Chapter 13 Confidence and real start of the plan

The next day, 6:00 AM.

☆*: .。.Ume. .。: *☆

A sudden sharp noise jolted me awake. As every morning, it was my master forcefully opening the door.


He didn't finish his sentence, freezing at the threshold, staring at me with an expression I had never seen before. I didn't understand why he was acting this way; normally, he would pull me out of bed with unbridled violence to wake me up.

Out of habit and fear of being scolded for not getting up, I tried to rise. However, I found myself unable to move. It was as if a crushing weight was holding me down in bed, between my arms. I began to feel what was preventing me from moving, and then my fingers sensed the warmth of a body. I turned my head and, to my shock, saw that Mr. Naboru was still lying beside me.

-Damn, damn, DAMN, why hasn't he left yet?!?-

I looked at my master in terror, not knowing what to say. I was embarrassed, and an unprecedented fear gripped me. Not only was I terrified for my own safety, despite being used to my master's punishments, but also for Naboru's. I didn't want him to suffer any pain because of me.

Suddenly, Naboru opened his eyes and, with unexpected gentleness, whispered to me:

"Good morning, Ume. Did you sleep well?"

His hands began to stroke my hair, gently tucking it behind my ears.

"Haha, your plum-colored hair is so soft, even after a night's sleep."

I remained frozen, still in shock.

-How can he be so calm and serene in such a tense situation?-

I gathered the little strength and courage I had to respond to him, my voice trembling and hesitant:

"Mr-Mr. Naboru... M-Master is here..."

The silence in the room was deafening, as if the whole world was holding its breath. My master, still frozen at the threshold, began to tremble with anger.

Naboru, however, rose slowly, his face still serene, his eyes unperturbed. He turned slowly towards my master, his movements full of confidence.

"Monsieur Lysandros,"

He said in a friendly tone, emphasizing each vowel,

"I apologize for this unexpected situation. Ume was terrified last night. I heard her screaming and thrashing in her bed, so I took it upon myself to stay with her to calm her. I assure you, there is nothing inappropriate here."

My master remained silent for a moment but seemed to calm down. However, his fists stayed clenched.

Naboru stepped closer to Master and caressed his cheek. Then, he brought his face closer to his, as if he were about to kiss him, saying:

"Ume has been an exemplary servant, and I didn't want her to have a night full of unnecessary fears. My intention was purely logical. I mean, I was afraid she would lack efficiency during the day due to her fatigue."

Master seemed completely convinced by Naboru's explanations to the point that he stepped towards Naboru and gave him a warm hug.

"Oh, I see! You are a very clever man, Mr. Naboru. But there was no need to sleep with her, really!"

he said with a slight laugh, though his laughter sounded false.

Naboru responded with a kind smile, an expression of sincerity on his face.

"Lysandros, allow me to explain in more detail. Ume was in such a state of distress that she wouldn't have been able to sleep otherwise. You know how important it is for her to be rested and productive for her daily tasks. I felt obliged to watch over her. You might argue that you would have taken care of her because your guest shouldn't have to attend to a servant, but I wanted to avoid disturbing you, as a gesture of gratitude for your hospitality."

Master raised his eyebrows, intrigued or suspicious... I don't know.

"Watch over her, you say? Wouldn't it have been enough to reassure her and let her rest alone?"

Naboru tilted his head slightly, as if acknowledging the validity of the question.

"You're right, in theory, that should have been enough. But Ume was inconsolable. Her fear was such that she needed a reassuring presence by her side. I thought it was better to sacrifice a bit of personal comfort to ensure she could rest and be in top shape this morning, and thus continue to fulfill her duties as a servant. As they say, it's a necessary evil."

Master seemed to ponder for a moment, then his expression softened, convinced by Naboru's calm assurance.

"Very well, I understand. You acted with good intentions, I see that now. But understand that I cannot allow her to go unpunished for what she forced you to do. Therefore, I forbid her from interacting with you outside the scope of her duties."

I felt as if I was being pulled out of my body. Would I never be able to speak to Mr. Naboru again? It was a true nightmare. Fear and despair welled up inside me, but before I could react, Naboru responded calmly.

"I completely understand, Mr. Lysandros. Ume will adhere to your instructions to the letter, trust her."

Master nodded, satisfied with Naboru's response. Then, turning to me with a stern look, he ordered,

"Ume, go prepare breakfast for us immediately. Do not keep us waiting."

In a trembling voice, I stood up and replied,

"Yes, Master."

It was then that Master left the room, leaving me alone with Naboru who remained standing in front of me.

I turned my eyes to him, tears threatening to fall.

"But Mr. Naboru, I... I will never be able to talk to you outside of my role. How...? I... You..."

Naboru abruptly stopped me, placing a firm hand over my mouth. His eyes fixed on mine with an intensity I had never seen before.

"Ume, listen to me carefully,"

he whispered.

"I will ensure that I go out with the Master. During that time, you must go down to the cellar. It's crucial."

I nodded slightly to show that I understood. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth and continued.

"Where did you put the Sanalith Fragmentheal? And do you also have the Auratria Sisminocrystal?"

I swallowed nervously.

"Yes, I have both. The Sanalith Fragmentheal is in my clothes. And, uh... the Auratria Sisminocrystal too."

Pleased, he continued:

"Perfect. Now, take off your clothes, you can't keep the crystals on you."

I froze, my face turning bright red.

"Take off my clothes? Me?! But... Mr. Naboru..."

He looked at me with a slightly embarrassed but serious smile.

"Ume, it's important. The Sisminocristal of Auratria can be very dangerous if mishandled or kept on a person for too long. I have no ulterior motives, I promise."

I bit my lip, hesitant.

"I... I understand, but... it's so embarrassing."

I turned around, trying to hide my crimson face. It felt so absurd, like a scene from a bad novel or anime. I felt like my heart was going to explode with embarrassment. Naboru, on his part, seemed not to understand my embarrassment but avoided looking directly at me out of respect.

Then, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Listen, Ume, I understand that this is embarrassing. But believe me, I only want to protect you and ensure your safety. You don't need to feel embarrassed."

I finally accepted timidly, but my heart was still pounding.

"Alright, I'll do it. But... could you at least turn around?"

Naboru nodded quickly and said,

"Of course, of course. I'll turn around."

He turned immediately, giving me some privacy. I took a deep breath and began to remove my clothes, feeling my face getting redder and redder.

The situation was so surreal.

Once undressed, I carefully set down my clothes and said,

"Mr. Naboru... it's done."

I retrieved the crystals and placed them cautiously beside me. "Mr. Naboru... it's done."

Naboru turned around and, seeing me naked, his eyes widened, and he slightly bled from his nose. Immediately, he turned away and shouted, visibly embarrassed.


I lowered my head, feeling horribly ashamed.

"But my... my... my master didn't buy me any other clothes... I... I have nothing else to wear..."

I felt the tears welling up, and the words spilled from my mouth uncontrollably.

"I'm a bitch... a miserable bitch... a worthless creature... good for nothing... I deserve nothing good... I'm just a burden... a poor girl with no value... a bitch without dignity..."

Suddenly, Naboru cut me off.

"Enough! Ume, stop!"

He approached me, without looking directly at me to avoid seeing my naked body.

"You're not a bitch. It's not your fault you don't have other clothes. It's that other... that... that bastard who manipulates you, who treats you this way. He made you believe you are worthless, but it's not true."

He took a deep breath, his voice calming.

"You are a valuable person, Ume. You have been forced to live under horrible conditions, and I know few people who could survive that. You are stronger than you think."

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, but this time, they were mixed with joy.

"Mr. Naboru... do you really think that?"

He nodded gently.

"Yes, I do. Anyway, I'll go ask your master for other clothes. Stay here and leave the stones where they are; a sudden movement could ruin my plan."

☆*: .。.Naboru.。.: *☆

I stand at the door, my hand still resting on the cold wood. The warmth of the room contrasts sharply with the frigid air of the corridor. I cast one last glance at Ume, her eyes wet and glistening, before slipping away. My mind is already in motion, calculating the next steps with icy precision.

Descending the stairs, I take a deep breath to calm my thoughts. Every detail, every word must be calculated with care. Lysandros awaits me below, his face marked by impatience. He looks up as I enter the room, and I catch a glimmer of suspicion in his eyes.

"You have been gone a long time, Naboru,"

he begins, his voice tinged with barely concealed irritation.

"Don't tell me you were with Ume again?"