Chapter 14 Be my puppet

...I feigned an expression of surprise mixed with a hint of reproach, carefully modulating my tone to make it sound genuine.

"My good sir, understand,"

I said, inclining my head slightly in a gesture of respect.

"I stayed with her all night, and this morning, I couldn't decently let her cook in her dirty clothes from the day before. So I forced her to change, but she told me, with a disarming naivety, that you hadn't provided her with any other clothes. Reassure me... you did provide her with other clothes, didn't you?"

Lysandros straightened up, visibly uncomfortable. He forced a smile, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"But of course, Naboru. I... I must have simply forgotten to give them to her."

I raised an eyebrow, feigning polite incredulity.

"Ah, I see. A simple omission then."

I paused, letting the silence stretch just enough to make him uneasy.

"That said, it would be prudent to rectify this situation immediately. A poorly dressed servant reflects badly on the household, and I'm certain you want everything to be perfect."

Lysandros nodded vigorously, his eyes avoiding mine.

"Yes, yes, you are right. I will take care of it right away."

I did not move, locking my gaze with his, forcing him to justify himself further.

"Sir, you are a man of stature and reputation. It would be a shame if such negligences tarnished your impeccable image. Perhaps you have spare clothes right here that I could bring to her?"

He hesitated, and I sensed his growing nervousness.

"Well, I... I fear the clothes are not here. They must be... at the other residence."

I smiled softly, a smile that did not reach my eyes.

"The other residence, you say? That's most unfortunate. But if I may, sir, it would be wise to keep some spare clothes here as well. To avoid such embarrassing situations."

Lysandros shifted on the spot, visibly searching for a way out of this uncomfortable conversation.

"Ah, yes, of course, but I... I must have forgotten to bring them here. They are probably in the other house."

I feigned surprise, raising my eyebrows slightly.

"Monsieur Lysandros, you are a man of great foresight. It seems improbable that you would forget something so crucial. Surely, you are joking at the moment, aren't you?"

He blinked, caught off guard by my remark.

"Uh... yes, of course. A simple joke. I must have some clothes here somewhere."

I approached him, my piercing gaze attempting to see through his facade.

"Ah, that reassures me. You understand, a well-dressed servant is essential to maintaining the order and reputation of a house as distinguished as yours."

Lysandros nodded, trying to maintain a confident expression.

"Yes, absolutely. I will fetch them immediately."

I watched him move awkwardly towards a closet, his nervousness palpable.

"Take your time, sir. It is crucial that we find appropriate clothing for Ume. We wouldn't want her to feel uncomfortable or for the house to be seen as negligent."

Lysandros opened the closet and rummaged inside, his movements becoming increasingly desperate.

"I'm sure that... somewhere in here... they must be here..."

I crossed my arms, keeping my gaze fixed on him, each word calculated to push him a little closer to the truth.

"You know, Monsieur Lysandros, a house of your stature should be prepared for any eventuality. A simple omission can quickly become a topic of gossip among other nobles."

He emerged from the closet empty-handed, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Yes, of course. I... I will check another room."

I didn't move, my gaze firmly anchored on his.

"Monsieur Lysandros, it seems we are wasting precious time. Perhaps you should reconsider your management of domestic affairs. After all, Ume mentioned that she never received other clothes."

He swallowed hard, his eyes searching for an escape.

"It's... it's a mistake on her part. She must have misunderstood."

I stepped forward slightly, closing the distance between us to increase the pressure.

"A mistake, you say? It would be unfortunate if this were misinterpreted by visitors or by myself. I am here to ensure everything runs perfectly."

Lysandros backed away, cornered, his face turning red.

"Yes, yes, of course. I will find those clothes."

He left the room hastily, and I followed closely, pressing him with my silent presence. We passed through several rooms, each new search heightening his anxiety.

"You know, Monsieur Lysandros,"

I said softly, as if sharing a secret,

"a well-managed house reflects an orderly and capable mind. Negligence here could indicate weaknesses elsewhere."

He stopped abruptly, turning to me with a forced smile.

"I... I understand, Naboru. I... I will make sure this doesn't happen again."

I nodded, a conciliatory smile on my lips.

"I have no doubt, Monsieur. But for now, we must resolve this clothing issue. Perhaps we should consider a temporary solution if the clothes are not here."

He opened his mouth, hesitated, then closed it again. I saw the internal struggle in his eyes, desperately seeking an exit. I stepped forward, placing a firm but friendly hand on his shoulder. "Monsieur Lysandros, we must be honest with each other. If you don't have other clothes here, it's better to say so now. We will find a solution together."

He swallowed, his shoulders sagging slightly under the pressure.

"Well, I... I'm afraid that..."

I squeezed his shoulder, offering an encouraging smile.

"Yes, Monsieur?"

He lowered his head, defeated.

"Monsieur Naboru, I fear that... that... that I do not have what you requested..."

I took a deep breath, gently releasing his shoulder.

"I suppose I will go and buy clothes for Ume right away."

Lysandros responded with joy,

"But what a wonderful idea and generosity on your part, I thank you for remedying my oversight! I didn't know where to put myself, haha."

I took a deep breath, gently releasing his shoulder.

"Oh, I see. Thank you for your honesty, Monsieur. We must now act quickly to rectify this situation. Allow me to suggest a solution: we will both go out to purchase luxurious clothes for Ume. It would be a magnificent gesture on your part, showing your generosity and concern for the well-being of your servants."

Lysandros squinted slightly, confused.

"But... you said you were going to take care of it, didn't you?"

I made a slight gesture with my hand, as if dismissing an unwelcome idea.

"Monsieur, it seems there has been a misunderstanding. I never said I would handle the purchase myself. My role here is to ensure everything goes smoothly. You have the power and authority to make such a gesture. This will enhance your image and ensure the respect of all your servants."

He blinked, trying to recall my exact words.

"But... I'm sure you said you would take care of the purchase."

I smiled, my tone remaining gentle but firm.

"Monsieur, what I said was that we must ensure Ume is properly clothed. Buying these luxurious clothes is an opportunity for you to show your magnanimity and your commitment to those who serve your house. It would be inappropriate for me to take this responsibility from you."

Lysandros hesitated, trying to understand.

"But... you said you would take care of it, didn't you?"

I shook my head slightly, keeping my smile.

"No, Monsieur. I suggested that we should solve this problem together. You are the master of this house, and it is your responsibility to take care of your servants. I am here to help you do that in the best way possible."

He frowned, but I could see he was starting to relent.

"But if I'm the one paying for these clothes, why did you propose to take care of it?"

I responded calmly, my voice full of understanding.

"Monsieur, my proposal was to accompany you to choose the best clothes for Ume. It is an important task, and your presence will show Ume how much you care for her. That doesn't mean I was taking the responsibility of the purchase upon myself."

Lysandros seemed more and more lost.

"But... you said..."

I interrupted him gently but firmly.

"Monsieur, it seems we have had a misunderstanding. The important thing now is to rectify the situation. Your gesture will be appreciated and will demonstrate your dedication to those who serve you."

He did not respond, so I decided to pull out all the stops, taking advantage of the moment to advance my objective and said:

"Monsieur Lysandros, allow me to enlighten you on the importance of this situation and how it could transform your image and position. Every gesture you make, every decision you take, resonates deeply among those around you. By showing special attention to Ume, a mere servant, you send a powerful message. You show that you are not just an authoritative master, but a magnanimous leader who cares for the needs of his subordinates. Such a demonstration of compassion and responsibility not only strengthens your position of power but also the loyalty and admiration of those who serve you.Imagine the impact of your gesture: Ume, adorned in sumptuous clothing, standing tall and proud, knowing that her master personally ensured her well-being. This is not just about clothes, but an affirmation of your greatness, of your ability to see beyond daily tasks and touch the hearts of your servants. Everyone in this house, every visitor, every rival, will see in you a man of principles, capable of noble gestures. This is how legends are built, Monsieur, a reputation that transcends generations.However, let me confide a secret to you, Monsieur Lysandros. This gesture, though it seems trivial, is a cornerstone of your influence. If you ignore these small attentions, you risk appearing distant, indifferent. Your servants might start to murmur, to doubt your ability to lead with benevolence. It is in these moments of perceived vulnerability that the ambitions of others can grow. A single flaw in a leader's armor can give rise to silent revolts, unexpected betrayals. You must always be aware of every movement, every breath around you.Look around you, Monsieur. Every face you see, every pair of eyes watching you, holds judgments, evaluations. They scrutinize your actions, seeking signs of weakness or greatness. By taking care of Ume, you ensure that these gazes see a just and generous master. But if you fail, if you neglect even one detail, these same eyes could turn towards you with suspicion and disdain. Loyalty is fragile, Monsieur, and it must be constantly nurtured.There is also another dimension to consider, that of your own self-perception. You have reached this status through a combination of strength, strategy, and vision. But never forget that even the greatest of leaders can fall into oblivion if they cease to pay attention to details. Your decisions reflect your essence. And by showing that you can be generous, even to the humblest of your servants, you affirm your total control, not through fear, but through respect and admiration.But, Monsieur Lysandros, if you allow me, there is a darker truth you must face. Beyond this façade of power and control, there is an abyss. Every mistake, every misstep, could precipitate your fall. Those around you are not just your servants, but also your silent judges. And it takes only a whisper, a rumor, to destroy what you have built.Think of those who have failed before you, those who believed their position was unassailable. Their arrogance led to their downfall. They underestimated the power of public perception, the value of every life that surrounded them. Do not fall into this trap, Monsieur. Do not let yourself be blinded by a sense of illusory security. Every moment of your life is a test, a struggle to maintain the precarious balance of your power.And if, despite everything, you find yourself unable to maintain this façade, if you feel the whispers turning into screams, the looks becoming judgments, then you must make a more radical decision. A weak leader, an uncertain leader, is worse than a tyrant. He is despised, betrayed, abandoned. If you can no longer bear the weight of your role, it may be time to consider a definitive exit. An honorable departure, before the inevitable fall crushes you.Monsieur Lysandros, I urge you to think deeply about your actions. To understand that every gesture has a consequence, every decision, a repercussion. You hold in your hands not only your own destiny but also that of all those around you. Do not let weakness define you. Be the master you claim to be, or prepare to face the darkness of oblivion. Life is a constant battle, and only the strongest survive. Are you ready to do what it takes to stay on top, or will you let yourself be overwhelmed by doubts and failures?"

I could see from his face that he was about to crack, and that's why I continued...

"Monsieur Lysandros, it seems we are beginning to understand the importance of every decision you make. But allow me to delve even deeper into our conversation. We have spoken about public image, the perception of your servants. Now, we must explore the darkest corners of your own consciousness. The thoughts that haunt you, the fears you hide even from yourself.Think back to your childhood, Monsieur Lysandros. The unbearable expectations of your parents, the shadow of their disapproval ever-present. Every failure, every disappointment, etched deeply into your mind. You learned very early that the slightest weakness was unforgivable. Your father, austere and demanding, shaped you with relentless harshness. Every forced smile, every encouragement laced with impossible demands. You cannot escape that inner voice, the one that constantly tells you that you are never enough, that you must always do more, prove more.And what of your mother? That silent figure, whose gaze followed you everywhere, full of disappointments and silent judgments. She taught you to read emotions on faces, to anticipate criticism, to fear failure even before it occurred. The constant pressure, the insidious anxiety that rumbles within you with every decision made, with every look turned your way.We must also talk about your own family, Monsieur Lysandros. Your wife, this supposed pillar of support, does she not also see your flaws? Behind her smiles and words of comfort, there is doubt, uncertainty. She wonders if you are truly the man she thought she married, if you live up to the ideals you have always proclaimed. Every look from her is a silent evaluation, an unanswered question. She sees your failures, your moments of weakness, and she judges.And your children? Innocent, yes, but also mirrors of your own inadequacies. Every mistake, every misstep on your part, is reflected in them. They learn from you, not only your strengths but also your weaknesses. Their future is a constant reminder of your responsibilities, of your potential failures. They are the silent witnesses to your inner struggles, the battles you lose against your own demons.But let us speak of the lonely nights, the moments when you are alone with your thoughts. The silence, heavy and oppressive, that envelops you. Those moments when memories flood in, regrets accumulate. The faces of those you have betrayed, the missed opportunities, the choices you should have made differently. These ghosts of the past, these specters of unfortunate decisions, never leave you in peace.Ah, but I forgot. Your wife, your child, all of them—they are all dead because of you, aren't they? You miss them, as evidenced by the photo in your room, but it is too late.YOUR mistake caused THEIR loss, THEIR death. But let us move on. There are also these whispers, these rumors circulating among your servants. They see your hesitations, your moments of doubt. They murmur among themselves, wondering if you are truly capable of leading them. Each rumor, each whisper, is a sword of Damocles hanging over your head. You cannot control them, and it eats you up inside.Monsieur Lysandros, allow me to remind you of this cruel truth: you are alone. Surrounded by people, yes, but alone in your struggles, your battles. No one truly understands the weight you bear, the constant inner battle you fight. Every smile you display is a facade, a masquerade to hide the truth. No one sees the cracks, the faults, the depths of doubt that haunt you.And finally, we must face the ultimate question: what is the point of all this power, all this influence, if deep down, you are consumed by doubt, paralyzed by the fear of failure? Every day is a struggle to maintain the illusion of control, of power. But the truth, Monsieur Lysandros, is that you are fragile, vulnerable. Every decision, every action, could be the one that leads to your downfall. You walk a tightrope, and the slightest misstep could plunge you into the abyss.So, I ask you this, Monsieur Lysandros: how much longer can you bear this weight? How long before the walls of your fortress crumble, revealing the stark truth of your fragility? The life you lead is a series of relentless trials, a perpetual cycle of doubts and fears. And if, in the end, you are not up to the task? If all your struggles, all your efforts, are but an illusion meant to mask the inevitable? Monsieur Lysandros, accepting your own weakness may be the first step toward liberation. You can continue to fight, to try to maintain this facade, or you can accept the reality of your humanity, of your limits. For deep down, we are all prisoners of our own fears, of our own faults. And perhaps, just perhaps, there is a certain freedom in abandoning this incessant struggle.So, Monsieur Lysandros, faced with this implacable reality, what is there left for you to do? The constant struggle, the ceaseless effort to maintain an illusion of control, is exhausting. But there is another way. A way where you can find an ally, someone who understands your fears, your weaknesses, and who can guide you through these dark times. That person is me. I am here to support you, to offer you a clarity that few can provide. Together, we can not only overcome these challenges but transform these apparent weaknesses into unshakeable strengths.You see, by accepting my help, you are no longer alone in this battle. You have by your side someone who sees clearly, who can protect you from the traps of public perception, the insidious whispers of your servants, and the crushing expectations of your own mind. I can be your guide, your advisor, the one who watches in the shadows to ensure that your reign is not only maintained but thrives. Together, we can create a new era for your house, one where every decision is calculated, every move is strategic, and every weakness is turned into a formidable strength.Monsieur Lysandros, it is time to stop struggling alone. Let me take part of this burden. Allow me to show you how to navigate these troubled waters, how to turn these threats into opportunities. By accepting my help, you choose wisdom, true strength. Together, we will be invincible. So, take my hand and let us walk side by side on this quest.Together, we can conquer not only your fears but anything that stands in our way. Follow me, Monsieur Lysandros, and let us see how far we can go. Now, we will go out and purchase the clothes for Ume, and we will decide our next steps afterward. Do you accept?"

I was relatively exhausted, having given my all to remember everything I had observed during my exploration of the house to use it against him. Indeed, I had to recall every photo, every article, every word in his journal, but I believe it was worth it. Thanks to this, he will likely bring me to the King soon.

Finally, as we head towards the exit, I stop for a moment, raising my voice slightly to ensure Ume can hear me.

"Ume, we are leaving with Monsieur Lysandros to resolve the clothing situation. We will return later."

I wait for a second, listening to the silence in response, before turning to Lysandros with a reassuring smile.

"We shouldn't be long. Let's go, Monsieur."

He nods without any expression, and we leave the house...