chapter 5: Karishma

Brijesh said, "Suraj Bhaiya, just give us justice once, we'll leave from here."

Tripathi asked, "What kind of justice?"

Brijesh replied, "This boy is becoming too smart, we just need to teach him a small lesson to focus on his studies and not get involved in thuggery."

He gestured towards Abhimanyu.

Tripathi glanced at Abhimanyu and asked, "Are you messing with our little brother, do you know who he is?"

Brijesh turned to Abhimanyu and asked, "Brother, is this boy your little brother? But we didn't hear about him before."

Tripathi interjected, "We consider him our little brother, so quietly leave from here and don't show up here again. And while leaving, don't engage in any business in your name here, I'll transfer the money for this bar."

Brijesh nodded and left with his men.

Then, Tripathi glanced at Abhimanyu once more before leaving the place as well.

Yuwan asked Saagar, "Hey Saagar, do you know Tripathi, you didn't tell?"

Saagar replied, "Just a little acquaintance, he's a good guy, he's in the mafia but still does business honestly."

Abhimanyu said, "Saagar Bhai, let's go now."

Saagar agreed, "Bro, Yuwan, we should go too."

Yuwan agreed, "Alright."

Yuwan arrived at a hotel with his two bodyguards, where five girls were sitting in the lobby. One of the girls, who was none other than Aliya, said upon seeing Yuwan, "Bro, you're so late."

Yuwan replied, "Sorry, got a bit delayed. How was the concert for you?"

Aliya responded, "The concert was great, though we faced a little difficulty initially, but it all managed to work out in the end."

Yuwan said, "That's good to hear."

Aliya added, "And I made some new friends here."

Yuwan asked, "New friends?"

Aliya said, "You know Karishma, right? Her friends came to the concert."

Yuwan inquired, "But wasn't Karishma busy somewhere?"

Aliya explained, "Oh yes, it was her boyfriend's birthday, and she came with him and her friends to the concert."

Yuwan questioned, "Karishma has a boyfriend too? I thought she only focused on her business."

Aliya said, "You can call it Karishma's 'crush'; it's a one-sided affair."

Yuwan said, "I see."

Aliya asked, "Will you see everyone's photos?"

Yuwan replied, "No, not now. Everyone, go to your rooms, I'm feeling very sleepy."

Aliya said, No, but brother, Yuwan said goodnight and left from there.

The next day, as soon as Abhimanyu woke up, he went to Karishma's house. Upon reaching there and ringing the doorbell, Karishma's mother, Sarita, opened the door.

Sarita, who still looks like she's 20 years old and is very beautiful, is often admired by boys more than Karishma herself.

Seeing Abhimanyu, Sarita said, "Oh Abhimanyu, it's so early."

Abhimanyu replied, "Oh, Karishma has a flight, so I came to drop her off at the airport."

Sarita said, "But it's only 7 in the morning, and her flight is at 1 in the afternoon. She must be sleeping right now."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I'll come back later." He was about to leave when Sarita grabbed his hand and stopped him, saying, "Wait, beta, she's sleeping, but everyone else is awake. Come, let's have breakfast first."

Abhimanyu agreed and said, "Okay."

Inside, Commissioner Vijay Khanna was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

Vijay said, "Hey, come in, beta. How are you here?"

Abhimanyu said, "Namaste uncle, I was jogging and saw your house, so I thought I'd stop by."

Vijay looked at Abhimanyu and said, "Son, you jog every day, but you rarely come by this way, and it's been a year since you've said 'hello' here, and that too in such casual clothes."

Abhimanyu had taken a good bath and was wearing his casual clothes - jeans, a T-shirt, with a checkered shirt unbuttoned over it.

Changing the subject, Abhimanyu asked, "Is there any major news about Patna in the newspaper?"

Vijay replied, "Yes, first of all, some goons tried to kill a man in broad daylight."

Abhimanyu asked, "Really? Who?"

Vijay said, "It's not mentioned, but it's written that such rumors were spread."

Abhimanyu asked, "And anything else?"

Reading another news article, the commissioner said, "There was a concert of teenage girls at Banjara Palace, thousands of fans had gathered. Some rowdies were caught harassing girls outside the palace."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Is there anything else written?"

The commissioner said, "No, not much else is written, but there's another piece of news from Patna that Bridjesh and Tripathi's men were seen together outside Pindzara Bar last night."

Abhimanyu asked, "Is this written in the newspaper?"

The commissioner replied, "No, this news wasn't written, but we received this information."

Abhimanyu remarked, "These goons never let the atmosphere of the city stay peaceful. By the way, I heard you were also around there."

Abhimanyu continued, "Oh yes, Sagar and I were having food at a dhaba nearby."

The commissioner asked, "What was the name of that dhaba?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Shivani Dhaba."

The commissioner said, "You left your own party's food to eat at a dhaba?"

Abhimanyu responded, "Oh, you should try the food there; you'll lick your fingers clean."

Abhimanyu asked, "By the way, is Karishma still sleeping?"

Sarita replied from the kitchen, "Usually, we wake up early, but her routine got a little disrupted after returning from Delhi. She arrived by flight the day before yesterday night and slept until 4 p.m. yesterday. Then she quickly got ready and left for your party. I've heard that she wakes up at 7 a.m. on school days and at 10 a.m. on weekends. Let's see what time she wakes up today."

Vijay said, "Oh Abhimanyu, why don't you just wake her up? She'll definitely get up as soon as she sees you."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I'll go wake up Karishma."

Then he climbed the stairs and went outside Karishma's room, calling out, "Karishma, wake up, let's go for a walk."

But there was no response from inside.

Abhimanyu noticed that the door was already open as he pushed it.

Abhimanyu, having been to Karishma's room several times before, confidently entered without hesitation after noticing the door was already open.

"Sarita, looking at Vijay, asked, 'Do you think this is alright? They have grown up now, perhaps they are getting closer?'

Vijay replied, 'Do you really think Abhimanyu would do that? His family values are paramount to him. And if they both start loving each other, it's even better. Finding a son-in-law like him will be difficult.'

Sarita said, 'I have complete faith in Abhimanyu. After all, I've seen him since childhood. I'm talking about my daughter; she's been away for two years, and that too in a city like Delhi. I don't trust her even one percent anymore.'

Vijay asked, 'But you left her with your sister, didn't you?'

Sarita replied, 'She's no better. She's 22 years old now but still refuses to marry. When will she get married, after her youth has passed?'

Sarita was not her biological sister, she was adopted by Sarita's family, but they loved her even more than their own, and she was worthy. She had completed her college education and made a name for herself in Delhi.

Sarita continued, 'You know, you should stop Karishma here. She'll get the training she needs, and Abhimanyu's mother also runs a business and she's a fashion designer, she can learn from her.'

Vijay: "Oh, why worry? Listen to me carefully. This is confidential information - Abhimanyu is also going to Delhi after a month, and you know where."

Sarita: "Where, dear?"

Vijay: "Just gossiping, said something."

Sarita: "Well, if you're really happy about it, let him go back to Delhi."

Vijay: "Putting a finger on his lips to calm Sarita down, he whispered, 'Very few people know this.'"

Sarita: "But why is Abhimanyu going to Delhi? Wasn't he supposed to join the military?"

Vijay: "Only his grandfather and a few others know about this. Actually, Abhimanyu thinks he's being punished for yesterday morning's incident, but in reality, his grandfather is sending him for some work. But this is all confidential information, so don't mention it to anyone else. Because this matter is connected only with the military."

Sarita: "Okay, I understand."

When Abhimanyu entered, Karishma was sound asleep. She was wearing only a floral shirt and shorts, which made her legs look quite attractive.

When Karishma used to behave and dress like boys before going to Delhi, Abhimanyu treated her like one. But since her return from Delhi, she started appearing more like a girl. Abhimanyu was a bit surprised when he saw her at the party yesterday, and something special happened in his heart. While Karishma was always beautiful, her beauty was somewhat hidden by her demeanor and clothes. Abhimanyu actually preferred the old Karishma, but this new version of her was quite attractive. As Abhimanyu watched Karishma sleeping, she looked like a princess with her pink lips, brown hair, and strands of hair gently caressing her face. When Abhimanyu approached her, he noticed that she was only wearing a nightdress, and despite the fabric, quite a lot was being revealed. He stayed beside her for a while, observing her, then gently pinched her nose, halting her breath momentarily, while a smile played on his lips.

When Karishma had difficulty breathing, she opened her eyes, saw Abhimanyu's smile, closed her eyes again, and began to breathe through her mouth, falling asleep.

Abhimanyu thought, "Oh, she fell asleep again! Though I fell in love with her innocence, I said, 'Wake up, this isn't a dream.'"

Karishma opened her eyes and said, "You're really here, and in my room too."

Karishma said, "No, this is just a dream again," and then she covered herself with the blanket and fell asleep again.

Abhimanyu pulled the blanket and said, "Oh beauty, after going to Delhi, you've changed your habits. I wonder how your in-laws will tolerate you after marriage."

Karishma said, "I'll marry a guy who lifts me up, makes tea for me, takes me from the bed to the breakfast table, and serves breakfast to me comfortably."

Abhimanyu interjected, "And he won't have to go to the bathroom and brush his teeth before going to bed, and washing face, people in Delhi don't wash their faces."

Karishma said, "You always spoil the mood."

Abhimanyu said, "But my fairy, your dreams should have some logic too."

Throwing a pillow, Karishma said, "Logic can go to hell, and get out of my room, you come into a girl's room without asking and blabber nonsense here. Get lost, you jerk."

Abhimanyu grabbed the blanket, but Karishma pretended to sleep, hiding her face underneath it.

Abhimanyu went near her again and pulled the blanket.

With annoyance, Karishma looked at Abhimanyu and said, "Hey, you miser, but—" Abhimanyu immediately lifted her and started taking her towards the bathroom.

Karishma screamed, "Leave me, you idiot!"

On the other side, Sarita and Vijay could hear Karishma's voice.

Sarita said, "She won't improve. I thought she would learn to converse politely like a civilized girl after going to Delhi, but she hasn't changed at all."

Vijay said, "That's all right, but why is she shouting like this? Let me check."

Sarita said, "Are you crazy? Just stay here."

Ignoring her, Abhimanyu went and opened the bathroom door, picked her up from there, and put her down outside, closing the door.

Abhimanyu said, "You have half an hour. If you want to go out, fine, otherwise if it takes more than half an hour and one minute, I'm leaving."

Karishma quickly got ready, while Abhimanyu lay on Karishma's bed, playing with his new phone.

And he was checking its features and watching reels, mostly videos of the Kishori Girls' concert in Patna, and among them, Aliya's videos were the most prominent.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Aliya makes quite a lot of money, I also need to do something to earn money. There's not much to gain from home, and Karishma is also undergoing business training. I am sure she must be making good profits by now."

Abhimanyu messaged Tripathi, "When are you going to Delhi? Have you thought about it?"

Tripathi asked, "Brother, are you there? Did you get a new phone?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, got it yesterday on my birthday."

Abhimanyu then sent a message, "Forget all that, tell me, are you going to Delhi or not?"

Tripathi replied, "Bro, it will take some time to start a new business in a new city. It will take at least a week to start a new business, and then at least a month to enter the underworld."

Abhimanyu said, "I'm also going to Delhi after a month. If I help you strengthen your roots there, what will I get in return?"

Tripathi said, "Bro, just give the order, the entire empire is yours."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I want 60 percent of Delhi. I may not be able to invest money, but I have other things besides that which no one can remove you from there. This is my guarantee."

Tripathi said, "If you say so, I'll give you a percentage straight from Bihar."

Abhimanyu declined and said, "No, and listen, you will have ownership rights over all businesses in Delhi. I just want a share, I'll take care of the rest. Got it? And if any problems arise in between, just let me know."

Tripathi said, "First, we'll enter Delhi as white-collar businessmen, so I don't think there will be any problems for now that we can't handle."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, you know the rest."

Abhimanyu ended the conversation there.

Just then, Karishma came out after showering, wrapping only a towel around herself. She had thought Abhimanyu must have gone downstairs, so she came out wrapped in a towel. She had forgotten to take clothes with her to the bathroom.

Abhimanyu couldn't help but keep staring at Karishma as she came out. Despite not wanting to, his gaze was drawn to Karishma's cleavage.

Karishma said, "Stop staring like a frog, or I'll scratch your eyes out, you pervert. Go out, I need to get dressed."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why didn't you come out wearing clothes from inside?"

Karishma replied, "My clothes are in the wardrobe on loan."

Abhimanyu took out a pair of jeans, a top, and a jacket, which were her clothes from a year ago, and gave them to Karishma.

Karishma said, "I have stopped wearing these clothes."

Abhimanyu said, "Well, wear these now," and then he left from there.

However, he remained standing outside the room.

After a while, when Karishma came out, Abhimanyu saw that she was wearing the same clothes he had taken out.

Both of them then went downstairs.

Karishma and Abhimanyu went to the table for breakfast, while Commissioner Vijay had also put on his uniform. He came out of his room and sat at the table to have breakfast.

The Commissioner asked, "Will you both come with me to headquarters? There's a rewarding ceremony there."

Abhimanyu agreed.

The Commissioner wanted to involve Abhimanyu in his department, so he wanted Abhimanyu to attend the event.

While eating, Karishma asked, "How long will this ceremony last? Remember, you also have to drop me off at the airport."

The Commissioner said, "Yes, I remember. We'll take your luggage with us and then drop you off at the airport from there."

After breakfast, Vijay, Sarita, Karishma, and Abhimanyu got into their car and headed to the ceremony.

At the venue, where all police officers were present, as soon as the Commissioner's car was spotted, everyone stood in respectful positions and cleared the way for the car.

As soon as the door opened, everyone greeted, but Abhimanyu stepped out before the car and responded with a salute, as he held the respect for his country's soldiers and police.

A police officer said, "Why is he here?"

Another police officer said, "Stay calm; it's because of him that we receive free medals and rewards today."

Inspector beside them said, "Yes, and the law roams around the whole city, and we can't mess with it."

Another officer standing beside them said, "Yes, so who stopped us from putting it inside? It always seems like our hands are tied; people never testify, or the CCTV mysteriously disappears, and people don't even make videos because they respect it a lot."

The first inspector remarked, "I'm telling you, one day, he can become the CM just like his uncle, if people support him like this."

The constable standing behind them added, "No sir, he wants to join the military, and Commissioner sir wants him in the police department. To be honest, wherever he goes, he'll become the best officer or the best leader."

The Commissioner opened the driver's seat door and stepped out, while all the police officers saluted again, and then Karishma stepped out.

The same inspector asked again, "Who is she?"

The other inspector replied, "I don't know."

So the constable said, "Hey, you guys have only been here for 6 months, so you don't recognize her. She is Commissioner's daughter, Karishma."

The inspector asked, "We have never seen her before."

The constable explained, "You'll see, she lives in Delhi, she studies there."

Inspector said, "My family also lives in Delhi. After this event, I will be transferred back to Delhi. The paperwork has already come."

The other inspector said, "Yes, I know, that's why we'll have a good drink today."

Although it's a police officers' award ceremony, it's also like a get-together where there are buffets set up on the side. But there were also healthy food options like fruit salad and juice stalls.

Then, after a while, the award ceremony started.

Karishma: Let's count, how many rewards did you win this year?

Abhimanyu: As far as I remember, I've solved around 50 cases or more, but the police also solved many cases, like the serial murder cases and other detective cases, which were relatively easier.

Karishma: Still, tell me how many rewards are in your name.

After the ceremony ended, Abhimanyu had won 16 rewards, awarded to police officers.