellect stat rivaled my own…speaking of that word…rival, I suppose you could even call Desmond Slater somewhat of a rival to my alter ego, Xipher.