Chapter 27

  "At times like this, we must remain vigilant."

  Hearing this, Naruto and Sasuke immediately calmed down.

  The two attackers were tied under the tree. Although their bodies were charred, they were not dead.

  Fire escape ninjutsu is famous for being incapable of killing people...

  "These two are Kirikage's chunin, but they appear here and assassinate you."

  "Mr. Dazna, I think you need to give a reasonable explanation."

  Dazina remained silent.

  "Why can you see through our actions and use the substitute technique in advance?" A ghost brother asked unwillingly.

  Mizuki: "It hasn't rained for several days. It's a sunny day like this, but there is water on the ground. This kind of ambush method is a bit too low-level."

  The three little ones suddenly realized.

  Dazna asked: "You clearly know, why do you let the children take action? What if there is danger?"

  Mizuki smiled and said, "I just wanted to test their courage. I'm very satisfied with the result."

  "Besides, as long as I'm here, there won't be any danger."

  Tatsuna: "What? You are obviously just a chuunin, why are you so confident?"

  Mizuki didn't need any explanation.

  "Next, two of you three must take action and kill these two Mist Ninjas." Mizuki said calmly.

  Naruto was shocked: "What, kill them?"

  "They have obviously lost the ability to resist, why do we still want to kill them?"

  Naruto is indeed kind.

  No wonder, after being treated like that by the villagers, he didn't turn black.

  "A kind person is not worthy of becoming a ninja." Sasuke said, taking out a kunai and swiping it across the throat of a ghost brother.

  "Sasuke-kun, you..." Sakura looked at Sasuke, a trace of fear flashing in her eyes.

  Sasuke took care of one and glanced back at Naruto.

  "Coward, don't you dare?"

  The contemptuous look and condescending attitude instantly made Naruto proud.

  "I'm a man determined to become Hokage. I'm just killing someone. There's nothing I dare not do!"

  The kunai swept away, and the remaining Mist nin also received the lunch box.

  "Treat your enemies without any mercy!"

  "Otherwise, you will harm yourself and your companions!"

  Mizuki said calmly, then turned to look at Dazuna and said: "Mr. Dazuna, the mission you issued is C-level. We are only responsible for protecting you from threats from bullies, bandits and other ordinary armed groups."

  "But now, there is a ninja assassination. This is beyond the scope of a C-level mission, it is a B-level or even an A-level mission."

  "Maybe you have something to hide, but false entrustments will give us a headache."

  "Either we give up our mission to protect you, or..."

  Or, get the price!

  Sakura immediately said: "Such a mission is still too dangerous for novices like us!"

  Thinking back to the battle just now, especially the scene where Mizuki was cut into several pieces, she felt frightened, so she wanted to give up.

  Naruto shouted: "No, we promised to protect uncle until the bridge is built, how can we give up halfway?"

  "Keeping my word is the way of ninja from me, Naruto Uzumaki."

  "Besides, the enemy is not very strong, so we don't need to be afraid at all."

  Mizuki: "Sasuke, what do you think?"

  Sasuke: "I think someone's courage needs more training, so go ahead and treat it as a kind of practice."

  Naruto jumped in front of Sasuke and shouted: "Who is brave? I dare to stay alone in the cemetery at night, do you dare?"

  Sasuke: "Yeah, it's just a cemetery."

  Naruto: "I dare to become a woman, do you dare?"

  Sasuke stiffened his neck and said, "I dare!"

  Naruto: "I dare to eat shit, do you dare?"

  Sasuke: "I...I..."

  Naruto held his stomach: "Hahaha, you don't dare! You still call me a coward. You don't even dare to eat shit. You are the real coward."

  Mizuki: "..."

  Sakura punched Naruto directly on the head and shouted: "Naruto, if you dare to say such disgusting things again, I will beat you to death."

  The group of five people continued on the road and walked for three days before finally reaching the seaside and then taking a boat to the Country of Waves.

  "Mr. Dazuna, we are almost at the country of Tatsumi ahead."

  "If you don't give a reasonable explanation, then the mission will end when the ship docks."

  Dazna decisively betrayed him and then kidnapped him morally.

  Naruto was overflowing with sympathy and threatened to carry out the mission to the end.

  "Master Mizuki, I will complete this task. If you don't agree, just go back first."

  "I can still defeat that bully Cardo by myself."

  Mizuki: "Forget it, I've got you."

  "But Mr. Dazuna, I will classify this mission as B-level, and the reward will be increased to 100,000 taels."

  "Although the Country of Waves has no money now, once the bridge is repaired, the Country of Waves will become rich, and the mission rewards must be paid back by then."

  Dazna: "As long as you can protect me and repair the bridge, not to mention 100,000 taels, even 200,000 taels will be fine."

  After the boat docked, there was still a forest path away from Dazna's home.

  "Everyone, be careful. When we get here, the enemy will launch a surprise attack at any time." Mizuki reminded.

  He was already on guard.

  Zabuza Momochi, known as the Demon Man, is no ordinary ninja.

  Never be careless.

  Echolocation has been turned on, making sounds from time to time, and all objects within a radius of 30 meters appear in his mind.

  Soon, echolocation detected a person hiding in a tree beside the road.

  Carrying a large sword on his back was none other than Zabuza.

  "Sasuke, use the Fireball Jutsu on me!" Mizuki jumped directly into the air and shouted.

  He didn't hesitate and just struck first.

  Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized something.


  "Art fire escape ho fireball!"

  Zabuza on the tree had his eyes widened.

  "Is it crazy to use fire escape ninjutsu on your own people?"

  Also incomprehensible were Naruto, Sakura and Tazuna.

  "Sasuke, what are you doing?" Naruto shouted loudly, then clapped his hands: "Earth Release. Earthflow Wall!"

  Sakura also stood in front of Mizuki and began to form seals, while looking at Sasuke with a confused look on her face.

  Two walls of earth flow rose up in front of Mizuki, successfully blocking Sasuke's powerful fire ball.

  Mizuki: "..."

  My teammates are holding me back.

  Originally, when Gou Fireball came and transformed Zabuza, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

  But now, only three people's chakra was wasted.

  "Master Mizuki, why did you let Sasuke-kun attack you? And Sasuke-kun, Master Mizuki asked you to attack him, so you attacked him?"

  Sasuke ignored him, instead holding a kunai and focusing on alert.

  The next moment, the wind sounded.

  Mizuki shouted: "Naruto, Sasuke, get down!"

  The two also realized the danger and immediately got down. A big knife flew over the two people's heads and struck the tree.

  Zabuza appears!

  I saw him standing on the handle of the knife, condescending, filled with murderous intent.

  "Three brats, one unknown chuunin, and the ghost brothers failed in your hands. It seems that you are not as simple as you seem."

  "But it will be easy for me."

  Mizuki didn't talk nonsense to him at all, and quickly backed away, putting distance between him and Sakura.

  At the same time, three detonating symbols have been activated, so let go of them gently.

  Repeat the same trick!

  Zabuza's eyes narrowed, he saw all Mizuki's movements, but he couldn't understand them.

  The next moment, he changes his form!


  Zabuza felt the scene in front of him suddenly change. When he looked again, he had reached the position where Mizuki was standing just now, and three detonating charms exploded.

  Except for Sasuke, neither Naruto nor Sakura reacted.

  In just a moment, the enemy was eliminated?

  "The positions of the two people suddenly changed. What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Naruto and Sakura were filled with curiosity.

  Sasuke looked at it with burning eyes, wishing that he was the one who performed the transformation.

  When the explosion ended, Mizuki discovered that there was no body on the spot, only a puddle of water on the ground.

  "Water body?" Shuimu's pupils narrowed.

  This Zabuza is difficult to deal with.

  In the river not far away, Zabuza suddenly realized something.

  "No wonder, he just asked the black-haired kid to attack him with fire escape. It turns out that he can switch places with others. Fortunately, I was cautious and tested it with water body, otherwise I would have been seriously injured by now."

  "In addition, when the clone was hiding in the tree just now, he has already discovered that it is very likely that it has the ability to sense, and the sensing distance is about 30 meters."

  In an instant, Zabuza had analyzed a large amount of useful information.

  "This person is very dangerous. He is different from the previous enemies. I must be careful!"

  Zabuza no longer looked down upon him, but he didn't feel like he couldn't deal with it.

  "But no matter how weird his abilities are, he is still just a chuunin. Once he runs out of chakra, he will no longer pose any threat to me."

  He recreated a water clone, then raised his hand:

  "Water Release: Kirigakure's Technique!"

Chapter 26: Zabuza who dare not show his face

  Heavy fog filled the air and visibility dropped rapidly.

  Everything around him became blurry.

  "Be alert!" Mizuki shouted loudly.


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there