Oh...So That's How It Works...

"And just like that, Edge-lord Taylor strikes again," Dragging himself out of the lake, the Pre-Teen Brenden huffed upon hearing me calling it the Necro-Caverns.

"I implore you to try and come up with a better name, Mr.GIGAMAN; seriously, of all the names you could come up with for your Hero Persona, you chose just to slap a four-letter word onto the word man; I don't wanna hear it."

"What's an edgelord? Is that some new thing I missed while being DEAD!" Dad stated while taking a step back as Brenden got in my face.

"That's really rich coming from you, Mr. I have too many identities and aliases to count."

"Greaaat comeback,"


"Fuck You, how are you gonna up and disappear on me like that? What if something happened to Dad during that 24 hours?"

"Oh yeah, because I'm totally gonna sit there and explain the complexities of a plan which I wasn't 100% sure I could execute, REAL smart little brother."

"Grrr, FUCK OFF!"
