CHAPTER 15 The auratria market

Once we left the palace, we entered a magnificent carriage, befitting the wealth of the nobleman. I settled in, and the moment we sat down, the horse began to move.The carriage advanced slowly, its wheels creaking slightly on the uneven cobblestones of the road. I made myself comfortable on the seat opposite Lysandros, moving from beside him to a direct confrontation with his eyes, which were nervously looking out the window. The tension was palpable; Lysandros was clearly uncomfortable after our previous conversation. The silence was heavy, and I could see that Lysandros was too terrified to engage in any conversation. I needed to pull him out of this state of fear, but not out of sympathy. Indeed, I was bored, and I had to keep talking to him without him losing his mind too soon.So, I decided to address the carriage driver. The driver was a sturdy man, with gray hair and a friendly demeanor. He seemed well-acquainted with his job and appeared intrigued by our conversation.

"My good man,"

I said to the driver with a smile,

"do you know what we are going to do in town today?"

The driver shook his head, showing his ignorance.

"Well," I continued, "

Mr. Lysandros here has decided to buy luxurious clothes for one of his maidservants. A young girl who, let's say, is really lucky to serve such a generous master."

I glanced at Lysandros, whose face had become paler. He seemed frozen, unable to react. I continued, raising my voice slightly to ensure Lysandros had no choice but to listen attentively.

"You know, it's not common to see a master take such good care of his servants. Mr. Lysandros is truly an exceptional man, isn't he? A true model of kindness and generosity. It's rare to see someone willing to spend so much for the well-being of his servants, especially when they come from such modest backgrounds."

The driver nodded in agreement, a smile on his lips.

"Yes, it's rare indeed," he said. "Mr. Lysandros, you must be really special."

Lysandros swallowed hard, unable to respond. I could almost feel his terror rising, his mind desperately searching for a way out of this situation. He knew that if he contradicted me, he risked exposing the truth about his cruel behavior. But at the same time, he couldn't ignore the weight of the expectations I had just placed on his shoulders.

I leaned slightly forward, my smile widening.

"Isn't that right, Mr. Lysandros? You really care about the well-being of your servants. After all, that's what makes you such a respected and admired master."

Lysandros nodded weakly, the fear in his eyes more evident than ever.

"Y... Yes," he murmured, his voice trembling.

"That's correct."

The driver smiled, satisfied with the response.

"Well, Mr. Lysandros, it's an honor to drive someone as generous as you."

Noting the driver's satisfaction, I felt it was the perfect moment to press further. Lysandros was already on the edge; he just needed a slight push to fall completely under my control.

"You know,"

I continued, still addressing the driver,

"Mr. Lysandros has a truly admirable vision of managing his estate. He understands that the well-being of his servants is crucial to maintaining a prosperous and harmonious household. It's rare these days to find such enlightened masters."

The driver nodded, visibly impressed.

"Yes, that's true. Most masters don't care as much about their servants. It's really remarkable."

I glanced at Lysandros, whose face was now ashen. It was clear he was struggling internally, knowing he had no choice but to play along with my game.

"And that's not all,"

I continued in a soft but firm voice,

"Mr. Lysandros is also very involved in charitable works. He doesn't just take care of his own servants but also contributes to improving the living conditions of those in other estates. Isn't that right, Mr. Lysandros?"

Caught off guard, Lysandros nodded mechanically.

"Yes... yes, of course,"

he stammered, unable to find his words.

The driver seemed more and more admiring.

"That's truly inspiring. Few people have such a generous heart."

I smiled inwardly, knowing I had Lysandros at my mercy.

"And you know, it's not just a matter of charity. Mr. Lysandros has a very strategic approach to management. He knows that happy and healthy servants are more productive and loyal. It's a real lesson in leadership."

Lysandros swallowed, trying to hide his discomfort.

"Yes... that's right," he murmured.

"But let's be honest, there's still a lot to do,"

I continued, slightly changing my tone to appear more conciliatory.

"That's why we're going shopping today. It's important to show the servants that they are valued and respected. After all, they are the ones who keep the estate in order."

The driver nodded vigorously, apparently in complete agreement.

"That's a very wise vision, Mr. Naboru."

I then turned directly to Lysandros, my smile becoming more pronounced. "And let's not forget that it also contributes to the master's image. Other nobles see how well he treats his servants, and it enhances his prestige and influence."

Lysandros nodded slowly, like a man hypnotized.

"Yes... that's true," he repeated, almost in a trance.

I decided to deliver the final blow, still using the driver as a witness to our conversation.

"By the way, driver, have you heard about the recent reforms in the management of neighboring estates? They are starting to adopt similar practices, inspired by masters like Mr. Lysandros. That shows just how great his influence is."

The driver, captivated by the story, nodded again.

"Yes, I've heard about that. It's really impressive."

Lysandros, feeling the weight of my words and the implicit expectation of his role, seemed almost on the verge of breaking down. It was the perfect moment to push him to admit the truth.

"So, Mr. Lysandros,"

I said, leaning slightly forward,

"are you ready to continue inspiring other nobles with your exemplary actions? I'm sure you've planned to buy extra clothes for your servants, haven't you? After all, it's such an important detail to maintain this image of generosity and kindness."

Lysandros opened his mouth, his lips trembling slightly. But before he could speak, I interrupted him with a cheerful tone.

"Ah, we've arrived! The market is right there. Let's go."

I stepped out of the carriage first, extending my hand to Lysandros to help him down. He took my hand with palpable hesitation, his eyes still fixed on me with a glimmer of fear. We headed toward the most luxurious stalls, where the finest fabrics and most sumptuous clothes were displayed.

"We should make sure that the clothes for Ume are of the highest quality," I said, scanning the market. "After all, she is an essential part of your household, isn't she?"

Lysandros nodded, still in shock from our previous conversation.

"Yes, of course."

I led him to an opulent stall, where silk and velvet fabrics were displayed. The merchant, recognizing Lysandros, bowed slightly.

"Mr. Lysandros, it's an honor to serve you. How can I help you today?"

"We're here to buy clothes for one of Mr. Lysandros's maidservants,"

I replied before Lysandros could say a word.

"We're looking for something truly exceptional, something that reflects the generosity and grandeur of her master."

The merchant smiled, his eyes gleaming with greed.

"Of course, I have exactly what you need. Follow me, I'll show you our most precious pieces."

We followed the merchant to a special section of the stall, where the most exquisite clothes were displayed. Each piece was a masterpiece of tailoring and design, adorned with delicate embroidery and precious stones.

"Here are our masterpieces,"

the merchant announced proudly.

"These clothes are the most expensive and refined we have. They are perfect for a maidservant as precious as Mr. Lysandros's."

I turned to Lysandros, a calculated smile on my lips.

"What do you think, Mr. Lysandros? Wouldn't it be wonderful to show Ume how much she is valued by giving her not one, but two of these magnificent garments?"

Lysandros, caught off guard, opened his mouth but no sound came out. I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I understand that it may seem extravagant, but think of the image it will project. You'll be seen as a generous and caring master, someone who spares no expense for the well-being of his servants. It will only enhance your prestige and authority among the other nobles."

The merchant, sensing a promising sale, added:

"The gentleman here is right. These clothes are not just garments; they are symbols of your greatness and generosity."

Lysandros, trapped between social pressure and my skillful manipulation, finally gave in.

"Very well,"

he murmured.

"We'll take both."

I signaled to the merchant, who immediately began wrapping the clothes with care.

"Excellent decision, Mr. Lysandros. Ume will be delighted, and you will be praised for your generosity."

As we left the stall with the packages, I turned to Lysandros and gave him an encouraging smile.

"You see, that wasn't so difficult. You made a noble and magnanimous gesture today. It shows what an exceptional master you are."

As we left the stand with the packages, I turned to Lysandros and gave him an encouraging smile.

"You see, that wasn't so difficult. You made a noble and magnanimous gesture today. It shows what an exceptional master you are."

Lysandros opened his mouth, no doubt to express his dismay at the astronomical sum spent, but I didn't give him a chance to speak. I took a step forward, invading his personal space, my eyes fixed on his with an icy intensity.

"Before you utter a single word, Lysandros,"

my voice was low, a whisper tinged with menace. Each syllable was carefully placed.

"I advise you to think very carefully about your next words. You are sitting on a volcano, and each word you say could be the drop of water that makes it explode."

I took another step closer, my face nearing his, and my voice became an almost ethereal whisper, heavy with weight.

"Imagine a scene where every action you take is observed, judged, interpreted. Do you think spending such a sum is folly? No, it is a necessity to maintain your facade, your illusion of power. The slightest flaw, the smallest misstep, and the other nobles, the courtiers, the advisers—they will seize the opportunity to bring you down from your pedestal. You are a man of high rank, but that position is fragile. It takes just a breath for everything to collapse. Your rivals are waiting for a chance, an opportunity, to see you fall. And this moment of weakness, this hesitation before a financial choice, is exactly what they are looking for. Imagine what the nobility would say if they learned that you refuse to buy decent clothes for your servants. They would begin to doubt your abilities, your authority. The whispers would spread like a disease, undermining your power, eroding your reputation. You would be seen as weak, incompetent. A man unworthy of his rank."

I moved my face even closer, the icy breath of my words brushing his skin.

"People judge you not only by your actions but also by your ability to manipulate the perceptions of others. You may think this expense is an extravagance. On the contrary, it is a symbol. A symbol of your power, of your authority. Refusing to bear the cost is accepting to display your vulnerabilities, to expose yourself to attacks. And you cannot afford that. You have the power to control your image, to dictate how you are perceived by others. This power can make or break you. You must seize it, use it, impose it."

I took a step back, breaking eye contact but leaving a crushing weight behind.

"And believe me, Lysandros, I know exactly what I am doing. I have an overview of this situation that you cannot even imagine. You may hate me for this, but you must admit that my advice is well-founded."

I placed my hand on his shoulder with deceptive gentleness, my voice becoming a friendly but persuasive exclamation as I concluded,

"Think carefully, Lysandros. Your future depends on it."

Then we climbed back into the carriage to return to see Ume at Lysandros's estate.

-I hope she has had time to do what I asked her, otherwise I won't know how to buy more time. The end of my plan is already too close to afford to start over; it would be too late...-