Chapter 16 In search of Lumicristal

☆*: .。.Ume. .。: *☆

Suddenly, I heard Naboru shout to me,

"Ume, we are leaving with Mr. Lysandros to sort out the clothing situation. We'll be back later."

I jumped slightly when I heard the front door close behind Naboru and Lysandros. The sound echoed through the silent house, leaving me alone.

-How was this possible? How had Naboru managed to get Lysandros out? And, even more astonishing, how had he managed to silence him, someone who usually shouted without a moment's rest?-

A shiver ran over my bare skin as I straightened up slightly, glancing furtively around me. I could almost touch the silence and serenity. But I quickly understood what Naboru expected of me by leaving. His plan was clear: I had to go to the basement. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. My nakedness made me feel vulnerable, exposing my scars to the light. Yet, I knew I had no choice. I had to hurry, take advantage of Lysandros' absence to accomplish what Naboru had planned, or else it would be my fault if everything failed. I rose slowly, my bare feet brushing against the cold floor. The sensation of the icy stone against my bare skin sent a shiver through me, but I couldn't afford to waste time. Every second counted. When I reached the door leading to the basement, I paused, taking a deep breath to gather courage.

"Come on, Ume, you can do this! Mr. Naboru is counting on you!"

I told myself aloud, patting my cheeks to muster up courage.

The door was massive, dark wood adorned with ancient iron fittings that creaked as I pushed it open. The darkness of the spiral staircase descending into the depths of the house was the only path that would lead me to my destination, even if it terrified me. Once at the bottom, I groped for a source of light. My fingers finally encountered a Lumicrystal. And another. And yet another, leading me to a pile of Lumicrystals.

At the top of this pile, a note lay, carefully folded. I grabbed it and opened it, immediately recognizing Naboru's elegant handwriting.

"My dear Ume,

I know how daunting and intimidating this task may seem, but know that each Lumicrystal you find and gather here is one step closer to your freedom. These crystals are all I have managed to recover so far, and they represent much more than just a glow in the dark. They are a symbol of our hope and determination.

You are strong, much stronger than you think. Your willpower and perseverance are admirable. Keep searching for more Lumicrystals in the house and bring them all here. The more we have, the better our chances of success.

I believe in you, Ume. You are not alone. Together, we will overcome all challenges.

With all my trust,


Naboru's words warmed my heart, dispelling some of the coldness of the basement. His words were full of affection and support, giving me the strength I needed to continue. I gathered the Lumicrystals, placing them carefully in a corner of the basement. The soft and soothing glow of the crystals illuminated the space around me, providing not only light but also comfort.

I left the basement, determined to search every corner of the house. My bare feet slid slightly on the cold tiles as I walked through the dark hallways. Every room became a potential treasure trove of Lumicrystals, and I made sure to leave no stone unturned.

First, I ventured into the kitchen. Silence reigned, interrupted only by the clattering of a few utensils I had misplaced, which would surely earn me my master's wrath. I opened every cupboard, every drawer, moving pots and pans. Behind a wobbly shelf, I found a small Lumicrystal hidden. Its glow reassured me, reminding me that every discovery, no matter how small, was a step forward, or so I hoped.

I continued my quest in the dining room, exploring every piece of furniture, under every tablecloth, and behind every curtain. I lifted chairs, inspected chandeliers, and found more hidden Lumicrystals. It seemed these stones had been strategically scattered, and I wondered who had taken care to place them this way, Lysandros? Or Naboru himself?

The library was my next destination. Books were piled up haphazardly, but I took the time to move them, examine the shelves, and check behind each volume. After a few minutes of meticulous searching, I found a good number of Lumicrystals wedged between the pages of old grimoires and other antiquities.

Next, I moved on to the bedrooms. Every bed, every wardrobe, and every dresser was inspected. Under a dusty mattress, I found plenty of additional Lumicrystals, one of which was slightly cracked but still glowing. I rummaged through drawers, moved furniture, and even looked under tapestries. My determination did not waver, despite the fatigue beginning to weigh on my shoulders.

The bathroom was more challenging. The cold tiles and the smell of damp soap brought no comfort. Yet, while rummaging under the sink and behind stacked towels, I found a Lumicrystal in a soapbox. Its glow was weaker than the others, but I knew every crystal counted.

[… Anyway, I won't tell you everything. I live in a huge mansion, and there are dozens of Lumicrystals everywhere! Excuse my laziness in recounting everything!]

Finally, I headed to the attic. The air was heavy and dusty, filled with cobwebs. I climbed the creaky stairs cautiously, each step creaking under my weight. Once at the top, I took a moment to adjust to the dim light. While rummaging among old trunks and forgotten items, I found several Lumicrystals hidden in dark corners and under piles of old clothes. Their soft light pierced through the dust and darkness, guiding me in my search.

Then I returned to the basement. I took a moment to admire the glow of the gathered Lumicrystals, their combined brilliance creating an almost supernatural ambiance. Realizing that Naboru had probably hidden these crystals here for a reason, I decided to disperse them strategically.

I placed a few in the darkest corners of the basement to maximize their light. Then, I went upstairs to hide some of the crystals in key spots around the house: behind a painting in the living room, under a rug in the library, and in a wooden box in the kitchen. Each crystal was positioned to offer optimal glow without being too visible, knowing that now, not a single spot in the house was without the protection of a crystal.

"There you go, Ume! You're amazing! You can tell Naboru about your great actions; he'll be proud!"

However, the majority of the Lumicrystals, weighing several dozen kilos when grouped together, remained in the basement. Their collective aura provided much-needed protection and light. Satisfied, I returned to the basement, watching the soft light envelop the space.

As I contemplated the light emitted by the crystals, a sudden thought crossed my mind. What if one of these Lumicrystals exploded? The chain reaction could be devastating. The enormous quantity of crystals in the basement was enough to destroy the entire house. An explosion of this magnitude would have disastrous consequences not only for me but also for Naboru and Lysandros, not to mention the entire structure.

A shiver ran down my spine as I realized the extent of the danger.

-Why was Naboru taking such a risk? The question tormented me. Was he planning to blow up the house? Why would he go to such an extreme?-

This thought chilled me to the bone. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my whirling thoughts. It was crucial to understand Naboru's plan. I had learned to trust him, to believe in his judgment, but this situation seemed terribly perilous. My heart was racing, and I felt an urgent need to find a rational explanation.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind: no object in our possession could cause a shock strong enough to trigger an explosion of this magnitude. There was nothing that could create a powerful enough impact to set off two volleys of Lumicrystals, one for those scattered and another more significant for those stored in the basement. This thought reassured me somewhat.

Naboru must have a plan, and he was too intelligent to risk such a catastrophe without a specific reason. Perhaps the crystals had another use, something strategic that I had not yet understood. Despite this rationalization, the fear did not entirely leave my mind. I couldn't help but wonder why he had accumulated so many crystals in one place. I scanned the basement, observing the soft light of the Lumicrystals illuminating the dark walls. The sight of this light, as comforting as it was, constantly reminded me of the potential danger. I had taken care to hide them in strategic corners, where their aura would be optimal, but the majority of them remained in the basement, like a bright and perilous treasure.

*Ding Dong*

-The doorbell rang, just like during my second meeting with Mr. Naboru... He and Lysandros must be back and are calling me to open the door for them-