Chapter 6: Training

But as the ceremony was wrapping up, it was already 11 o'clock. During this time, they talked a lot about the incidents that happened to them in the past year, in which there were many stories of Abhimanyu. Karishma said, "In one year, I have missed you a lot, and now I have to be away from you again."

Abhimanyu said, "Even if we are far apart, our friendship will always remain. That's my promise. I'll rush to Delhi on just one call from you."

Karishma wanted to tell him that she had started to love him, but she was afraid that their friendship might be ruined, so she didn't say anything.

After the ceremony ended, Vijay came to them and said, "Come on, let's drop you off at the airport."

After reaching the airport, the entire team of Kishori Girls was standing there. Karishma immediately went to them, and everyone else followed her.

Aliya quickly greeted Karishma's parents, and the rest of the girls also greeted them under her supervision.

Karishma said, "Mom, Dad, this is my best friend Aliya."

Vijay and Sarita said, "Hello, dear," and then Sarita said, "So why didn't you bring her home?"

Aliya said, "Aunty, Karishma had invited me, but I couldn't come due to the concert."

Yuwan was also standing there, and upon seeing Abhimanyu, he said, "Hey Abhimanyu, you're here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Believe me, Yuwan brother, I'm equally surprised to see you here."

Yuwan was surprised because Sagar is a notorious criminal, and now he is with someone who is a police commissioner. This combination was quite unusual.

Yuwan thought he would have to find out about Abhimanyu to finally identify him. Sagar had also introduced him as his younger brother, Tripathi had also referred to him as a younger brother, and now he is with the commissioner.

Aliya asked, "Brother, do you know Abhimanyu?"

Yuwan didn't want to disclose the details of that meeting to Aliya, so he said, "Oh, this is the friend I met yesterday."

Abhimanyu said, "Let's go, as we leave, we meet again."

Yuwan said, "Whenever you come to Delhi, be sure to meet me."

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, definitely."

After that, everyone started heading inside the airport. Just then, Karishma hugged Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu said, "We'll meet again soon." Karishma didn't say anything to him and smiled while moving away a bit, heading towards the airport. As she left, her eyes were a bit moist.

After some time, a plane took off from Patna airport bound for Delhi.

The commissioner asked Abhimanyu, "Where should I drop you, school or home?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You can drop me at school. My training starts from today."

Abhimanyu was actually part of a military group called 'Young Soldier,' which is actually a top-secret military group where special and brilliant children from military schools are given commando training so that they can become powerful agents in the future. The 'Young Soldier' team was a kind of training phase that inspired these children to become tough and resilient.

The 'Young Soldier' group usually trained all day long, and they were often sent on small missions to operate against insurgents and mafias within the state. Each state had its own 'Young Soldier' group, selected from the children of the military schools, based on their abilities, patriotism, and courage.

These children were usually orphans for various reasons, and even those who had parents mostly had a high military background because regular soldiers were not aware of this group. Abhimanyu had already terminated several insurgent organizations in Bihar; he was known as the 'Black Demon' because when he killed enemies in the darkness of night wearing a black robe and a demon mask, even the enemy's team trembled.

Abhimanyu's team consisted of a total of 30 members, with Abhimanyu as their leader. So far, no one knew who the 'Black Demon' was or what he looked like, but his name was heard by everyone because after destroying the enemy's stronghold, he always left his mark there—a demon mark made of blood. He did this to create a terrifying story among enemies and to accomplish his mission.

The head in charge of Bihar's 'Young Soldier' was not someone else but his grandfather. Abhimanyu was more dangerous than ordinary soldiers because his grandfather had given him training ten times more brutal than that of an ordinary young soldier.

The family members of an agent should also remain unaware of his work, which is why they were instructed to maintain their normal profiles, ensuring that only his grandfather and Lalit knew about the connection between the 'Young Soldier' group and Abhimanyu. His grandfather provided him with training every day, with each child having a special trainer. While they appeared to be punished for breaking rules according to the world's standards, they were actually receiving commando training. Besides his missions, Abhimanyu also spent his free time cleaning up the city's garbage, which made him quite popular among the common people.

The Commissioner dropped Abhimanyu back at school.

Until now, Abhimanyu hadn't received sniper training. He had always relied on his katana to eliminate enemies. The reason being, an agent shouldn't rely solely on guns. Hence, they preferred to first excel in physical combat with their bodies, swords, and knives. Afterward, Abhimanyu underwent intense sniper training for a month, significantly improving his shooting skills. Apart from his training, he embarked on a new mission where he tested his shooting skills in the dark using only his gun. He also continued to assist people in the city and thwart criminals, but this work was done under the guise of Abhimanyu's normal identity.

On the other hand, within a month, Tripathi began expanding his influence by opening a hotel and restaurant in Delhi. Meanwhile, Yuwan possessed a pendrive, which attracted many businessmen to meet him to ensure their secrets weren't leaked. The pendrive contained personal crimes of many individuals, and if leaked, it could lead people to jail and ruin their companies. Additionally, Yuwan discovered numerous scandals within companies. While some people came to him seeking alliances, others contemplated acquiring the pendrive, leading to several attempts to kidnap him in hopes of acquiring the device, but they were unsuccessful.

1 month later, Abhimanyu emptied his room and went back home.

Abhimanyu's grandfather said, "Look, you'll spend a year in this school and stay with your elder brother Aakash in his flat."

Aakash is Abhimanyu's cousin, who is 6 years older than him and works as a criminal detective in Delhi, far from Abhimanyu's mother's family in Uttar Pradesh. That's why Abhimanyu's grandfather supports him a lot.

Abhimanyu looked at the school pamphlet given to him by his grandfather.

Abhimanyu said, "This is the same school where Karishma studies, right?"

Grandfather said, "Yes, you are in her class."

Abhimanyu asked, "What is my mission? Why am I going to Delhi? Please tell me something."

Grandfather explained that there had been a deadly attack on the leader of the Young Soldiers group in Delhi. The attack was very dangerous, which is why he is now in a coma. Due to regulations, I couldn't tell you his name, but we also didn't know who and why someone had attacked him. He was keeping an eye on the sergeant and mafia leader Kapil Mehta in Delhi. We had received information that Kapil Mehta was supplying a large quantity of arms and weapons within Delhi. We were sent to find out who he was dealing with and what his plan was.

Perhaps he also got some information, but he was caught, and he didn't know that he was from the army. But his identity remained safe, so they were the ones trying to kill him. We sent our soldiers to rescue him, but by then he was already injured, with a severe blow to his head, and he's currently in a coma.

We can't wait for him to wake up. I had spoken to the head incharge Ramakant about this, and we decided that you need to find out what he had discovered before slipping into a coma.

Abhimanyu asked, "That's all well and good, but why are you sending me to this school, and what about my team and the missions here?"

Grandfather replied, "Perhaps you're forgetting that you're only undergoing special training here to handle missions. We have soldiers to handle surveillance, and we'll appoint a temporary leader for your team who will be solely responsible for supervision. The rest of the work will be done by your team. Your military classes will continue through your glasses and Sally, and there will also be tests. It's like an online class. As for why you're being sent to this school, it's because before slipping into a coma, that soldier left a message in Morse code with his blood, which mentioned the name of this school, Agrasen School of Talents. Kapil Mehta's son also studies in this school, so you're being sent there to keep an eye on him. It's also possible that he may be involved himself, so keep your eyes open. Remember, this mission is more dangerous than your previous ones, as you won't have a team there, so be careful."

Abhimanyu asked, "And what about the supply of weapons? Have they reached Delhi by now?"

Grandfather replied, "We managed to stop them and thwart their mission, but as I said, our soldier left a message that may be related to that mission. Whatever it is, you need to find out. We'll also make every effort to uncover the truth, and you must do the same. Meanwhile, you'll have to continue your training."

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, sir," and then saluted before leaving. After that, he bid goodbye to his parents and headed to the airport.

When Abhimanyu reached the airport, he noticed that the security was on high alert, and all passengers were being thoroughly checked. Abhimanyu asked, "Why is the security on such high alert?"

Just then, Sally's voice came, "I'm checking, and then a while later her voice came again, "An order has been issued for thorough checking of all passengers."

Abhimanyu asked, "And why is that?"

Sally replied, "Another encrypted message has been received, which has been sent only to the commanding officer. I'm decrypting it."

"It's decrypted. Intel suggests that there is a plan by some terrorists to hijack a national airline."

Abhimanyu said, "So the security is on high alert here, and everyone is being thoroughly checked, but my luck isn't so bad that terrorists would be on my plane."

Abhimanyu then went through his checking, having only one bag with him that looked like a school bag. He picked up his bag and placed it in the overhead compartment of the plane, then sat down on the seat by the window.

After a while, a 21-year-old girl arrived and placed her bag overhead, then sat in the seat next to Abhimanyu. Complaining, she said, "I don't know why they were checking my bag so thoroughly! Who checks everything so meticulously? They opened every single item, even messed up my makeup! I've never been so angry before." Then she looked at Abhimanyu and said, "You know, I've traveled by plane more than five times, including twice abroad, but even then, no one has treated my makeup box like this."

Abhimanyu looked at her but didn't say anything. He always became introverted in front of unfamiliar girls. His grandfather had also trained him to talk to girls, which he could do if necessary, but unless required or on a mission, he remained introverted.

The girl said, "Oh, sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Kashmira, and what's your name?"

Abhimanyu said, "Abhimanyu."

The girl said, "Wow, you speak very little, or maybe you don't like talking to girls older than you?"

Abhimanyu said, "It's not like that, I just get a little nervous around girls."

Kashmira said, "You're very handsome, why would you be nervous? Hey, looking at you should make girls nervous! By the way, I'm from Delhi, I came here for a friend's wedding. Weddings here are so much fun! So, where are you from?"

Abhimanyu said, "I'm from Patna, I'm going to Delhi for the first time."

Kashmira said, "Oh, are you going for studies?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes."

Kashmira said, "Wow, I'm also an intern teacher at a school. By the way, the salary for interns at the school where I teach is quite high."

Abhimanyu asked, "Did you travel abroad with the teacher's salary?"

Kashmira replied, "Oh, I just became an intern six months ago. I used to study abroad before. I've been coming back and forth during this time."

Just then, another man arrived, placed his luggage overhead, and sat down without saying anything.

Kashmira said, "Hello, brother, did the security personnel check your belongings thoroughly too?"

The man remained silent and just sat there peacefully.

Kashmira said, "Well, this one's an introvert too. I don't know how my journey will go."

Then she looked at Abhimanyu and said, "By the way, you mentioned that you're going to Delhi for studies, and I'm teaching..."

Abhimanyu interrupted, "So should I call you teacher?"

Kashmira chuckled and said, "If you want to, you can, but I don't see any harm in making a young friend. After all, I prefer you over this man." Then she leaned in and whispered near his ear, "You seem much better to me."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Alright, but friends usually address each other by name. Won't you feel awkward if a 17-year-old calls you 'Kashmira'?"

Kashmira replied, "I don't mind." Then she extended her hand forward and said, "So from today, are we friends, okay?"

Abhimanyu also shook hands and said, "Okay."

After that, Kashmira began explaining everything about Delhi in detail, such as how people travel in Delhi, where they roam, the local markets and streets, and which places are famous for food, and much more. Kashmira kept telling him everything for about one and a half hours, and Abhimanyu just kept listening. Just as their flight was about to enter Delhi, the man sitting with them looked at his watch. Then he turned around and looked back, and the man sitting behind him leaned down from the window and looked, then shook his head.

The man gestured and then got up and walked away. Abhimanyu noticed all this and became concerned that something was wrong. Abhimanyu leaned forward from beside Kashmira and looked ahead.

Kashmira said, "What are you doing?"

Abhimanyu didn't say anything to her and kept looking ahead. He saw that as they moved forward, two more men who were sitting ahead got up from their seats and walked away from there. After that, he noticed that the man sitting behind him also got up from his seat and walked away.

And then five men got up from their seats and walked back, and then after a while only two people came back from the front, and then only three came back from behind, and then suddenly everyone pulled out a 9mm handgun from their pockets, and one fired upwards and said if anyone tried to move from their place or show any sign of alertness, they would send them to the one above.

Kashmira said, "I mean, I had been sitting next to a terrorist for so long, my heart started pounding loudly when the shot was fired, it was the same man who fired upwards." Abhimanyu understood Kashmira's anxiety and held her hand.

Seeing Abhimanyu's concern, Kashmira thought, "No, I can't be scared, I was sitting with a child, and maybe he is more scared than me." Kashmira smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to us." Abhimanyu also smiled at this, realizing that she herself was scared and yet asking him to stay calm, perhaps that's what a teacher does.

Everyone present there was very scared. A middle-aged man stood up and asked, "What do you want from us after all?"

The terrorist shot him in the forehead without thinking twice.

Upon hearing the gunshot, everyone closed their ears and eyes, as it was unlikely that anyone had actually heard the sound of gunfire.

Karishma also grabbed Abhimanyu and hid him in her lap. Abhimanyu thought to himself that he would have to do something, or else many people could lose their lives here.

Abhimanyu whispered to Saily, "Grandfather."

Saily immediately called grandfather. At first, grandfather couldn't see anything because Karishma had hidden Abhimanyu in her lap.

After Abhimanyu separated from her, he showed the message to his grandfather. After seeing everything, he said, "It means these people are on your plane. In fact, we already knew that they were going to hijack an Indian national plane, so we had increased security everywhere and checked everyone carefully."

Abhimanyu asked in a way that no one would suspect he was talking to his grandfather. He inquired, "What could their plan possibly be?"

Grandfather replied, "We don't know yet, but let's start an operation immediately to resolve this crisis. However, you'll have to handle it yourself when the time comes."

After ending the call, Grandfather instructed Saily, "Quickly connect me to headquarters." Then he briefed them about the crisis, and an immediate meeting was convened in Delhi, attended by SWAT, NSG, traffic control officials, and other key personnel.

The head of SWAT asked, "How did they manage to bring weapons inside despite such tight security?"

Abhimanyu's father, Lalit, who was on a video call, said, "We are investigating that. For now, you should focus on resolving this crisis."

The Home Minister said, "It's because of your negligence that the lives of so many passengers are in danger right now."

Lalit felt angry about this accusation but chose not to respond.

Army Head Ramakant said, "Don't accuse them, and let's first try to resolve this crisis."

The Air Traffic Head asked, "What should we tell the public? The flight has already been delayed."

The Education Minister said, "No, we can't bring this matter to the public yet. Let's first talk to them and inquire about their demands."

The Air Traffic Head added, "We've tried to contact them, but we're not receiving any response from their end. However, we've received some information."

They have shot the head pilot, and now only the co-pilot has control of the plane with a gun pointed at his head.

On the other hand, the co-pilot was quite scared, with a terrorist placing the barrel of a gun on his head.

The co-pilot, trembling with fear, said, "I even helped bring your people here, now let me and my family go. In reality, those terrorists had kept his family members hostage so that he could bring weapons onto the plane."

The terrorist replied, "That's why you're still alive. Now keep flying the plane quietly, or else I'll shoot you too."

The co-pilot asked, "If you kill me too, who will fly the plane?"

The terrorist said, "You don't need to worry about that."