Chapter 12: kishori girls disappearence

Aliya and Karishma were sitting at a table, and Karishma seemed a bit upset.

Aliya said, "I'm telling the truth, Abhimanyu and I are just friends."

Karishma replied, "Didn't you mention why you went with him?"

Aliya explained, "He asked me the same question again and asked if you like Sarthak."

Karishma questioned, "Why did he think that?"

Aliya responded, "The whole school thinks so, so he might have heard it from somewhere."

Karishma sighed, "This guy! I respect Sarthak, but I don't like him. He's like an elder brother figure to me."

Aliya and Karishma were sitting at a table, and Karishma seemed a bit upset.

Aliya said, "I'm telling the truth, Abhimanyu was asking me about you."

Karishma replied, "Didn't you mention why you went with him?"

Aliya explained, "He asked me the same question again and asked if you like Sarthak."

Karishma questioned, "Why did he think that?"

Aliya responded, "The whole school thinks so, so he might have heard it from somewhere."

Karishma sighed, "This guy! I respect Sarthak, but I don't like him. He's like an elder brother figure to me."

Aliya said, "I know, but others don't know that."

Karishma replied, "But what will you do about this rumor now?"

Aliya responded, "It's just a rumor, it'll die down in a couple of days."

Roshni added, "Or maybe it'll take a month."

Payal remarked, "Your popularity might decline."

Just then, they heard Rajat Mishra's voice challenging Abhimanyu.

Aliya said, "Look, now the reaction has started. Let me handle this."

She stood up, moved forward, and said loudly, "Who gave you the right to bet on my name? I prefer making decisions about my life myself, and listen carefully, there's nothing between Abhimanyu and me. If you don't believe it, look at our friendship; we're just friends."

Rajat argued, "Don't lie to us. I've seen you going alone with him to the cabin and behind the bus too."

Aliya countered, "But you haven't seen us doing anything, have you?"

No one had seen them kissing; they had only seen them talking behind the bus, and nobody knew about the cabin.

Rajat insisted, "No, I haven't seen that, but Abhimanyu was holding your hand, and you two looked quite close. If that's the case, why don't you let him fulfill the challenge?"

Rohit felt that the two wanted to keep this matter a secret, but if Abhimanyu lost, he would have to leave Aliya, and he didn't want to see him wandering around Karishma. So, he stood up and said, "Because your challenge is nonsense. He's already dating her, so even if he wins the bet, he won't get anything."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Well, another troublemaker arises."

Just then, the other teachers arrived, and Kashmira asked, "Why is there so much noise here? Complaints are coming in against us."

No one said anything, so Kashmira said, "If everyone is done, let's go. First, we'll go to Hawa Mahal and learn about its history. Come on, everyone, form rows in your groups outside."

They all lined up in their respective groups and then boarded the bus to go to Hawa Mahal. Upon arrival, they split into separate groups and began learning about the history and stories of the place with their guides. After spending almost three hours there, they all proceeded to Nahargarh Fort, where they continued their study of the historical site.

Rohit and his gang of boys were fooling around with a statue away from the group when a boy accidentally stepped on Rohit's shoes. He apologized, calling Rohit "brother," and tried to move on, but Rohit grabbed him from behind and said, "Clean it up."

Rohit's gang also surrounded the boy. He seemed to be from another school and around their age. He said, "Brother, it was an accident. I said sorry. Let's end this now."

Rohit replied, "I want them spotless. Clean it up." But the boy stood still. Rohit slapped him, and another boy pushed him down, telling him to bend and clean.

The boy took out his handkerchief, but Rohit said, "Clean them with your shirt." Another boy kicked him in the back and said, "Move."

Forced to, the boy cleaned Rohit's shoes with his sleeves. Then Rohit grabbed him by the collar, lifted him, and said, "Now get out of here."

The boy walked ahead, actually a 12th grader from a school in Jaipur named Saurav. He was also a troublemaker from that school, and his gang had come to roam around after skipping classes. When he reached his friends, the leader of his gang, named Farukh, asked, "Saurav, what happened to your face?"

Saurav narrated the whole incident to him. Farukh, known for his tough demeanor, was a prominent troublemaker and the leader of all the kids in the area. He was always at the forefront of any fight. He asked, "Which school are those kids from?"

Saurav replied, "Bro, they didn't seem local. Maybe they're here on a tour."

Farukh said, "Show me where they are." Saurav led them towards the other side, where Abhimanyu and his group were studying a structure while their guide narrated its story. Rohit's gang was also there.

As Farukh and his gang arrived, he pointed at Abhimanyu's group and said, "There they are, and that guy," pointing at Rohit, "is the one who slapped me and made me clean his shoes."

There was tension between two groups of students during a school trip. One group, led by Farukh, confronted another group that included Abhimanyu and Rohit.

Farukh immediately Looked at Rohit and said, kick his ass.than Farukh group including farukh ran towards them.

Kashmira, a teacher accompanying the students, intervened and tried to calm the situation.

Farukh said,"we just wanted to break all the bones of That guy and his gang members so move.

As the confrontation intensified, a physical altercation broke out, with Rohit and his gang fighting against Farukh's group. During the scuffle, one of Farukh gang members attacked at Rohit with wooden stick but it accidentally hit karishma, causing her to bleed. Karishma was strong martial artist and that's she blecked the stick with her hand and broke tha stick Abhimanyu rushed to her aid, attending to her wounds and comforting her.

Abhimanyu's eyes were filled with anger as he advanced to retaliate. He swiftly disarmed a boy and struck him on the back, causing him to fall. Despite struggling to control his rage, Abhimanyu continued to confront the other boys, swiftly overpowering them. Within moments, all the boys were on the ground, including Farukh and Rohit, as Abhimanyu had defeated them all. After asserting his dominance, Abhimanyu issued a stern warning to never harm his friends again. Finally, he returned to sit beside Karishma, visibly exhausted from the ordeal.

All the kids now understood that Abhimanyu was the strongest in the fight, and even Rohit realized that he wouldn't be able to defeat him in a fight.

Kashmira immediately called the teachers and took her school's kids back first. Upon returning to the hotel, Abhimanyu was applying first aid and bandages to Karishma's wounds, as they were not severe, just minor scratches.

The rest of the group's kids had also returned to the hotel, and they had learned about the fight with the students from the other school. The Dean and other VIPs who were staying at the hotel arrived and scolded Rohit, his gang, and Abhimanyu for tarnishing the reputation of their respective schools by getting into a fight.

Karishma looked around and asked, "Where is Aliya?"

Abhimanyu also glanced around, but besides Aliya, the other girls were nowhere to be seen.

Abhimanyu replied, "The entire Kishori girls' team is missing."

Karishma remembered seeing them last before the fight, clicking pictures at a spot. She decided to try calling them.

Karishma first tried Aliya's phone, but it was switched off. She tried the other girls' phones too, but they were all unreachable.

Sensing something wrong, Karishma immediately informed Kashmira that the entire Kishori girls' team was missing. Kashmira promptly informed the Dean.

The Dean inquired if anyone had seen them or knew their whereabouts, but everyone had last seen them before the fight.

The Dean quickly went to the nearby police station to file a report, while the other teachers instructed all students to stay in the hotel. The students council members were taken back to Nahargarh Fort, but they couldn't find anyone there, so they started asking around at nearby shops. Abhimanyu and Karishma were with them, searching for the missing girls.

Abhimanyu noticed a deserted alleyway with no shops or CCTV cameras and started walking towards it. Karishma followed closely behind him.

As Abhimanyu slowly made his way into the alley, he spotted Aliya's friendship band lying on the ground. Picking it up, he remarked, "This belongs to Aliya, meaning they must have come this way."

Karishma suggested informing the others about their discovery. Abhimanyu nodded, and they continued forward. A little further down the alley, they saw a beggar, who seemed to be a regular resident there, as there was a spot for him to sleep nearby, along with a small stream and a small jungle on one side.

Approaching the beggar, Abhimanyu showed him a 100 rupee note. The beggar's eyes lit up at the sight of the money, but Abhimanyu held him back and asked if he had seen any girls passing by or being taken away from there.

After examining the note for a moment, the beggar replied, "Sir, I haven't seen any girls, but if you give me some money, I'll tell you anything you want. I've been hungry for two days."

Abhimanyu offered, "If you can tell me something unusual or relevant to my search within the last two hours, I'll give you this note."

The beggar said, "Sir, half an hour ago, I saw a man near that building carrying a plastic bag of food.

Abhimanyu looked at the shop which is a restaurant

Abhimanyu said what's unusual in that

The beggar replied, He usually takes food for eight people, but today he took it for 13. When he came to pick up the food, I was sitting outside the shop, and it felt a bit strange."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you know who that man is or where he lives?"

The beggar replied, "Sir, he comes on his scooter every day, but he never talks. So, even the shopkeeper wouldn't know who he is."

Kashmira asked, "Do you remember the scooter's number?"

The beggar immediately remembered the number upon seeing a 500 rupee note that Abhimanyu showed him.

Abhimanyu said, "If he came here on the scooter, it means he lives nearby but within this area."

Karishma asked, "But is Aliya really there?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I don't know, but for now, our only clue is this scooter."

Abhimanyu walked away from karishma and silently asked Saily to check whose name the scooter was registered under.

Saily checked and provided the owner's details.

Abhimanyu asked, "Is this phone number registered?"

Saily confirmed, and then a number appeared in front of them.

Abhimanyu said, "Trace its location."

Saily replied, "I can trace it through its IMEI, but it will take some time. The fastest option is if the person talks on this number for at least 2 minutes."

Abhimanyu said, "Generate a fake number and call him."

Saily generated a phone number and dialed.

As soon as the person answered, Abhimanyu said, "Hello, speaking to Santosh," Abhimanyu knows the man's name from data.

Santosh said, "Yes, this is Santosh speaking. What's the matter?"

Abhimanyu, altering his voice, replied, "Yes, I am Constable Hariram from your area."

Santosh asked, "What's the matter, sir? What have I done now?"

Abhimanyu said, "Sir, we received a complaint against you that you harassed some girls from the school, and now a case is being filed against you. You are required to appear at the police station."

The man replied, "Oh, just do whatever you want. There are already more than 40 cases against me, and no one has been able to arrest me yet. Hang up now." He hung up, but by then, a minute had passed. Saily could see his location, just 2 kilometers away, and he was heading straight there.

Abhimanyu said, "I had a feeling he sounded like a thug. First, I'll drop karishma off at the hotel, then I'll go to save Aliya."

Karishma said, "Don't underestimate yourself. We both received the same training, and I can say that you can't do this alone. I'm coming with you."

Santosh went inside after hanging up, entering what seemed to be a closed factory, which gave Abhimanyu about 90% certainty that Aliya was there.

As Santosh entered, he asked, "Boss, why did you suddenly grab these girls?"

A man lying on a sofa, playing a game on his phone, named Shamsher, replied. He said a big shot from Delhi had ordered the kidnapping of a girl and his men would take her from there. Pointing towards Aliya, he mentioned, "They had tied all the girls and stuffed a cloth in their mouths."

Santosh questioned, "But why did you take all of them when you were asked to take just one?"

Shamsher replied, "Forget all that. You went to the villages near the border, right? You didn't tell us when those goods would reach here."

Santosh explained, "We've already brought the goods up to Phulera. There's tight checking at every entry point in Jaipur. It's difficult for the goods to reach here."

Shamsher said, "We're getting paid to smuggle those goods here."

Santosh suggested, "Brother, why don't we bring the goods after the event? Security will be relaxed after the event, right?"

Samsher responded, "The party we've made deals with wants the goods checked by day after tomorrow."

Santosh inquired, "Okay, but why is the big boss in such a hurry this time? We always bring the goods. But this time, they want to take the risk and bring the goods here."

Samsher cautioned, "Slow down. Do you want to tell them everything too?"

Santosh apologized, "Sorry, brother, I forgot."

Samsher asserted, "Will our men not be able to bring it into this city through our checkpoints?"

Santosh explained, "Brother, I've checked every checkpoint and tried talking to some, but there are soldiers stationed there now, and it's difficult to come in without checks."

Samsher warned, "If we can't bring the goods, the big boss might assign the task to Randheer or Kishan, and then our reputation will be at stake."

Santosh suggested, "Let me talk to some people. Maybe we can smuggle the goods through our old routes."

On the other side, Abhimanyu and Karishma had arrived outside the factory.

Abhimanyu said, "I'll go inside first to check if Aliya is here. If she is, I'll message you, and then you can inform the police."

With that, without making a sound, he began to approach the factory gate. Near the gate, two men seemed to be busy with something, but in reality, they were keeping watch to ensure no one noticed anything unusual and no one got suspicious.

As Abhimanyu was heading towards them, one of the men approached him, asking, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I've come to meet someone." He gestured towards the other man, who approached upon hearing this. Abhimanyu took advantage of the situation and swiftly incapacitated both men by targeting their vital points, ensuring no one inside would be alerted.

Afterwards, he cautiously made his way inside and saw all the girls sitting bound on the ground behind a grille. Abhimanyu quickly sent a message to Karishma.

Upon receiving the message, Karishma immediately called the police and informed the others before proceeding inside.

Abhimanyu observed that Samsher and Santosh were accompanied by about 20 men. On one side, four gunmen were stationed around the Kishori girls, while on the other side, Santosh and Samsher were conversing with three other men. There were also five gunmen on the lower floor, keeping watch outside the windows, each armed with a gun. On the upper level, there were platforms on both sides, with four men stationed near each window. In the front, there was a central platform, and on both sides, there were two windows. One man was standing near the window in front, typical of a setup in an ordinary factory. The factory had been closed for quite some time.

Abhimanyu instructed Karishma to distract the guards outside by shooting in any direction and then find a hiding spot outside.

Upon receiving the message, Karishma moved back slightly and fired four to five shots towards the outside, causing the guards to become alert. However, since they couldn't see anything through the windows, they signaled to each other that there was no immediate threat.

Samsher instructed, "Someone must have approached from the front. Go and check what's happening outside." One man went out and returned after a while, reporting, "Brother, our two guards are unconscious, and their guns have been taken."

Samsher ordered, "Go check the direction from where the shots were fired."

Five men went out to investigate and search for clues.

Now, only 15 men remained inside. Abhimanyu went outside and, spotting a man heading into a corner, swiftly approached him without making a sound, rendered him unconscious with a single blow, and took his gun. He then proceeded to incapacitate the remaining four men in a similar manner, confiscating their weapons. Abhimanyu messaged Karishma, who was hiding nearby, and handed her the gun, saying, "You don't know how to handle a gun, do you?"

Karishma nodded, and Abhimanyu handed her the ammo. "Stay here with cover and if you see those men running, fire towards the gate," he instructed.

Afterward, Abhimanyu returned to the factory but foud the door closed. He swiftly approached a window and knocked.

The man standing near the window turned his gun towards it, diverting everyone else's attention in that direction. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu had reached the window on the other side. He then silenced the man, twisted his neck to render him unconscious since he couldn't knock him out quietly and positioned him against the wall. Moving to the next person, he repeated the same action and then slowly move towards Samsher

The man near the window after waiting for a while he decided to approach the window and opened it and everyone else took position to cover him after the man opened the door and look everywhere nothing was there he said,no one is here and then when everyone turned around they found the other side 2 of their man lying there

Shamsher suddenly felt the barrel of a gun against his head. Abhimanyu changed his voice and said don't move

And than he shoot everyone who were positioned on upper windows by hearing gunshots everyone looked at Abhimanyu and aim their gun towards him

Abhimanyu put the barrel of a gun towards Samsher head and from another gun in his other hand aimed at their directions and said stop right there or I will shoot your boss

One man contemplated making Aliya and the other girls hostages and was about to point his gun at them when Abhimanyu shot him in the forehead.

Abhimanyu warned, Don't move! They can't see his face in the darkness. As he continued shooting at them, one man was instantly hit and collapsed lifeless. Witnessing this, the others began shooting at Abhimanyu, but he used Samsher as a shield, taking all the shots and get killed by their own men.

In the chaos, Abhimanyu managed to shoot two more men dead. As the rest attempted to flee, Abhimanyu shot four more before pursuing them in the open.

Meanwhile, the remaining four boys were about to escape through the gate when Karishma opened fire at them, hitting one in the leg. They sought cover inside the factory, with one aiming to return fire towards Karishma. Karishma quickly get in cover. Another man tried to look at inside the factory to shoot Abhimanyu but the moment he looked inside, a bullet struck his forehead, causing him to collapse lifeless. Abhimanyu then proceeded towards them.

Just as two men attempted to jump on Abhimanyu to shoot him, he swiftly shot them down. Only one man remained, who turned out to be Santosh. He surrendered, lowering his gun and raising his hands.