Chapter 12 A Night with Ume


I listened attentively to his name. Octavius Lysandros, I needed to remember it.


I murmured, letting the name linger in the air for a moment.

I then addressed him, looking for a subtle way to leave and join Ume as quickly as possible.

My gaze briefly landed on a clock, noting the late hour.

"It seems to be getting late,"

I said with calculated softness.

"Perhaps we should seek the arms of Morpheus. The hour is well advanced, and it would be honorable to take a well-deserved rest to be the most vibrant tomorrow."

I paused, letting my words gently infiltrate his mind. Then, with a kind smile, I continued, carefully choosing my words to give him the illusion of choice while guiding him toward my will.

"It would be a great honor for me to follow your lead toward a peaceful night. You are our host, and your wisdom regarding the hour of rest would undoubtedly be most prudent. Could you kindly show me the way to my room? I'm sure a restorative sleep will allow us to continue our enriching discussions tomorrow."

I kept my gaze fixed on his, displaying a respectful but slightly insistent smile, ensuring he felt in control while urging him to lead me where I wanted to go.

Octavius Lysandros nodded, visibly soothed by my words. He stood up, still slightly trembling but with renewed resolve, and gestured for me to follow.

"Of course, Mr. Naboru,"

he said with a forced smile.

"Allow me to show you to your room."

We climbed a flight of stairs, passing through a wide staircase adorned with ancient tapestries and family portraits. I followed Octavius closely, observing his every move, noting each sign of fatigue and nervousness.

"You truly have a talent for chess, Mr. Lysandros,"

I said, breaking the silence with a flattering remark.

"I must admit, I have rarely encountered such a formidable opponent."

Octavius straightened slightly at these words, his ego regaining some of its former shine.

"You flatter me, Naboru. But I must admit, you surprised me with your skill and composure. It was one of the most stimulating games I've had."

We continued walking, traversing a long corridor until he stopped in front of a carved wooden door.

He opened it and turned to me with a more sincere smile this time.

"Here is your room. I hope you find all the comfort you need for a good night's rest. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask one of our servants."

I thanked him with a slight nod and a respectful smile.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lysandros. Your hospitality is truly remarkable."

He inclined his head slightly before withdrawing, closing the door behind him. Finally alone, my mind was already focused on the next step of my plan. I remained still, listening to the sound of his footsteps fading away. Octavius, tired and surely mentally exhausted from our chess game, was heading to his own room. I had no interest in observing my room at the moment. Once total silence enveloped the house, I knew it was time to act. I discreetly left my room, taking care not to make the slightest noise. Each step on the wooden floor seemed to echo in the nocturnal silence. I climbed the stairs with calculated precision, avoiding the steps that might betray my presence. In front of Ume's room, I paused for a moment, listening to the sounds inside. Everything seemed calm. I knocked softly on the door, hoping not to alert Octavius.

"Ume, it's Naboru,"

I whispered through the door.

"May I come in?"

I gently open de door to Ume's room and entered silently. She was asleep, clutching my jacket tightly in her arms. Seeing her like this, even in her sleep, embracing an object for comfort, tugged at my heart. I approached her softly and shook her gently to wake her.


I murmured softly.

"Ume, wake up."

She woke with a start, her eyes wide open and full of tears. She immediately began to hyperventilate, her words rushing out in total panic.

"I'm sorry, master, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to... I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

She was almost punishing herself, her hands hitting her face as if trying to atone for something. Her apologies turned into a torrent of incoherent words as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. I knelt by the bed, gently taking her hands in mine to stop her.

"Ume, it's me, Naboru,"

I said calmly, trying to catch her gaze.

"You haven't done anything wrong. Calm down, breathe. I'm here to help you."

She blinked, her crying subsiding slightly as she finally recognized me.

"Ume, listen to me,"

I continued, in a soft but firm voice.

"I'm here for you. No one is going to harm you. Breathe, slowly. Everything will be alright."

I watched her closely, hoping that my words and tone would reassure her enough to catch her breath and regain some calm. Ume finally calmed down, her sobs turning into mere muffled whimpers. She looked into my eyes, seeking a glimmer of explanation or comfort. Gently, I took my jacket back from her trembling hands.


I asked softly,

"did you see what I hid in the pocket of my jacket?"

She nodded, wiping her tears awkwardly.

"Yes... I saw it. But why do you have that, Mr. Naboru? I mean... it doesn't seem very valuable..."

I looked at her intently, weighing my words.

"You will know soon,"

I replied in a calm but enigmatic voice.

"For now, just know that it's necessary for my plan to proceed smoothly."

I carefully opened my jacket, extracting a small package carefully wrapped in a piece of cloth. Inside were two items I had stolen from the city: a : Auratria Sisminocrystal and a Sanalith Fragmentheal. I looked at them briefly before handing the Sanalith Fragmentheal to Ume.

"Take this, Ume,"

I murmured, offering the small crystal to her hesitant hands.

"Keep it with you until you feel you need it. It's a Sanalith Fragmentheal, it will help you if you ever find yourself in trouble."

Ume took the crystal delicately, her fingers brushing the smooth surface. She looked up at me, her face still marked by fear and confusion.

"But... why me, Mr. Naboru? What are we supposed to do with these items? I don't need it, I'm in good shape."

I knew she was lying, but I preferred to nod.

"Very well, now rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow."

Ume looked at me with a glimmer of insistence in her eyes, shaking her head gently as I asked her to rest.

"Mr. Naboru, I... I don't want to sleep. I need to talk to you," she murmured in a weak but determined voice.

I shook my head firmly, feeling the need to maintain our distance.

"No, Ume. This is not the time. You need to rest."

She seemed ready to insist, her hands nervously gripping the sheet.

"Please, Mr. Naboru... I..."


My own response was harsher than intended, and I felt a pang of immediate regret as I saw terror paint her face. Her apologies started to pour out in rapid, disordered loops, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Naboru... I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to disturb you... please, forgive me..."

I took a deep breath to calm myself, realizing my reaction had been too severe.

"Ume... I apologize. I didn't mean to scare you. Come, sit down."

I sat beside her on the edge of the bed, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"But we must speak quietly. Octavius must not hear anything."

Ume seemed hesitant, her gaze fixed on a point on the floor before she dared to ask the question that seemed to be eating away at her.

"Mr. Naboru, why are you here?"

she finally asked, her voice barely audible.

"Are you like the noble?"

I shook my head, taking a moment to choose my words carefully to avoid frightening her.

"No, Ume. I am not like Octavius. I am here to help you. But I must also be honest with you: I have personal interests that drive me to act."

My tone turned icy, a coldness I hadn't noticed that made Ume flinch.

"There are things I need to accomplish... and that involves my participation in the life of this city."

She seemed distressed, her face tightening slightly. Silence settled between us, heavy and oppressive. I eventually broke the silence with a reassuring smile.

"By the way, Ume, why haven't I seen any male servants in this city? It seems there are stricter and more violent laws regarding male servants than the universal rules. So why aren't they present?"

Ume lowered her eyes, carefully avoiding my gaze. Her shame was palpable, a dark shadow that seemed to weigh on her shoulders.

"I... I will tell you the story,"

she began, her voice barely a whisper.

"It's an old story, dating back to the second reign of Julius Aurorion, King of the Dawn. He was a powerful king, but also terribly cruel and superstitious."

She took a deep breath before continuing.

"During his reign, he instituted draconian laws concerning male servants. The official reason was to ensure the loyalty and purity of the servants, but there were rumors... rumors of darker practices. He believed that men infiltrated among the servants could weaken his kingdom from within, conspiring against him."

"For this reason, he instituted the 'Seed Test.' Every male servant had to prove his virility through this test. They had to produce sperm publicly, before the eyes of the king and his advisors. Those who failed were declared infamous and dishonored. The test was not only a public humiliation but also a method of ruthless control."

Ume paused, her hands trembling as she continued.

"On the day of the first test, dozens of servants were lined up in the public square. Julius Aurorion, seated on his throne, watched with a cruel smile. The men, humiliated and terrified, tried to comply with the inhumane order. But, one by one, they failed."

"The king, furious, decreed that their failure was proof of treason. He ordered them to be tortured in the public square, in front of the entire city. Torture machines were installed, iron instruments heated to red-hot, whips, and pincers. The screams of the servants echoed throughout the city, an echo of pain and terror that never faded from memory."

Ume clenched her fists, her voice trembling with anger and sadness.

"Those who survived were scarred for life, both physically and psychologically. Male servants became rare, hidden by their masters or disguised as women to avoid the test. The laws remained in effect even after the death of Julius Aurorion, a lingering shadow of his reign of terror."

I remained silent for a moment, absorbing the gravity of her story.

"That is a terrible story, Ume,"

I finally said.

"I understand better now why male servants are so rare and hidden. Julius Aurorion left an indelible mark on this kingdom."

Ume nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Yes, Mr. Naboru. It's a story many prefer to forget, but it still lives in the shadows of this city."

I took a moment to reflect on what she had said, my thoughts swirling around the implications of this story.

"Thank you for telling me this, Ume. It helps me understand a lot of things."

Suddenly, Ume yawned softly, her eyes heavy with fatigue, and she nestled against my chest. The moment was charged with an affection I had never felt before, a comforting warmth emanating from our close bodies. I could feel her steady breath against my chest, a soothing sensation that chased away the shadows of the day. I timidly wrapped an arm around her shoulders, holding her gently against me. The warmth of her body against mine created an unexpected intimacy, a bond that went beyond mere words, a bond I had long dreamed of having. We were united in this moment, sharing a rare tranquility in a world that was often cruel and unforgiving. Ume sighed contentedly, snuggling closer to me. Her presence was calming, almost sensual, and I felt a deep tenderness growing within me.As Ume nestled against me, I gently ran my hand along her body, my fingers gliding over her fragile skin. Beneath my fingers, I felt the scars, surely inflicted by her master. Some were old, thin and pale lines that snaked across her flesh, silent witnesses of long-ago inflicted wounds. Others, more recent, were still red and swollen, marks of brutal blows and merciless lacerations. Exploring further, I rediscovered deep bruises, purple contusions that marked her back and sides. Here and there, scratches and abrasions dotted her skin, revealing all the times she had been pushed, beaten, dragged without uttering a word. My fingers brushed against a still-fresh cut, the blood barely coagulated. Each contact with one of these wounds made me feel a mix of anger and sadness for what she had endured. Despite everything, Ume and I remained silent on the subject, so as not to spoil the moment, though I held back my tears. Seeing this, Ume murmured,

"Thank you, Mr. Naboru,"

her voice barely audible.

"You're welcome, Ume,"

I replied softly, my gaze lost in the darkness of the room.

We remained like that, silent and serene, enjoying the warmth and perhaps overly bold caresses of each other. Little by little, sleep enveloped us, carrying away our worries but also our memories of our past, a past that had been a difficult trial for both of us. Our breathing synchronized, and soon, we fell asleep, entwined in a rare and precious moment of peace.

In Ume's bed, our dreams intertwined. Tomorrow would be another day, and despite the moment...

I am afraid.