
There are times in my life when I feel borderline omniscient solely due to my observation abilities in tandem with my Talent. However, at the end of the day, I am FAR from all-knowing; thus, my need to seek higher forms of knowledge, and right now…was proving just how little I knew about certain things.

For three hours straight, all I did was input PC into the Instance Gate, one point at a time, and it wasn't until I had chugged down a dozen bottles of particle water and burned through well over 1000 PCs that I heard the faint click from the bronze gate, followed by the opening of a small one-foot door.

"About god damn time," I muttered as I swung forward slightly and gently placed the small driftwood totem into the empty compartment, and not even a fraction of a second after my hand left the little compartment did the door slam shut, followed by the sound of dozens of latches clinking into place.