The Train to London (5)

"What's the connection between Xipher and the serial killers? Does he plan on using them to increase his prestige on the Ranking Boards? It does fall in line with his character…and if he truly did fake Sheffield's death and take control of the man, that would mean his strength is growing rapidly." Inspector Slater continued speaking in a hurried yet hushed whisper as he scribbled away in his notebook.

'Hoh, he's actually getting somewhere, but I shouldn't be surprised; the guy was always pretty sharp-witted, never more than two steps behind me during our interactions.'

'Hold up, how long was I supposed to be unconscious for again….uh, most people I did that little trick to were killed in the early days as they followed my command to execute themselves, but later on, Slater and his men got smart and started stopping my victims from following through, causing them to pass out as the order wore off.'