Chapter 15: Suicide Bomber

Saily said, "Boss, your date is set, but what about me?"

Abhimanyu then got up, went to a corner, and pretended to take out his phone. He told Saily, "Saily, delete anything recorded from the moment you left my room until now. Make sure to delete everything."

Saily hesitated, saying, "Are you sure? Because I saw something unusual in the recording."

Abhimanyu asked, "What was unusual?"

Saily replied, "I saw Rashid, the second driver of the school bus, coming from outside."

Abhimanyu pondered, "That's possible. He might have gone somewhere."

Saily said, "Yes, that's possible. That's why it seemed unusual to me."

Abhimanyu instructed her, "Okay, then delete everything and turn on private mode. I don't want any recordings from here. And you also relax now." He then placed his glasses on the table, covered them with clothes, and lay back on the bed, hugging Kashmira, saying, "Did you get more scared by my stories?"

Karishma asked, "Is Saily still here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "She was, but she's gone now. She often wanders around here and there."

Karishma hugged him tightly, saying, "Don't scare me anymore. I'm already scared enough, and don't make it worse."

Abhimanyu reassured Karishma, saying, "Why are you scared? I'm right here, and nothing will harm you as long as I'm here."

As they drifted into deep sleep, Abhimanyu woke up first in the morning, ready for his exercise routine. Without disturbing Karishma, he quietly moved her aside and began his workout in the room. He started with regular exercises, then moved on to vigorous jumping exercises near the window, followed by pull-ups. After completing his routine, he returned to his normal exercises.

Meanwhile, Karishma woke up and noticed Abhimanyu working out. After freshening up, she joined him for yoga. Abhimanyu remarked, "I heard you used to wake up at 10 on weekends and 7 on school days."

Karishma replied, "Yes, but I usually exercise and practice in the evening."

Just then, the doorbell rang. Karishma told Abhimanyu to leave, and he quickly grabbed his glasses and jumped out of the window. As he left, Aliya entered the room, saying, "Good morning, I'm going to take a shower first," before heading to the bathroom.

Abhimanyu returned to his room and resumed his workout routine.

Near the gate of the Victor Art Museum, there was a crowd of expensive cars, and there was also a large park where barricades were set up. There was only one gate to enter, and passes were required to go inside. Abhimanyu, the school children, teachers, both drivers, and the Dean were all present. The student council was managing their class's tasks, and they weren't checked much. In total, there were students from 2 schools in Delhi, 3 schools in Jaipur, one from Haryana, one from Punjab, and one from Gujarat.

Aliya and the other girls seemed quite confident, as they had performed several times before. The other two groups were quite nervous. Aliya motivated them and talked about stage fear.

Rohit also tried to impress Karishma, but Karishma didn't respond. She had heard that Abhimanyu and Aliya always argued, so she had a misconception that Abhimanyu liked Aliya and Karishma didn't like that.

Abhimanyu said, "Look, now you have to perform on stage, but I'll support you from backstage. If anything goes wrong, it's okay."

Karishma approached them and asked, "What's going on? What were you guys talking about?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Nothing, we were just talking about your photo."

Aliya asked, "Did you tell her about the photo?"

Abhimanyu asked her, "Didn't you tell her first?"

Aliya said, "No, I didn't tell her."

Abhimanyu looked at Karishma and asked, "How did you know?"

Karishma said, "I saw a photo on Aliya's phone that came under your name. When I looked at the photo carefully, I remembered that it was mine. Then I guessed why she had that photo."

Then Karishma said, "Well, it's good that you both are together now, so I can punish you together. So, tell me, who gave you permission to use my photo as trading and what did you guys trade?"

Aliya understood that she didn't know that I told Abhimanyu thant She immediately folded her hands and said, "Forgive me, but that photo was very tempting.I gave him all your pictures of last year "

Abhimanyu replied, "Sometimes, you have to sacrifice few to get more. That was the most precious thing I had, something that should be treasured. And besides, your mother gave me this photo in exchange for something."

Karishma asked, "What thing?"

Abhimanyu said, "That's a secret."

Karishma responded, "Okay, then ready to die."

Abhimanyu joked, "Wait, but don't ask your mother?"

Karishma inquired, "Tell me, what was it?"

Abhimanyu leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I was told to keep an eye on you."

Karishma asked, "What have you told them until now?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Just that you're smart, hardworking, and doing well."

Karishma asked, "Anything else?"

Abhimanyu said, "No, that's it."

Karishma asked, "You only had one photo?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, but in reality, I had many childhood photos."

Karishma said, "Okay, then I'll leave from here."

Abhimanyu and Aliya chuckled together, relieved that they narrowly escaped. Then, they looked at each other and smiled.

Payal told Karishma, "There's some problem with this guitar."

Abhimanyu took the guitar, played a few notes, tightened the bolts, tuned it for a while, and said, "There, it's fixed."

Payal requested, "Can you play it once?"

Abhimanyu started playing the guitar, and all the surrounding kids started watching him because he was playing it quite well. After playing for a while, he handed the guitar back to Payal.

Then all the children were asked to move forward, and backstage, only the council students, the three performing groups, and Kashmira were left. However, Abhimanyu stayed back to support Karishma.

After a while, all the children's performances had started, and an hour later, it was their school's turn. The kids from their group were giving a great performance, and Abhimanyu was working as a spot boy, along with Roshan and Sarthak. Karishma and Rakhi were getting the other groups ready. Then, after the performance of the other group, it was the turn of the Kishori girls. Usually, Kishori girls' fans are crazy about them, but here, there were mostly VIPs and middle-aged people, who weren't very excited. It seemed like they were just listening to some speeches.

Aliya came backstage again and said, "Looks like they didn't like our performance."

Abhimanyu replied, "Have you even looked at them properly? They're not watching any performance; they're here not to enjoy but for business purposes. But don't worry, your popularity doesn't decrease with their reactions."

Aliya smiled and said, "I understand. You always support me at every step, just like a true brother."

Abhimanyu replied, "Just understand that."

Aliya hugged him with a smile.

Karishma told her, "That's enough. This time, rumors will spread again."

Aliya replied, "Let them spread. What difference does it make?"

Karishma said, "Now you seem different."

Aliya said, "I understand now that there are different kinds of people in the world—some are fans, some are not, and some are true fans who only see talent, not relationships."

Karishma smiled and said, "That's the point."

When all the performances were over, it was time for the auction. But at that moment, after all the children of Agrasen School had finished performing, they all sat together near the seats. Rashid grabbed Aliya and held her hostage, saying no one should move from their seats, or he would shoot. All the children were terrified, and all the soldiers immediately pointed their guns at him, but Rashid threatened that if anyone fired, the girl will die with me.

Rashid warned that if anyone moved, he would shoot. Saily remarked that she had suspected something suspicious. Abhimanyu thought to himself that the logic was flawed; it was just luck that the children had slightly moved. However, Abhimanyu, Karishma, and the other Kishori girls remained standing. Abhimanyu suggested they let him state his demands.

Just then, the Chief Minister, Abhimanyu's grandfather, and other officials approached. The Chief Minister asked Rashid to state his demands and let the girl go. Rashid demanded to see the Chief Minister's body in front of him. Abhimanyu started to move closer, but Rashid sensed him and fired a shot, hitting Abhimanyu's shoulder. Karishma, Aliya, Abhimanyu's grandfather, Kashmira, and Vayu immediately shouted for Abhimanyu.

The man warned Abhimanyu that if he moved again, he would shoot him in the head. Abhimanyu cautiously approached, trying to prevent any harm to Aliya, but his focus was more on getting closer to the hostage-taker. Abhimanyu made a quick dash towards him, and the man aimed at his head, but Abhimanyu dodged and kicked the gun, knocking it away.

Abhimanyu then kicked Rashid, knocking him down, and the other soldiers arrested him.

All the soldiers had their guns aimed at Rashid, who then began to laugh and pulled out a remote control from his hand.

Saily scanned the remote and confirmed that it was indeed a remote control.

Abhimanyu asked if they could block its signal, but Saily informed him that they didn't have any device to jam the signal.

At that moment, Abhimanyu's grandfather detached the remote from Rashid's hand and placed it aside. After securing his katana in its sheath, he said, "You've made a grave mistake. Shooting someone deserves only death as punishment, yet for some reason, you're still alive."

The soldiers then apprehended Rashid, and Abhimanyu's grandfather approached Abhimanyu to inspect his wound. He gently removed the bullet and examined it, remarking that it seemed Abhimanyu had tried hard to dodge it. He then whispered to Abhimanyu that he needed more training.

Abhimanyu's grandfather then began administering first aid himself, despite the soldiers' attempts to stop him. The Chief Minister expressed surprise at this, but Abhimanyu's grandfather explained that Abhimanyu was a brave soldier and deserved his personal attention.

Meanwhile, Karishma, Aliya, and Kashmira surrounded Abhimanyu, with Karishma expressing concern about potential infection. Abhimanyu's grandfather reassured them that there was nothing to worry about.

Abhimanyu remarked that this was likely the work of the big boss, to which his grandfather replied that they knew who the big boss was but lacked evidence against him.

Abhimanyu retorted, "So, will you just let him go like this? He must pay for this wound."

His grandfather gently tapped his neck and replied, "It's good to have enthusiasm, but we don't lose our senses in zeal. We'll seek revenge, but with caution."

Afterward, his grandfather started tending to Abhimanyu's wound.

Aliya, feeling a sense of familiarity between Abhimanyu and his grandfather, asked why they seemed to know each other already.

Ignoring her, his grandfather left the scene.

Abhimanyu expressed his frustration at Aliya's strange question, but she suggested he wear the clothes left for him by the officers who tended to his wound.

Aliya had left a white shirt and a black t-shirt for Abhimanyu, and she helped him put them on.

Thankful for saving her life, Aliya hugged Abhimanyu, calling him "brother."

Karishma teased them, remarking that now there was another sister in the picture.

Karishma, who was standing with them, lamented her missed chance.

Abhimanyu asked do you want to hug me too.

Karishma, while playfully hitting him, warned him and said shut up, but accidentally hit his wound, causing him pain. She quickly apologized and began soothing the injured area.

Rashid got arrested by military officials and transport him in headquarters and at the same time the DCP was handling the reporters but the event was necessary for the this matter was handled by police and home minister.

After that,the event continued smoothly, and Abhimanyu's grandfather also invested in the development project. However, by then, those who were not participating in the VVIP meeting had returned to the hotel. They were scheduled to leave again that night, and the seating arrangements were the same as before. However, they didn't have a driver as their previous one turned out to be a terrorist and was now in military custody. None of them knew how to drive, so they hired someone who could drive a bus, offering him double the usual fare.

Once everyone was seated, the bus departed from its spot. Abhimanyu was in the driver's cabin, and Ramesh reminded him of the incident where he bumped their car with the bus last time.

Abhimanyu replied, "Well, people reap what they sow in this life, but there's some benefit for me too. Ever since I got shot, some beautiful girls take good care of me, and I even get food delivered to my mouth."

Karishma was feeding him pieces of apple at that moment.

Abhimanyu commented that Sudhir sir must have forgotten you by now.

Kashmira said, "Now he's even more interested because he thinks I like him, but for some reason, I'm not getting into a relationship."

Abhimanyu chuckled at her statement.

Paras praised Abhimanyu's bravery for saving Aliya's life when they couldn't think straight.

As they continued chatting, they eventually fell asleep. Karishma had given Abhimanyu the entire seat, and she rested his head on her lap as she drifted off to sleep herself.

Abhimanyu arrived home straight after reaching school, and all the parents came to pick up their children. Abhimanyu and everyone got off the bus and headed home.

When Abhimanyu reached home, his brother opened the gate; it was only 7 in the morning. His brother asked, "How was the tour? I heard there was an accident there, and why do you have three bags? You only left with one."

Abhimanyu left one bag in the living hall and took two bags to his room. After keeping them in his room, he returned and said, "Two bags have my belongings, and the third one... Imagine what could be inside."

His brother, while opening the bag, said, "What are you doing? These are my things," but by then, it was already too late, and he opened the bag to find a katana inside.

His brother asked, "What is this? Where did you get it from? Did you go to Jaipur or Bihar?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Grandpa was in Jaipur; he handed this bag to me."

His brother asked, "What's in the bag?" While not thinking much, he opened it to find a robe, knives, blades, gadgets, and even a military gun with its ID.

His brother inquired, "What are all these, and when did you join the military?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's a secret force; I can't reveal much, but yes, I am in the military. Now, please return the bag."

His brother asked about the uniform, and Abhimanyu revealed that he was the Black Demon, who had helped eliminate various criminals and insurgents from Bihar.

His brother Started laughing and asked, "Is it April Fool's Day? Are you trying to prank me?"

Abhimanyu knew he needed to prove it to him, so he immediately took action, knocking Aakash to the ground with a single move, disarming him and taking back the bags. He then twisted Aakash's arm and made him sit on the floor, all of this happening in just one second.

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you believe me now?"

Aakash replied, "Yes, brother, but couldn't you have just told me directly? Why the need for action?"

Abhimanyu let him go and helped him up, saying, "Only Grandpa, Dad, and my team know about this, and now that you know, don't tell anyone."

Aakash asked, "How did you get such power at such a young age?"

Abhimanyu replied, "If you want, I can give you the same training."

Aakash said, "I'm serious, okay then, I'm ready."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Alright, I'll start your training from tomorrow at 4 am."

Aakash said, that early.

Abhimanyu replied, An early bird get the worm.

After some time, Aakash left for his station, and Abhimanyu went to take a shower. After showering, he began meditating.

Abhimanyu meditated for an hour every night before sleeping to gain control over his energy and keep his mind calm.

Every person has a certain type of energy in their body that they use for daily activities like walking, thinking, seeing, hearing, studying, fighting, and so on. Typically, people expend this energy in their daily tasks.

However, a martial artist, through rigorous training and meditation, can gain control over this energy and become significantly more powerful. This makes all their senses stronger and increases their strength.

When a regular person tries to punch a wall to break it, they rely on their muscle power, force, and speed. If the wall is strong, it doesn't break. But when a martial artist punches, they not only use their muscle power, force, and speed but also channel their energy into the punch, spreading it through the wall. Even a light punch from them can break the wall. However, this requires complete control over one's energy.

Apart from martial artists, some people unconsciously use this energy in exceptional situations. For example, someone who practices shooting regularly may have better eyesight than an average person. Similarly, an athlete or a runner may increase their stamina and running ability. However, only martial artists consciously strive to control this energy.

An ordinary person or someone unaware of this energy doesn't even feel it in their daily life, and a martial artist can only sense this energy after years of training and meditation.

Abhimanyu also knew about this energy, and he only started feeling it a year ago. Even now, he hasn't gained control over more than 20 percent of this energy.

When he faced Rashid, Rashid immediately sensed Abhimanyu's presence and quickly fired a shot at him. Abhimanyu could only confront Rashid because he was a better fighter and knew how to target a person's weak points.

Abhimanyu's grandfather had asked him to train more for this reason, and Abhimanyu never wanted to skip a day of training. After an hour of meditation and two hours of training, he thought of relaxing and checked his phone.

But around four in the evening, he received a call from Karishma.

Karishma asked, "Would you like to go watch a movie?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes."

Karishma said, "Okay, let's meet at K-hall in an hour."

K-hall was a famous PVR in Delhi.

Abhimanyu said, "Okay, I'll see you in an hour."

After getting ready, Abhimanyu headed to K-hall.

When he arrived, Karishma was already waiting for him.

Karishma said, "Let's go inside; I've already bought the tickets."

Abhimanyu asked, "What kind of movie is it?"

Karishma replied, "It's a comedy. I know you like comedy ones."

As they entered the theater, Abhimanyu noticed Aakash and Bhawna going into another screen.

Abhimanyu wondered silently, "Are they on a date?"

Karishma and Abhimanyu found their seats at the top corner. Abhimanyu glanced towards the middle seats and saw Aakash and Bhawna seated there.