Final Preparations For Vincent

As the process of falsifying documents and forging a new identity for Vincent wasn't new to me, and the added benefit of using Renni's stealth Skill, it took significantly less time to get all my tasks completed. By the time Renni and I regrouped with Vincent later in the evening, the only thing that remained was obtaining a vehicle and apartment.

'Why don't we just get him a motorcycle or something? They're convenient to hide in, and they don't use up much gas.' Adding her opinion into the mix, I observed the little girl as she stuffed one cookie after another into her mouth.

'Too flashy; he needs an older model car, one which easily gets around unnoticed as it's average looking, so a beige or maroon sedan.' Shaking my head and trying my best not to try and delve into how a girl so small could devour her weight in cookies, I flipped through a few brochures we had picked up for different apartments and condos in the area.