Chapter 14: Seize the bombs

Got it. I'll translate the text without providing any additional comments. Here's the translation:

The man regained consciousness and found himself tied up. He asked, "What are you doing, kid? This isn't a game. Let me go." Abhimanyu approached him and said, "If it's not a game, then tell me quietly how many men are there, how many boxes, and where they are."

The man replied, "Who are you, pretending to be the police? Don't you know how dangerous I am?" Abhimanyu said, "It seems like you think I'm a child."

He then stabbed the man's thigh with a dagger and began slowly moving it downwards, causing the man a lot of pain. The man screamed, but Abhimanyu quickly gagged him with a handkerchief to muffle the noise. Abhimanyu continued to inflict wounds, ignoring the man's attempts to move his head. Abhimanyu then said, "Are you going to talk or not?" and proceeded to inflict fourth carving in same thigh.

Varun said, "Saily, he wants to say something."

Abhimanyu then noticed the man's attempts to speak, his head moving as if trying to say something. Abhimanyu apologized, realizing he had forgotten to remove the gag. As he removed the cloth from the man's mouth, the man cursed him, calling him a monster.

Abhimanyu slapped him and demanded him to speak about the number of men and their locations.

The man revealed, "There are 10 of us, and each of us has such boxes."

Abhimanyu asked for further details about their locations.

The man disclosed, "We've planned bomb blasts in various significant locations with high footfall but low security, including three major hotels, a historical site, a railway station, a bus stand, and four crowded markets."

Abhimanyu realized the severity of their plan.

The man continued, "Our plan was to detonate bombs in several areas of Jaipur to disrupt this project, and whatever funds we collect, we'll use to develop Jaipur first."

Abhimanyu demanded details about all ten individuals, which the man provided.

Abhimanyu instructed Saily to report everything to Dadaji.

Saily confirmed, "I've already done it; Dadaji is monitoring everything live. He mentioned that some soldiers are on their way, and we'll handle the rest."

Varun said, "Brother, these were planning a major attack, and this hotel was also their target."

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, but Saily saved us."

Varun asked, "Tell me the truth, whose spirit is this Saily?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She's the spirit of a secret agent from our country who was killed on a mission."

Varun questioned, "And how long has she been with you?"

Abhimanyu answered, "Not long, just for a month."

Just then, the doorbell rang. Abhimanyu went to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

A voice from behind the door responded, "Sir, I've come with your order."

Abhimanyu inquired, "What's in the food?"

The man outside replied, "Sir, you ordered white sauce pasta." Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu opened the door, and several men entered who appeared to be soldiers, but they were dressed in suits. They had Bluetooth earpieces, and concealed guns within their suits.

In reality, Abhimanyu was confirming through these statements that these were indeed Dadaji's men.

All the soldiers quickly tended to his wounds, dressed him in a suit, and escorted him out without saying a word to either of them.

Varun asked, "Who were those people, and why did they leave without saying anything?"

Abhimanyu replied, "They were secret soldiers of the country. Saily had already informed their head about everything with her powers, and they were sent here. Now, we have no business here, so let's go downstairs. It's already 7 in the evening; everyone must have gone downstairs for dinner. And yes, don't tell anyone about this; it's our secret."

Varun said, "Brother, everyone will think I'm crazy and lying if I tell them this story. By the way, what other powers does Saily have?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Saily has so much power that I can know everything that's happening downstairs."

Varun asked, "Alright, then tell me what's happening downstairs."

Abhimanyu said, "Downstairs, Sudhir is singing to impress Kashmira, and he has a ring box hidden behind his back. Perhaps he's planning to propose to her during the song when the line 'Will you be my girlfriend?' comes."

Varun exclaimed, "Brother, if this actually happens, I'll give you 100 rupees."

As they reached the dining hall, they witnessed Sudhir singing, and indeed, the moment Abhimanyu described occurred.

The song ended, but the music continued. While some children were shaking their heads in disagreement, others who were favored by Sudhir were nodding in agreement, and they were at the forefront.

Kashmira said, "I'm glad you like me and you proposed so nicely, but I'm not ready for any relationship right now," and she declined after hearing this.

Upon hearing this, most of the children started dancing with joy, and then everyone began to eat, while some kids started dancing to the DJ's music.

When Abhimanyu entered the dining hall, he went straight to Karishma's table where the other members of the student council were also seated. By now, they knew that Abhimanyu was Karishma's friend.

Sarthak said, "Sit down, Abhimanyu, and you're Varun, right?" Varun confirmed his name.

Sarthak said, "Yes, Varun, please sit."

After they sat down, Raakhi asked, "Abhimanyu, how did you become friends with Karishma? She doesn't even talk to boys."

Abhimanyu replied, "We've been friends since childhood."

Raakhi said, "Oh really, how nice."

Abhimanyu then asked Karishma, "Where is Aliya?"

Karishma replied, "She's practicing with the Kishori girls. Their food has been sent to their room; they're all staying in the same room."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "So Karishma will be alone in her room."

Just then, Kashmira arrived and asked Abhimanyu if he was enjoying the tour.

Abhimanyu replied with a smile, "Yes, absolutely. By the way, we also saw Sudhir sir's proposal. He worked so hard."

Kashmira said, "Even donkeys work hard. I haven't shown any interest in either of us, but still, he proposed. Of course, I'll reject it."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, if I were to propose to someone like that, would she also reject it?"

Kashmira said, "Maybe, but anyway, who are you planning to propose to?"

Changing the subject, Abhimanyu asked, "If you want to impress a girl, what should you do?" The other kids were surprised to see Abhimanyu talking so casually with Kashmira.

Kashmira replied, "First of all, you need to take care of her and increase your interaction with her. Then, if she also likes you, she'll say yes."

Abhimanyu asked, "And if she likes me and I propose directly?"

Kashmira said, "That's a bit difficult. But even if I liked the guy, if he proposed directly to me, I wouldn't give him any answer."

Abhimanyu asked Karishma, "What's your opinion on this?"

Karishma replied, "I'm with the teacher, as they said. But I don't think the person I like is romantic and would ever do such things."

Suddenly, Raakhi asked, "Do you like someone? Tell us quickly, who is it?"

Everyone was now looking at Karishma. Changing the topic, Abhimanyu said, "So, what's going to happen at tomorrow's event?"

Sarthak replied, "First, there will be performances by all the children and schools. Then, there will be auctions for various items and discussions about development projects in a secret room where only VVIPs are allowed. Finally, they'll show how the development will look after it's completed and what results are expected."

Abhimanyu was thinking about who this big boss could be who wanted to sabotage the event.

On the other side, in a VVIP room at the Rajmahal Hotel, a man was extremely angry. This man's name was Kaanti Laal, a renowned politician and businessman in the area, who aspired to become the Chief Minister of Rajasthan and was currently the face of the opposition party. In his anger, he said to his men that he had instructed Shamsher to bring the bomb parts in other trucks, ensuring they weren't caught. However, Shamsher mistakenly brought them in the narcotics truck, leading to their plan being exposed. Now, he had received news that the military had apprehended all their men and had found all the bombs.

His man, trembling with fear, said, "But boss, what about Rashid? He's our last option."

Kaanti Laal replied, "Do you know I'll also be present at the event?"

The man said, "But boss, he won't even look at you."

Kaanti Laal said, "What can we do now? Our only option left is to take the students of Agresn School hostage and then blast with them. The blame will fall on the security head and the ruling party. Then he started laughing loudly."

Kaanti Laal asked, "How are these human bombs made? After all, why would anyone want to blast themselves?"

His man replied, "Boss, they are brainwashed to the extent that they can even give up their lives for their master. But the organization has made it clear that if anyone finds out about them, they'll destroy our homes with blasts."

Kaanti Laal acknowledged, "Yes, they are indeed dangerous, so be careful. But if those kids cause any trouble..."

His man interrupted, "Boss, are you serious? Who would dare challenge a suicide bomber? And if anyone tries, Rashid will shoot them, and nobody will dare again. And if even one child is harmed, it will create chaos."

Meanwhile, at the DK Hotel, a party was underway. After dinner, everyone was dancing. Abhimanyu, Varun, Karishma, Kashmira, Sarthak, Roshan, and Raakhi were standing on one side, while Aliya was performing her act, which she would present at the event the next day. The other kids were enjoying her performance.

Just as their performance ended, a child requested a romantic song, and everyone started suggesting romantic song titles.

Aliya began singing, and the other girls joined in, and the soft music started playing.

Abhimanyu asked Karishma, "Can you do your break dance on this romantic song?"

Karishma replied, "Are you challenging me?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, if you're up for it, let's go on stage."

With a smile, Karishma moved towards the stage, and Abhimanyu followed.

As they reached the stage, everyone looked at them in surprise. Abhimanyu asked Karishma, "Remember the rules, right?"

Karishma affirmed, "Yes, I remember."

Abhimanyu went to the mic and said, "Hello, my friends and fellow students! I know you might not recognize me, but you surely know your vice president. I believe you've never seen her dance before, so today you all will get that opportunity because there will be a dance battle between Miss Karishma Khanna and me, Abhimanyu Pratap Singh. How many of you want to witness this performance?"

Though they didn't know Abhimanyu, everyone was intrigued by Karishma, who was perceived as a quiet, dignified, and strict student. So, they all wanted to see her dance for the first time. They cheered, expressing their interest.

Abhimanyu asked Aliya to play a romantic song and instructed Karishma, "According to the rules, you'll dance with a different feel, and I'll entertain the audience. Whoever evokes more feelings wins."

Karishma agreed confidently. Aliya started the romantic song, and Karishma began her slow-motion, beat-wise breakdance, which looked quite impressive. Everyone expected her to perform a typical girl's dance, but she surprised them with breakdance moves typically seen in boys. After 10 seconds, she paused, and Abhimanyu began his dance, matching the beats with his breakdance steps, but his moves were hilariously exaggerated, like pretending to drink tears when the song mentioned it. He added funny steps to each line, making the audience laugh. After 15 seconds, Abhimanyu paused, and Karishma resumed dancing, now with romantic moves matching the song's mood. Both appeared to be experts in dancing, and the audience enjoyed the feeling they conveyed. After 15 seconds, Abhimanyu joined Karishma, seemingly trying to teach her romance while comically teasing her. Their performance drew laughter and applause from the students and even the dean and teachers joined in applauding.

Dean, after everyone had calmed down, went up on stage and said into the mic, "Honestly, both of you performed exceptionally well. We felt like we were watching national-level dancers, and I don't think we can decide who was better. But your chemistry during the dance was amazing."

After that, everyone stayed there for another hour, dancing to the music, and no one was performing anymore; everyone was just enjoying. Then, everyone went to their rooms to sleep. After pretending to sleep in his room for a while, Abhimanyu went to Karishma's room through the window.

Karishma's window was open. When he reached there, he saw no one, but he could hear the sound of someone taking a bath in the bathroom.

Abhimanyu immediately hide behind Karishma's bed. Meanwhile, Karishma came out of the bathroom after her bath, wrapped in a towel. She went to the corner where her bag was kept and took out her clothes. Abhimanyu could see her clearly as he lay there with his face turned and peeking out from behind the bed.

At that moment, Karishma said, "I know you're hiding there."

Abhimanyu asked, "How did you figure it out?"

Karishma replied, "I just sensed you?"

Abhimanyu asked, "So, do I have to leave from here now?"

Karishma said, "Aliya told me that she was lured by the temptation of a photo. Forget about all that for now. First, tell me where you found my photo."

Abhimanyu said, "I found it, that's all."

Karishma, wrapping the towel around herself, slowly approached him. She threw her clothes on the other bed and came close to him, asking, "Tell me the truth."

Saily interjected, saying, "By the way, sis, he found a solid one, boss."

Abhimanyu replied, "If I tell the truth, a more dangerous woman than you will kill me."

Karishma questioned, "You mean my mom gave it to you?"

Abhimanyu nodded reluctantly, "Yes, I shook my head, why did you keep that photo with you?" Karishma asked, eyeing him.

Saily chimed in, "Now's the time to say 'I love you,' according to my calculations, the opportunity is here, and the tradition is heating up. Strike while the iron is hot."

Abhimanyu said, "Because that was funny".

Saily said, now you are gone you shouldn't say something like that to a girl.

Karishma asked, " you wanted to die?"

Abhimanyu swore, "I am sorry."

Karishma said, "Okay, then turn your face the other way, I need to change my clothes."

Abhimanyu turned his face the other way, standing there without attempting to peek.

Saily said, "What are you doing, boss? Just turn your head a bit; let me do something." Then, he started zooming in on the mirror-like object on the bathroom gate, which was as small as an eye. But Saily zoomed in so much that Abhimanyu could see everything happening behind him on his full screen. Abhimanyu whispered softly, "Thanks, buddy."

Saily said, "You're welcome."

Meanwhile, Karishma changed her clothes, and than turn around and said, 'now die'

Than she kicked him and than she used a judo move and throw him in bed.

Abhimanyu could easily tackled her but he didn't and took all her attacks.

After a while she said, you remember what we used to do in past.

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you remember them?"

Karishma replied, "How could I forget? We used to have so much fun before, but your little sister was the most mischievous, even more than all of us combined."

Abhimanyu said, "Remember how scared you used to be of ghost stories?"

Karishma chuckled, "And yet, you always told us ghost stories, and we, the four girls, would stick to you in fear and eventually fall asleep."

Abhimanyu got an idea and said, "Well, before, I used to just tell stories, but now I've also started seeing ghosts."

Karishma teased, "Don't bluff; you just want to scare me so that I'll ask you to stay here."

Abhimanyu said, "No, really. Ever since I came to this hotel, I've been seeing a ghost named Saily." Then he proceeded to recount the same story he had told Varun. "And that's why she's wandering around here, manifesting as a ghost in this hotel."

Karishma was feeling a bit scared, but she said, "Stop joking around and leave now."

Abhimanyu replied, "Okay, I'll leave, but I'm not lying. Saily is really present here."

Karishma challenged him, "If she's here, prove it."

Abhimanyu suggested, "Talk to Saily and prove it to yourself." Just then, Karishma's phone rang, displaying the same number generated to call Santosh.

When Karishma answered, a voice from the other end said, "Hello, this is Saily."

Karishma challenged, "Don't talk nonsense. If you're Saily, tell me what I'm wearing right now."

Saily responded confidently, "You're wearing a pink flower-print shirt and full pants."

Karishma further inquired, "Okay, tell me how many fingers I'm holding up right now."

Saily replied, "You're holding up three fingers: one thumb, one index finger, and one middle finger of your right hand."

Convinced, Karishma said, "You're indeed real."

Abhimanyu whispered, "Cut the call now."

After Saily hung up, Karishma tried calling the number again, but it was invalid.

Abhimanyu confirmed, "Now do you believe me?"

Karishma started feeling very scared as the sounds of birds from outside began to sound eerie, though they had been there all along. Even the ticking of the clock seemed ominous.

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, I'll leave now."

Karishma immediately went to Abhimanyu, stopping him, and said, "Please stay."

Abhimanyu replied, "Okay, but we'll sleep on separate beds."

Karishma pleaded, "Okay, but please stay here."

Abhimanyu casually made his way to one of the beds and lay down.

Karishma also lay down on another bed, but she couldn't fall asleep. She asked Abhimanyu where Saily was, considering she was supposed to be wandering around the hotel.

Abhimanyu replied, "I don't know. I can't see her right now."

Saily interjected, "You're taking advantage of me too much."

Abhimanyu asked, "What's wrong, Saily? Why are you getting angry?"

Saily responded, "I'm not a ghost, and if you say or do anything like that again, I won't cooperate with you."

Abhimanyu reassured her, "Alright, calm down, Saily."

Karishma, feeling increasingly scared, lay down on Abhimanyu's bed to alleviate her fear. Abhimanyu, facing the other way, was already asleep. To prevent Karishma from getting scared, she hugged him from behind and tried to sleep. Abhimanyu took full advantage of the situation.

Abhimanyu turned around and smiled at Karishma, saying, "You shouldn't sleep with me , we are grown up now."

Karishma replied, "Shut up toy pervert we already slept with eachother so many times, And now you are mentioning it, and that too in such a horrific situation when I'm so scared."

Abhimanyu said, "At that times we're just child, we're still just friends you know."

Karishma wanted to say him that she liked her but couldn't had the courage ?"

Abhimanyu asked, "will you return to Patna in future?"

Karishma replied, "I didn't think that far, I want to return but there are some reasons ?"