Chapter 11: first day at Jaipur

Abhimanyu immediately stepped on the accelerator and steered the bus towards them with one hand on the steering wheel. Ramesh was trying to turn the wheel, but he couldn't manage it. When the rowdies saw this, they quickly moved aside. Only two cars were standing on the road, a Cooper and a Mercedes AMG. Abhimanyu collided with both of them while trying to move forward. His car was damaged, and it veered to the side. The bus behind him also started following the same path, and Abhimanyu was driving the bus fast.

Kashmira exclaimed, "What have you done?"

Abhimanyu explained to some passengers why it's important to follow traffic rules.

Meanwhile, Harbhajan was furious. His gang members' cars were parked on the side. He ordered them to block the road and teach a lesson to the driver and passengers in the bus. He instructed his boys to ensure that no one in their territory would escape unscathed.

Those individuals had no idea who was on the bus or what consequences awaited them. They were the kings of their streets, unable to tolerate anyone coming into their territory and challenging them.

Ramesh resumed driving on his own terms when suddenly, some sports cars from the wrong side rushed past him, colliding with two cars and a truck, resulting in a major accident. There might have been fatalities, but since they were at the back, no one stopped for them. Afterward, they parked all their cars a short distance away, blocking the entire road. Seeing this, Ramesh applied the brakes.

Abhimanyu exclaimed, "Ramesh uncle, why did you brake? We should have crushed them."

Ramesh replied, "Well, the bus would have been damaged too. You've already caused some scratches."

Abhimanyu retorted, "It's better to have scratches on the bus than on our bodies. Now, they'll pay for it."

Ramesh replied, "You should have thought about that before hitting their car."

Abhimanyu said, "But you're the one in the driver's seat, so they'll be your responsibility."

Ramesh was caught off guard, and just then, another person arrived and was asked to step out. He was kicked at the gate.

Meanwhile, everyone from the bus behind started getting off to see what was happening. They were surprised to see children in that bus, but the man paid no attention to that. He went straight to the driver and accused him of daring to collide with them and damage their car. He had been asked to move aside, but he didn't understand then, but now everyone would understand. Saying this, he aimed the iron rod at Ramesh's head.

Abhimanyu immediately grabbed Ramesh's shoulders and pulled him down, protecting him from harm. The attacker's blow missed Ramesh, but he didn't stop. He tried to strike him vertically from top to bottom, but Abhimanyu intervened and kicked him away.

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "What's up, thugs? If you block the road, will your car fly over us? Should we worship you?" The man replied, "You even have the audacity to talk about cars? Do you even know how expensive that car was?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "Son, no matter how expensive your car is, this bus is still more valuable than your car." The man said, "Hold on, I'll deal with you first." Abhimanyu went towards him where there was no one. The man came with a rod to hit him, but Abhimanyu easily dodged it. Then Abhimanyu gave him a punch, causing him to bleed from his nose and fall unconscious. Abhimanyu thought to himself, "I hope I didn't hit him too hard. I only used half my strength."

Then he picked up the iron rod and started rolling up his sleeves, standing in front of them like a hero from the South, and shouted, "Come and see who has more guts!" But just then, Deen Trilok Chowdhury came from behind and said, "Now, are my school kids going to indulge in hooliganism too? Stay calm and let me handle this."

Trilok Chowdhury said, "Please forgive us, it was a mistake from our staff. We are going on a tour and we will compensate for any damage caused. Truth be told, the cars didn't suffer much damage, it could have been fixed within 2 to 3 lakhs at most. But Harbhajan insisted on 10 crores."

Deen replied, "Alright, I am ready to give 10 crores, but show me the extent of the damage. I am not blind; I can see that the cars didn't suffer much damage, and it could have been fixed for much less. Yet they are demanding 10 times the price of their cars."

Harbhajan said, "Either give us 10 crores, or send that driver and the boy to us. Otherwise, the other kids could also be harmed."

Trilok agreed, "Alright, I will give you 10 crores. We are also forgiving the boy for the accident. But now, who will hold accountable for assaulting my friend? They're still talking about it, but none of them have come to see his condition. Besides, two of their friends have died and they still don't know about it. It shows how much they care about their friends."

In Abhimanyu's glasses, Saily said, "We're getting some signals; there's been an accident on the Delhi-Haryana road. Two sports cars were speeding on the wrong side and collided with a truck. Both occupants of the cars died, only the truck driver's child survived."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "These guys still don't know about this."

He said aloud, "Alright, deal with me first. If you can defeat me, you get ten crores."

Without waiting for Deen's permission or listening to him, Harbhajan ran towards Abhimanyu with a rod. At that moment, Harbhajan pulled out a pistol. Abhimanyu didn't stop; it was the first time Harbhajan had seen someone not flinch even in the face of a gun. Harbhajan wanted to prove that the gun was real by firing into the sky, but even after firing, Abhimanyu didn't flinch. By the time Harbhajan realized this, Abhimanyu was already close to him. No one expected Abhimanyu to stop even once. Abhimanyu immediately struck him with the rod, causing him to fall back, but this time, he only used 20% of his power, yet Harbhajan still lost consciousness.

Abhimanyu swung the iron rod, using it like a sword, and started breaking the bones of their hands and legs.

Sahil said, "Bro, if we just stand here like this, he'll become a hero in bhabhi's eyes."

Rohit replied, "Let's go then, let's jump in. After all, they were attacking our school." Rohit and his gang also joined the fray, and all those thugs ended up in a bad condition on the ground, mostly with broken bones from Abhimanyu's rod.

Just then, the police arrived and arrested all the thugs. Deen Trilok Chowdhury had already called the police in advance; he was just buying time.

Deen said, "Alright, everyone back on the bus. Ramesh, don't do anything like this again." Everyone returned to their seats, and the bus resumed its journey.

Ramesh told Abhimanyu, "You made a mistake, and Deen sir was scolding me."

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "As I said before, you were in the driver's seat, so you should have been in control. Both your hands were on the steering wheel, and your foot was on the accelerator."

Paras interjected, "But whatever happened, you shouldn't have resorted to violence like that."

Abhimanyu replied, "You're a martial artist, so you should know that what I did was self-defense."

Paras retorted, "In self-defense, you don't break the enemy's bones. Whether anyone noticed it or not, you did it. Did you also notice that all those moves were from some martial arts?"

Abhimanyu pondered for a moment before responding.

Abhimanyu said, "I enjoy watching all kinds of martial arts fights. I've learned a few moves from there and applied them today."

After a while, Kashmira took out some juice cans she had packed, and Karishma brought out a packet of chips and a one-liter bottle of Frooti.

Abhimanyu leisurely ate Karishma's chips and drank Frooti from her bottle, while the others sipped juice from the cans. It was getting late; they were supposed to reach Jaipur by 5 o'clock, but now it was around 6 when they arrived.

Kashmira and Paras had dozed off while sitting, but Abhimanyu and Karishma, who were seated on the bed-like seat, had fallen asleep cuddled up to each other like a couple. The driver let them sleep as it wasn't appropriate to disturb them, especially since they seemed like a couple.

When the bus stopped near a hotel, Paras woke up and saw that they had reached. He gently nudged Kashmira and said, "We've reached the hotel."

Abhimanyu also woke up upon hearing the commotion, but he didn't open his eyes because he was holding onto Karishma and didn't want to wake her. Karishma pretended to be asleep despite being woken up by the noise.

Paras, looking at them, said, "They seem to be sticking to each other a bit too much even in their sleep."

Kashmira replied, "Quiet! You never know in sleep; besides, there's not enough space there. They're just sleeping; what else could they do?"

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Kashmira, you truly understand your friend's feelings so well."

Paras then asked, "Should we wake them up now or not?" He gently nudged Abhimanyu and said, "Abhimanyu, wake up, we've arrived." Abhimanyu calmly opened his eyes, pretending as if he had just woken up from his sleep. He then nudged Karishma, still holding her in his arms, and said, "Karishma."

Karishma opened her eyes and then closed them again, pretending to be asleep. She never woke up in one go, and if she did now, Abhimanyu would know she had been awake for a while.

Abhimanyu chuckled, "Hey, sleepyhead, your eyeballs are moving behind your eyelids. Stop pretending now."

Karishma immediately sat up, stretched, and yawned, saying, "We've arrived."

Abhimanyu also got up and said, "Yes, let's go then."

Karishma suggested, "Let's wake everyone up and take them line by line near the hotel gate. Meanwhile, we'll go inside and talk."

Kashmira added, "You take them near the hotel gate; we'll meet you inside." Ramesh had already disembarked and gone somewhere.

Abhimanyu gently held Karishma's hand as she was about to leave the cabin to wake up the children. He guided her back to her seat, and they both sat down. Abhimanyu remarked, "Now that we're not kids anymore, people might get the wrong idea if they see us sleeping together. What if someone finds out?"

Karishma replied, "If you talk about it like this, people will misunderstand. Sleeping together and sleeping together are two different things."

Abhimanyu mischievously asked, "What's the difference between the two?"

Karishma retorted, "You don't even know the difference."

Abhimanyu teased, "Whatever it is, it's true that we're sleeping together after 1.5 years."

Karishma threatened jokingly, "I'll murder you if you keep talking like this." Then Abhimanyu asked her, "By the way, do you like anyone?"

Karishma was not expecting Abhimanyu to ask such a question. Although she liked him, she didn't want to reveal it directly. Instead, she replied, "Yes, there's someone I really like."

Curious, Abhimanyu asked, "Who is it?"

Karishma hesitated before saying, "Why should I tell you?"

Abhimanyu insisted, "Come on, we're close friends. Tell me."

Karishma finally relented, "I'll tell you, but the time isn't right yet."

Then she left the cabin.

Abhimanyu was left pondering whom she might like. Various faces of students flashed through his mind, but eventually, he found himself thinking about Sarthak.

In his thoughts, Abhimanyu said to himself, "Well, I really like you, but if you like someone else, I'll support you wholeheartedly. I can't bear to see you unhappy."

Abhimanyu didn't want to jump to any conclusions just yet, so he thought of asking Aliya for insights. When he saw Aliya approaching, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the cabin, which caught the attention of the other students. They were surprised to see such an action, wondering if Aliya had gotten a boyfriend.

Aliya asked Abhimanyu what happened and why he pulled her like that.

Abhimanyu asked Aliya whom Karishma liked.

Aliya knew that she liked Abhimanyu herself, but she couldn't directly reveal it to him. So, she replied, "Yes, she likes someone, but I can't disclose who. If you don't have anything else to ask, I'll leave." Then she left.

As soon as Aliya stepped out, she took Karishma aside and said, "Abhimanyu was asking me whom you like."

Karishma asked, "What did you say?"

Aliya replied, "I didn't say anything, but when will you tell him?"

Karishma said, "Soon."

As Abhimanyu got off the bus, he saw Aliya again and, pulling her aside, asked, "Hey, tell me, whom does Karishma like? Is it Sarthak?"

Karishma asked, "Why do you think I would betray my best friend?"

Abhimanyu, enticing her, said, "I have a picture of her in her tomboyish phase."

Karishma replied, "I have a few like that too."

Abhimanyu continued, "I also have her childhood pictures."

Karishma said, "The offer is tempting, but I'm not that weak."

Abhimanyu added, "I have a picture of her as a one-year-old, and she was naked."

Karishma warned, "Don't even mention it. Remember, you don't know this either; she likes you. Now give me that picture."

Abhimanyu sent her a picture, and they both left from there as if they were buying or selling drugs.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Now no one can stop you from being mine." They lined up near the hotel gate in four rows. After that, they were allotted rooms where two children were placed in one room, and the child could choose their roommate. Karishma was paired with Riya in the Kishori girls' room, so they were going to share a room. In Abhimanyu's row, he was only friends with Varun, so he was going to share a room with him. Everyone headed to their rooms to get ready; they were going to stay in this hotel for two weeks, sponsored by the event organizers. Many other VIPs were also staying here. Abhimanyu was in his room when he heard some noise from his window. He cautiously approached the window as Varun was still in the bathroom. As soon as he opened the window, a kick aimed at him. Abhimanyu dodged it and swiftly grabbed the kicker's leg, spinning him around and throwing him onto the bed. He said, "You'll need to work a little harder."

The boy said, "Hey boss, how are you?"

Abhimanyu asked, "Vikrant, what are you doing here? You should be in Bihar."

Vikrant was a member of Abhimanyu's team, and he was as capable as Abhimanyu. After Abhimanyu left, Vikrant was in charge of the team.

Vikrant replied, "I was brought here by the military head and was told that I would meet you here."

Abhimanyu asked, "Why is Dadaji here?"

Vikrant replied, "That's something only he knows, you're the one going there."

Abhimanyu said, "Tell me the location; I'll meet you there in a while."

Vikrant then jumped from one window to another and then descended, walking away casually like an ordinary boy.

Suddenly, Varun came out of the bathroom and said, "I heard some noise, but there's no one here."

Abhimanyu said, "There was a man, and he jumped out of the window."

Varun joked, "Don't joke around; we're on the 15th floor."

Then, he continued, "We need to go downstairs for breakfast; are you coming?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You go ahead; I'll join you later."

After Varun left, Abhimanyu entered the elevator and then jumped out of the window, descending rapidly. He did this because there were no cameras in that area, and he had already checked the rooms for cameras.

Abhimanyu's grandfather was staying at a luxurious hotel reserved for VVIPs, but Abhimanyu managed to sneak in and went straight to his grandfather.

When Abhimanyu reached his grandfather's room, his grandfather said, "How are you, young soldier?"

Abhimanyu saluted and replied, "I am fine, sir."

His grandfather continued, "You have been called here for a special reason, as you know. Big businessmen from our country are coming to invest in the development project here. But this could cause significant harm to our neighboring country, as it increased terrorist activities across the border. We suspect that they may try to sabotage this event. Currently, we don't have any intel that what are enemies plan, so you need to keep your eyes and ears open. There are many VVIPs here, so it's possible that someone may collude with the enemies of our countries. You need to keep a close watch on everyone in your hotel and its surroundings. We will take care of the rest, and you should enjoy your tour."

Abhimanyu saluted again and said, "Yes, sir."

His grandfather then said, "You can sit and have your meal now." Abhimanyu sat beside him and started eating.after dinner he gave him a bag which contains his black robe and sword, mask and other weapons and tools.

After dinner, Abhimanyu returned to his hotel and went back to his room through the window. Then he went outside and downstairs, where all the children were still eating, along with several businessmen.

Vayu spotted him and came closer, asking, "What are you looking for?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Nothing, just observing."

Vayu said, "Bro, you know there's a rumor going around that you're dating Aliya."

Abhimanyu asked, "What do you mean?"

Vayu said, "I don't know, all the kids were talking about how you took Aliya to the cabin and kissed her, and then did the same behind the bus. Tell me the truth, are you dating Aliya?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, why would I date Aliya?"

Vayu said, "But everyone is talking about it now. Look how everyone is staring at Aliya."

Vayu continued, "This won't be good for her career. People will create stories, and then her fans might decrease, or maybe everyone will be ready to attack you."

Abhimanyu asked, "What should I do then?"

Vayu replied, "What can you do if all this is just a rumor?"

Just then, a boy named Rajat Mishra, who had a crush on Aliya, saw Abhimanyu. He said, "Abhimanyu, I challenge you. If you win, you can be with Aliya, but if you lose, you have to leave her."

Rohit was happy because he was after Aliya, not Karishma, and he was becoming more confident as he had mostly seen Aliya with him since the first day.

Abhimanyu was at a loss for words because he didn't want to date Aliya in the first place.