Chapter 146

  "Chakra, different chakras, so many!"

  "Roll your eyes!"

  Neji opened his Byakugan directly and looked inside Nobita's body.

  "This kind of chakra is indeed different from ordinary chakra. And such a huge chakra does not leak out at all, as if it is completely controlled."

  Generally speaking, with such chakra, a mere genin cannot control it at all, and it will definitely leak out.

  But at this time, the extra senjutsu chakra in Nobita's body was very quiet, with no signs of losing control.

  As a result, although he had dozens of times more chakra than a Jonin in his body, there was nothing abnormal about his appearance.

  "Nobita, how do you feel?"

  Nobita's face was full of surprise,

  "I feel a lot of change, but I can't put it into words."

  Mizuki said: "Squeeze the wine glass in your hand a little harder!"

  When Nobita heard this, he gently exerted force on his hand, only to hear a "pop" sound and the wine glass shattered.

  There was even ceramic powder in his hand.

  "My strength has become so great!" Nobita's face was filled with surprise.

  Mizuki nodded and said: "Yes, with the celestial chakra in your body, before it is used up, you are equivalent to entering a continuous sage mode. In this mode, your strength and speed are greatly improved."

  The others saw it and without any further hesitation, they picked up the wine glasses and drank.

  After drinking a glass of wine, their expressions changed.

  It becomes ugly.

  The alcohol content of this wine is too high. When you drink it, the spiciness is really obvious and it is very pungent.

  Hinata was about to cry. She wanted to vomit but couldn't, so she could only cover her mouth with her hands and forcefully swallow it in small sips.

  Others are having a hard time, too.

  The calmest ones were Neji and Gaara, but they were also frowning.

  Naruto was also about to drink, but when the wine glass was brought to his mouth, Mizuki held him down.

  "Naruto, your situation is different."

  "You have practiced celestial magic. If you drink this glass of wine, under the guidance of celestial magic chakra, your affinity for the power of nature will quickly increase, and you will then master the sage mode."

  "So calm down a little later and don't be too showy."

  Naruto nodded and said "I understand, Master" and then drank the wine.

  Mizuki has been paying attention to Naruto.

  After Naruto drank the wine, he was fine at first, but soon changed.

  Mizuki frowned.

  He found that Naruto's heartbeat and breathing became extremely light at this time.

  Just like a dead person!

  He also noticed that there seemed to be some kind of change in the surrounding air, but he couldn't explain the specifics.

  But he knew that there must be natural forces gathering around him.

  Mizuki did not stop Naruto immediately. He became very curious about the power of nature.

  I took out the Liushen toilet water, opened the lid and took a sip. My mental power immediately increased sixfold.

  A perspective like the mind's eye appeared, and everything around him was "seen" by Mizuki.

  At this time, he "saw" clearly that a strange "qi" was continuously gathering from all around and converging towards Naruto's body.

  After these "qi" enter Naruto's body, they combine with Naruto's chakra to form a new chakra.

  This new chakra Mizuki is very familiar, it is the senjutsu chakra.

  In addition, he can also feel that these "qi" contain terrifying energy, which is higher than the energy contained in chakra.

  "Is this natural energy?" Shuimu wondered.

  He has used Liushen toilet water many times, and every time he releases his mental energy, he can "see" the energy, but he didn't know that these were natural energies before.

  This time, with Naruto's assistance, he understood what natural energy was.

  "By the way, with my current terrifying mental power, can I control natural energy to enter my body and synthesize magical chakra?"

  Thinking of this, he immediately tried it.

  The mental power wraps around a ray of natural energy and wants to pull it back into the body.

  I never thought that this attempt would be successful.

  Mizuki was excited. He continued to control this ray of natural energy, and then separated a little ordinary chakra from his body to combine the two.

  But this time it failed.

  "Too much normal chakra!"

  He wanted to continue trying, but the effect of Liushen toilet water had faded, and his soaring mental power immediately dropped again.

  Liushen toilet water only lasts for 10 seconds.

  "Although my attempt to synthesize sage chakra just now failed, it gave me ideas for practicing sage mode."

  The magic chakra obtained by drinking toad fairy brew is only temporary.

  Only by cultivating the sage mode can the sage chakra flow endlessly.

  At this time, Naruto had absorbed enough natural energy and was about to enter sage mode.

  Mizuki hurriedly shouted: "Naruto, stop!"

  Upon hearing this shout, Naruto immediately exited that state, and the natural energy absorbed into his body was instantly dispersed.

  "Ah, Master, I'm sorry!"

  "After I drank the wine just now, I immediately felt that I became very close to the natural energy around me, and I began to absorb it unconsciously."

  Mizuki patted his shoulder and said, "It's okay!"

  All six people have been promoted, and their strength can be said to have doubled.

  This time, Mizuki was completely relieved.

  With their current strength, if they couldn't pass the Chunin Exam, they would be useless.

  One night passed, and the next morning, the Chunin Exams officially began.

  The first written test, like Konoha, ostensibly tests the basic theory of ninja, but in fact it tests the ninja's intelligence search ability.

  Examiners always pay attention to the examination room, and any despicable cheating methods are not allowed.

  For example, copying someone else's work with your head tilted.

  Among the six people in Phoenix Village, Neji and Hinata have Byakugan, Nobita has X-ray glasses, Gaara has Sand Eyes, Naruto has the telescope technique, and Shiro relies on ice escape to create mirrors to reflect other people's answers.

  These methods are not very clever, at least, the examiner on the stage can see clearly.

  However, the examiner will not fail them.

  Soon, the first exam was over.

  Of the more than two hundred genin, less than one-third passed the exam.

  Then came the second game, the battle for the scrolls of heaven and earth.

  The exam location is in the rocky jungle to the west of Iwa Ninja Village.

  Before entering the rocky jungle, Naruto and others were recalling Mizuki's words.

  "Remember, in the second exam, if you encounter a genin from Iwa Ninja Village, you will kill them directly. Don't be polite."

  What Onoki did made Mizuki angry.

  He didn't have an attack due to the Chuunin Exams, but that didn't mean he was easy to talk to.

  "The revenge operation has officially begun in the second round of the Chunin Examination."

Chapter 139: Three benevolent people, it is difficult to practice immortality

  A rocky jungle is not a real jungle.

  Stone pillars rise from the ground like giant trees growing toward the sky.

  Therefore, this place was named the Rock Jungle.

  These stone pillars range from four to five meters short to dozens of meters high. Seen from a distance, they appear to be of varying heights and densely packed.

  What's even stranger is that there is geothermal heat here, creating many hot springs.

  The hot spring water evaporates to form fog, and the fog is lingering. Although it is not thick, it blocks the view to a large extent.

  If people enter here, it will be like entering a maze, and it is difficult to distinguish the direction.

  "Water Escape. Thousand Killings Water Soaring."

  In the mist, a low shout sounded, followed by several screams.

  Looking closer, I saw three Iwa Ninja Village genin with their bodies covered with thousands of books, lying unconscious on the ground.

  There were three people standing on the side, Naruto, Haku, and Hinata.

  "Brother Bai, are they all okay?" Naruto asked.

  Bai nodded: "Don't worry, they are just unconscious and their lives are not in danger."

  Hinata lowered her head and whispered: "Although...although I don't want to kill anyone, Naruto-kun, Haku-kun...Mizuki-sama told us not to hold back when we meet Iwa Ninja."

  "Isn't it bad if we are like this now?"

  "If Mizuki-sama finds out, will he blame us for being too merciful?"

  "My father taught me before that as a ninja, you must never be merciful to your enemies..."

  Her voice was very soft and timid.

  Naruto smiled awkwardly and said, "It should's okay. Killing someone is not good!"

  "They are just contestants taking the exam. They have no grudge against us. Just knock them unconscious and take away the scrolls."

  Bai Ye said: "Don't worry, Lord Mizuki is also very kind and won't blame us."

  "Those Jinchuuriki, he saved them from death!"

  The three of them all smiled after a discussion. Regarding the non-killing of Iwa Ninja, I completely lost the pressure in my heart.

  Naruto stepped forward and groped around and found a scroll.

  "What a pity. It turned out to be the Scroll of Heaven. Just like our scroll, we have to find someone else to capture it."

  "Hinata, look to see if there is anyone else nearby."

  Hinata activated her Byakugan and soon spotted the others.

  "There is a team of Sand Ninja over there, less than a kilometer away."

  Having determined their target, the three of them left and quickly disappeared into the mist.

  After the three people left, Shuimu emerged from the ground, looked at the direction in which the three people left, shook his head and sighed.

  "Hey, these three, each one is more kind than the other."

  Naruto is the reincarnation of Asura and has a kind nature. In the anime until the finale, Naruto never killed anyone.

  Even Kakuzu was killed by Kakashi's last hit.

  The same goes for Shiro, he never kills people, and even if he doesn't kill anyone, there's nothing he can do about it.

  Hinata's weak character also stems from the kindness in her heart.

  To be honest, these three are really not suitable to be ninjas.

  "Forget it, let them be." Mizuki was helpless.

  The situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. With their character, it is difficult to change.


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All the fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead but this fanfic Naruto: Teaching Disciples For Ten Thousand Times The Reward is 30 chapters ahead there