chapter 7:delhi

Just then, a terrorist entered the cabin and said, "Brother, we've received news that all the officials for the joint operation have gathered there."

He continued, "Now the real fun will begin when this plane crashes straight into their headquarters. It will cause a massive explosion, taking out high-ranking officials all at once. The actual explosives onboard will amplify the impact, and its echo will reverberate across the public for years. We've had enough attacks; this time we'll target military officials, and then we'll all be in paradise."

The co-pilot was terrified after hearing their conversation. These people wanted to crash this plane into the military headquarters, where everyone had gathered because of them.

Abhimanyu also received his grandfather's message at this time, indicating that these people weren't negotiating and wouldn't hijack the plane without reason.

His grandfather said, "Son, I know I've trained you well, so I have full confidence that you can handle this crisis. Now, it's all up to you."

Abhimanyu got up from his seat and started moving forward.

Kashmira grabbed his hand and said, "What are you doing? If they see you, they'll shoot you without a second thought."

Abhimanyu gestured with his index finger indicating that he needed to go to the toilet.

As Abhimanyu was moving away from his seat, one by one, terrorists approached him, pointing their guns at his forehead, and asked, "Do you also want to go upstairs like that man?"

Abhimanyu pretended to be in a hurry, saying, "Brother, you can shoot me after I come back, but if I don't go now, it might be too late."

The terrorist replied, "Do whatever you want, just sit quietly."

Abhimanyu immediately started unzipping his pants, which made Kashmira and the other girls present there close their eyes.

Turning his head away, the terrorist said, "Hey, go ahead but don't do it here."

Abhimanyu smiled, swiftly grabbed the terrorist's gun, and shot him in the forehead as soon as he noticed his attention diverted.

There were four terrorists present there. Until an attempt was made to shoot Abhimanyu, he had already shot them in the forehead, sending them to hell. Abhimanyu's aim had become so accurate that he shot five terrorists in just 3 seconds.

Initially, the terrorists thought that someone else had been shot, but when the gunshots continued, one of the terrorists came to see what was happening from the previous cabin. As soon as he entered that cabin, Abhimanyu shot him too. Then he picked up the guns of two terrorists and held them in each hand. He went into the inner cabin where he thought there were only two terrorists, but there were four more. He shot two of them in the forehead as well, but the other two fired at him, forcing him to take cover behind a seat.

Then he quickly thought of running towards another seat to get a better view of their positions. He ran towards the other seat while they tried to fire at him, but none of the bullets hit Abhimanyu. He had already spotted their location hidden between the seats, where normal passengers were also present, scared that they might accidentally get shot.

Abhimanyu without much thought, leaped to one side and simultaneously fired both guns, hitting the terrorists straight in their foreheads. On the other side, upon hearing the gunshots, the terrorist sitting in the pilot cabin realized that something was amiss. He immediately put the plane on autopilot, made the co-pilot a hostage, and rushed into that cabin. Seeing all his men dead there, he was shocked and exclaimed, "Whoever you are, come out or I'll shoot the co-pilot too. After that, we'll all be dead together. I hope you don't want to endanger the lives of these passengers, but no one came out."

Then he heard the sound of gunshots from the next cabin. The terrorist understood that whoever it was, was in the next cabin with the co-pilot. He had aimed at the head with one hand and had another gun in his other hand. Seeing the shadow of a man through the cabin curtains, he started shooting without looking and emptied his entire magazine, but when he fell, he saw that it was his own man. The terrorist thought that his man had killed the enemy and now he was coming towards him. So, he advanced towards the co-pilot to check further. He was moving forward slowly, and as soon as he reached that cabin, he saw that all his men had been killed, and now he was the only one left. He hadn't seen Abhimanyu, who was still hiding on the side.

Abhimanyu was instructed by his grandfather to capture a terrorist alive. So, he immediately kicked the co-pilot's legs, bringing him down, snatched the gun from the terrorist's hand, and said, "Now you're the hostage," and shot him in both knees. After that, Abhimanyu shot both his hands and one bullet in his thigh to immobilize him.

Then Abhimanyu said, "Pilot, now land the plane," but when he turned, he saw a terrorist aiming a gun at him from behind a seated passenger.

Seeing this, Abhimanyu's grandfather immediately told him, "Lalit had investigated and found that the co-pilot had helped take the guns on board."

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you with them too?"

The co-pilot replied, "They have my family hostage. If anything happens to them, they'll kill them and leave."

Abhimanyu said, "Even if you helped them, they were going to kill them. Do you think they would have spared them?"

Copilot asked, "But I don't have any other way to save my family. They have kept them hostage at my home."

Abhimanyu said, "Nothing will happen to them, and you too calmly land this plane."

Seeing that the copilot was not convinced, Abhimanyu also took his gun and aiming at his forehead, said, "Now quietly land this plane, or you'll have a hole in your forehead too."

The copilot said, "You can kill me, but I can't let anything happen to my family."

Dadaji said, "We have sent some soldiers to his house, his family will be rescued soon, but somehow convince him."

Abhimanyu knew that the copilot wouldn't believe him right away, so he led the copilot towards the back and gave him his glasses, where his grandfather had told him that his family would be rescued within five to two minutes, but in the meantime, he would have to land the plane, or else they wouldn't save them.

Upon hearing this, the copilot calmed down a bit and agreed to land the plane. Abhimanyu put back on his glasses and said, "And yes, if anyone outside gets to know about me or these glasses, your and your family's existence will be erased."

The copilot complied with his words and went to the cabin to land the plane. When he returned to his seat cabin, everyone on the plane was looking at him, ready to applaud the one who bravely took down all these terrorists.

In a while, the copilot's family was also rescued and they began to sit in the cabin. A child took out his phone and started recording Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu pointed his gun towards him and said, "Quietly, stop the video." The child immediately turned off the phone.

Abhimanyu said, "None of you saw anything here, and you didn't see me at all. The one who attacked them had a mask on and was wearing a black robe, understood?"

A man asked, "But son, why aren't you taking credit for all this? You'll become very famous."

Abhimanyu replied, "And then I'll become their target, and to take revenge on me, they'll try to kill me."

The man said, "Alright, we won't tell anyone about you. We also wouldn't want the life of the hero who saved us to be in danger."

Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu returned to his seat, and the staff there gathered all the bodies and weapons aside. The surviving terrorist was seated peacefully in one place, and his seatbelt was fastened.

Kashmira asked, "You are so brave, how did you manage to do all this?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I was even more scared than you, but I found courage when I saw that even after being afraid, you were comforting me."

Kashmira said, "So does that mean if I hadn't been here, everyone's life would have been in danger?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Absolutely, you seem to have the power to motivate anyone. I'm sure you would make a great teacher."

Meanwhile, at the military headquarters in Delhi, Abhimanyu's grandfather briefed about the crisis being resolved, but he didn't mention Abhimanyu's involvement.

The Home Minister said, "But how was the crisis resolved? We haven't taken any action yet."

Grandfather said, "One of our officers was on the plane, and he's the one who resolved the crisis."

The Home Minister asked, "Who is he? We should reward him."

Grandfather said, "He's an anonymous soldier, we can't disclose his identity."

The Air Traffic Head said, "But everyone there must have seen him."

Grandfather said, "I believe they saw him only as a passenger who saved their lives. If you want to know more about him, ask them, if they reveals his identity."

When the plane was landing, passengers saw that there were all military officers present, and they were taken to a VIP section where the bodies of the terrorists were being taken away, and two soldiers were carrying the last terrorist on a stretcher. After that, the soldiers took statements from all passengers, and everyone told them that a man wearing a black robe and a mask saved their lives and then disappeared.

There, the Home Minister, the SWAT leader, and Chief of Army Ramakant were also present, and on one side, some soldiers were taking the co-pilot away in handcuffs.

Kashmira said, "Poor guy was just saving his family, but still, he's getting punished."

Abhimanyu said, "He put many lives at risk to save his family when he should have asked for help."

Ramakant and Abhimanyu glanced at each other because they already knew each other, and they communicated silently with their eyes.

The soldiers had them sign a contract to keep this matter confidential, and then they let them go, and this incident did not come out.

After a while, everyone started leaving the airport, and their relatives, who had been waiting for the flight for quite some time, started meeting them; the CM Light bus was a bit late.

Abhimanyu and Kashmira came out together.

Kashmira asked, "Is someone coming to pick you up?"

Abhimanyu looked around carefully and said, "My elder brother was supposed to come, but it seems he hasn't arrived yet."

Kashmira said, "I can drop you off; my car is parked in the parking lot."

Abhimanyu said, "No, my brother must be coming soon."

Kashmira said, "Alright, see you then." She had already taken Abhimanyu's phone number earlier and then left from there.

Abhimanyu said, "Where did you disappear, brother? Since I didn't know, I was about to leave. Should I call Tripathi? No, no, contacting him right now wouldn't be appropriate."

Just then, a police jeep stopped in front of Abhimanyu, and Akash stepped out of it, saying, "How are you, buddy?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I'm fine, but how come you're late?"

Akash said, "Oh, got delayed due to a case, sorry about that. Didn't you wait too long?"

Abhimanyu and Akash then stopped at a place to eat before reaching their apartment, which was on the top floor. When Abhimanyu reached Akash's room, there were still dishes in the sink and clothes scattered around.

Akash said to Abhimanyu, "That's your room over there. By the way, why did your grandfather send you to Delhi? Any specific reason?"

Since Akash didn't know much about Abhimanyu either, Abhimanyu replied, "He wanted me to study in a normal school once a year and enjoy a normal life."

Akash responded, "Alright, then, enjoy it to the fullest."

Just then, the door opened, and a 22-year-old girl, who was quite beautiful yet appeared strong, entered. Her name was Bhavna Mishra, and she was Akash's detective partner. She lived in the flat next door, along with another girl named Dr. Komal, who worked in the forensic department and also lived in Bhavna's flat.

Bhavna, arriving, said, "As soon as you finished the case, you left from there, leaving everything for me to handle. Then I saw a boy there and he asked, 'Who is this?'"

Akash replied, "He is my younger brother Abhimanyu. And Abhimanyu, meet Bhavna and Komal."

Abhimanyu joined his hands together and said, "Greetings."

Bhavna also replied with a gesture of folded hands.

Bhavna said, "You seem more cultured."

Akash said, "Yes, he is."

Bhavna said, "Well, since he's here, let's have a welcome party."

Akash said, "Alright, let's do it in an hour."

Abhimanyu asked, "Where?"

Akash said, "Oh, in a corner nearby, we always have small parties there and drink to our hearts' content, but you'll only have juice."

Looking at Abhimanyu's bag, Akash asked, "Didn't you bring many clothes?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Just four pairs. I'll buy more later."

Abhimanyu said, "But I also need to buy the school uniform."

Akash said, "Just give me your measurements, I'll arrange it for you."

Abhimanyu said, "Do they have fabric in turquoise green color? Because I need 2 pairs of pants in that color along with 2 white shirts."

Akash said, "Oh, their shop is right in front of that restaurant, and you'll find all kinds of clothes there. Just give me your measurements."

Abhimanyu gave him his measurements, which Akash forwarded via text.

Akash asked, "And what about shoes and other things?"

Abhimanyu said, "I'll get everything else at school tomorrow."

Abhimanyu and Akash had a party with Bhavna and Komal during the night, and by then Abhimanyu's dress was ready. He returned with it and then went to sleep.

Abhimanyu woke up at 4 in the morning and went out of the apartment for a jog, but no one else was awake at that time. He went to the park nearby and started his commando training there. If anyone had seen him, he would have seemed like a ghost. He continued exercising like that for an hour. After that, when he saw some people starting to arrive, he switched to his running exercise and other regular exercises. Then he practiced his martial arts until 7 am and then ran back home.

Abhimanyu quickly took a shower after coming back and then dressed up.

Akash had also prepared breakfast and had gone for exercise and jogging, but he hadn't seen Abhimanyu because after people started arriving, Abhimanyu was under a bridge in the park where no one went.

Akash asked, "Where were you? I didn't even see you when you left."

Abhimanyu replied, "I was under the bridge in the park."

Akash said, "Alright, let's have breakfast now, then I'll drop you off at school."

After having breakfast, they got into Akash's car, which was a police Scorpio vehicle.

When Akash's car arrived outside the Agarsen School, everyone was surprised to see a police car. A guard approached them and asked, "Sir, what brings you here?"

Akash replied, "Hey, I'm a guardian. Will you give entry for the car? I also need to meet the principal."

The guard glanced at Abhimanyu's attire, who was looking out of the window, and opened the gate. Akash's car was parked in the parking lot, and then they headed towards the principal's office.

In the principal's office, there were two desks and two cabinets, one for the principal and one for his assistant. Abhimanyu and Akash walked straight into the principal's office without asking.

The principal asked, "Who are you guys?"

Abhimanyu immediately took out his admission letter and showed it to the principal.

The principal asked, "So, you're the kid who got the scholarship and was suddenly transferred here? Admission here is very difficult; consider yourself lucky and try to stay here. Don't waste the scholarship money, dazzled by the glamour of the new city."

The Maharaja Agrasen School of Talents in Delhi was a prestigious institution that prioritized talent above all else, offering various scholarship programs for students. In addition to traditional academics, the school provided access to diverse fields and laboratories where students could develop a range of skills. After the 10th grade, students honed their expertise in their chosen fields through practice. The school also regularly hosted sports events alongside other elite schools in Delhi and offered various club activities.

Upon hearing all this, Abhimanyu said, "Yes, sir, I will try my best."

The principal remarked, "Normally, you wouldn't even dream of stepping into our classes, but our dean is very compassionate, running scholarship programs for students like you. Let's fill out these forms now."

Abhimanyu and Aakash were feeling angry about the situation, but they managed to control their emotions. Abhimanyu filled out the form as instructed by the principal. Then, the principal asked Aakash to sign as the guardian.

Aakash took the pen and signed the form. The principal then instructed his assistant, Shalini, who was sitting at a desk in the corner, to arrange for Abhimanyu's ID card and provide him with books and other necessities.

Shalini escorted Abhimanyu to a makeshift cabin inside, took his photo, and swiftly prepared his ID card and other documents. She also handed him his books and other items.

Abhimanyu changed into his school shoes, placed his regular shoes in a box, and handed them to Aakash along with his books, as his bag would have become too heavy with all the books. Then, Abhimanyu, accompanied by Shalini, headed towards the classroom.

Meanwhile, Aakash left Abhimanyu's belongings in the car and headed to the office.

When Abhimanyu reached near the class, Shalini asked him to wait there and went inside. She informed the teacher that a transfer student had arrived and was waiting outside, then she left. Outside, she told Abhimanyu that he could enter once called.

Inside, the teacher was none other than Kashmira, who was working as an intern and now became their class teacher and full time employee. She announced, "I hope you all had a good vacation, and now classes have begun. This year, we have a new admission in our class, so let's welcome your new classmate."

Kashmira finished speaking, but no one came inside because Abhimanyu received a call from his grandfather. He was talking to him through his earpiece.

Grandfather asked, "How is the school? Noticed anything different?"

Abhimanyu replied, "The principal seems quite arrogant, but nothing else seems unusual for now."

Grandfather said, "They are calling you inside."

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright, I'm going in. Bye, Grandpa. Over and out."

All the children began to talk amongst themselves about who the new admission might be, a boy or a girl.

Kashmira said, "Hello, are you waiting outside? Please come in."

Just then, the gate slid open, and three people were surprised to see Abhimanyu there. The first was Kashmira, whom he had met just yesterday, and the other two were Aliya and Kashmira. Both of them were going to be Abhimanyu's classmates now, and their teacher was also Kashmira. The other girls studied in a different class. They were all part of the same club and the same band, related to the club band. So, it could be said that this school had a big hand in their band formation and popularity.

The teacher and Abhimanyu were quite surprised to find out that they were both studying and teaching in the same school and the same class.