Chapter 17:Tina

Just then, Tina noticed blood seeping from Abhimanyu's arms. She asked, "Why is there blood on your arms? I haven't done anything to you yet."

Abhimanyu glanced at his arms and saw that the wound from yesterday's gunshot had reopened. "It's an old wound from a fight that opened up," he explained. He removed his shirt and pulled up the sleeves of his T-shirt, revealing the reopened wound.

Tina said, "I have first aid. Let me get it." She fetched a first aid kit and began tending to his wound.

Tina said, "I shouldn't have done all that in the basement; otherwise, you would have never reached me."

Abhimanyu replied, "If you act without thinking, this is what happens. Why do you think the lights went out there?"

Tina responded, "Yes, I know, but I had to save my brother at any cost, and I didn't want to reveal my strength. That's why as soon as it went dark, I started attacking everyone."

Abhimanyu remarked, "Just a while ago, you were trying to kill me, and now you're patching me up?"

Tina replied, "In the martial world, respect is earned by winning. Besides, if you were my enemy, according to your strength, you could have killed me or even taken my brother hostage to get information. You're a good person, so I'm saying don't meddle in my affairs. Your life could be in danger too."

Abhimanyu retorted, "You got my brother involved by contacting him."

Tina asked, "Was he really a cop? How are you so powerful when he seemed like an ordinary person?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Don't dwell on the details. Tell me your story."

Tina said, "Well, you're a martial artist, but I doubt you've heard of the Shen family. Let's skip the details. In short, a dangerous group wiped out my family. You probably don't even know their name, so forget it. I found some clues, and that's why I'm here."

Abhimanyu looked at her as if he had heard nonsense. He had already guessed the story from her words.

Abhimanyu asked, "Are you from the Shen family?"

Tina replied, "Yes, but an ordinary martial artist like you wouldn't know about it."

Abhimanyu asked, "Do you mean the Shen family from Bharatpur, Nepal, the legendary Shen family that was completely wiped out by some organization or gang last year, and it's said that not a single member of that family survived?"

Tina asked, "Who are you? You can't be an ordinary martial artist if you know about my family."

Abhimanyu dodged her question and continued, "What clue did you find?"

Tina said, "Have you heard of the Scorpion family?"

Abhimanyu replied, "The notorious gang that commits murders for money, and their whereabouts are unknown. But if you want someone killed, you can find contracts and such on their website, called The Scorpion Family, on the darknet."

Tina said, "When my family was attacked, I was away in the mountains for training alone. But when I returned from training, I found corpses everywhere. It was a horrifying sight. I went inside and saw that everyone in my family—my grandparents, parents, and others—had been killed. Near my father's body, I saw a symbol made of blood, probably created by him before he died. It was the symbol of a scorpion."

"Then I heard a noise coming from my brother's room. I found my younger brother alive. I went to a doctor to save him, but he told me that my brother would survive, but the antidote for the poison he was given wasn't available. However, he told me about a medicine called 'Amritjal,' but its formula had been lost years ago. However, I saw the formula being auctioned on the darknet, and it was to be auctioned off at a secret location in Delhi by a gang. Only invited people could attend. So, before going to that secret location, I tricked Wasim into helping me, and it worked. I stole the map to the auction before the event."

Abhimanyu asked, "But I don't understand why you got Wasim involved. Even if he's wrong, and you're so obsessed with justice, won't his gang come after you for getting him caught?"

Tina replied, "Yes, you're right. In my original plan, I would have quietly taken the recipe and left. But I got a clue about the Scorpion gang."

Abhimanyu asked, "A clue?"

Tina continued, "Now that you know so much, you must know Kapil Mehta."

Abhimanyu nodded, "Yes, I do."

Tina explained, "I found out that he was actually managing Delhi for The Scorpion family."

Abhimanyu realized, "So, The Scorpion family is actually ruling Delhi, and Kapil Mehta is just a puppet."

Tina added, "When I was at the auction, I overheard Kapil Mehta talking to someone on the phone, referring to them as boss, and at the end, he said The Scorpion's slogan."

Abhimanyu repeated, "All hail The Scorpion family."

Tina continued, "Yes, but the members of the Scorpion gang have a scorpion tattoo behind their necks, and Kapil Mehta didn't have any tattoo there. I heard that some people work for the Scorpion gang but aren't actually part of it. They blend in with ordinary people, and we don't even realize it. At first, I thought you were from the Scorpion gang too, but you seemed different, and turned out to be good person."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, what's your plan now?"

Tina replied, "To harass Kapil Mehta so much that he somehow leads me to the stronghold of the Scorpion family."

Abhimanyu questioned, "Even if you manage to find their stronghold, are you going to go there alone? I mean, you know they're more than a hundred."

Tina asserted, "Whether it's a hundred or a thousand, I have to avenge my family. After finding their stronghold, I'll think about how to take revenge."

Abhimanyu gave her his contact number and said, "I'll arrange for the ingredients. If you need any information about the Scorpion gang or encounter any problems, just give me a call." Then he started to leave.

Tina asked, "Why are you helping me?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I'll tell you someday." And then he left.

Saily asked, "Do you think she was telling the truth?"

Abhimanyu said, "When she was fighting me, I didn't sense any killing intent, and it felt genuine to me."

Saily inquired, "But why are you helping her?"

Abhimanyu reminded, "You know why I'm here, right?"

Saily nodded, "To keep an eye on your school and gather related information."

Abhimanyu added, "Yes, perhaps. But Grandfather also mentioned Rohit, and now we've found out that Kapil Mehta actually works for the Scorpion gang as a puppet. We might discover more related details."

Impressed, Saily remarked, "Wow, boss, you're a genius."

Abhimanyu tried to contact his grandfather to report him everything but he didn't answered.

Abhimanyu returned to his apartment and after preparing his meal, he sat down to eat. Later, he went to his room for meditation and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, he received a call from his grandfather. Abhimanyu picked up the phone, and suddenly, Sally created a virtual image of his grandfather. As his grandfather began speaking, Sally animated the image, making it seem as though his grandfather was speaking directly to him.

His grandfather informed him, "Abhimanyu, the man you had apprehended the day before, suddenly exploded in jail. There was a mini-bomb inside his stomach, activated through the internet. It was an advanced bomb specifically designed for suicide."

Abhimanyu remained silent upon hearing this news.

Continuing, his grandfather said, "Furthermore, Kaanti Lal, alias Big-boss, and his PA were found dead along with three girls at Kaanti Lal's farmhouse last night. They were all shot in the head. This incident has already made it to the news."

Abhimanyu speculated, "It seems Kaanti Lal might have colluded with some organization. When the plan failed, the organization eliminated everyone involved to erase evidence."

His grandfather warned, "Your life might be in danger because your involvement in apprehending his man was significant. Be vigilant."

Abhimanyu replied, "Yes, Grandfather."

After that Abhimanyu report everything about yesterday's event.

After listening Abhimanyu, Dadaji said we also didn't know that Kapil mehta is a puppet of The Scorpion gang.

Abhimanyu said , I set Tripathi to enter in his buisness field but I was thinking now that Tripathi can't be able to handle him if he really is puppet of The Scorpion family.

Dadaji said, Forget about Tripathi and find out more about the involvement of The Scorpion family. We can't forgive them for killing the shen family. Shen family was one of the great allies of our nation's and my friend the leader of the shen family Kung lu Shen. I want revenge for them. And I think Tina is his daughter her real name is kung Lin Shen and his son real name is kung Su Shen. For the time don't mention anything about me and observe her for now and don't let her be in any kind of danger.

Abhimanyu said, I am already observing her.

Dadaji ended the call.

After the call ended, the virtual image of his grandfather remained.

Abhimanyu questioned, "Why did you do that?"

Suddenly, Sally transformed into his grandfather's image and replied, "Just for fun, it was amusing, wasn't it?"

Abhimanyu asked, "Whose form is this girl?"

Saily replied, "I created it myself, by imagining it myself."

Abhimanyu commented, "You look quite beautiful."

Saily blushed.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Now she's blushing too."

Abhimanyu then asked, "Alright, show me the news that Grandfather mentioned."

The news displayed photos of five bodies, all of whom had been shot. Kaanti Lal's PA was fully clothed in the picture, found in a separate room, while Kaanti Lal himself was in the same room with three girls, wearing only underwear. Two of the girls were in their undergarments, while the third's face was blurred. The news reported that Kaanti Lal, a lawmaker and leader of the opposition party, was found indulging in immoral activities at his farmhouse, where everyone present was shot. The faces of the girls were blurred, and their identities were not disclosed. The news further stated that the police were not disclosing the girls' identities, but an investigation was ongoing.

Saily remarked, "He went from seeking heaven's blessings to landing in hell."

Abhimanyu teased, "Does your software get updated daily?"

Saily replied, "Not exactly updated, but I try to improve myself every day."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I need to use the bathroom now," and then he put away his glasses in the box.

After freshening up, Abhimanyu went to wake Aaksh because from today onwards, he had to train him.

Abhimanyu went to Aakash's room and started waking him up.

Aakash immediately woke up and asked, "What happened?"

Abhimanyu said, "It's time for training."

Aakash remembered and said, "Oh, right. Let me freshen up first," and then he headed to the bathroom.

Saily's image appeared again in front of Abhimanyu, this time wearing a tracksuit. She said, "Today, I'll also train with you guys."

Abhimanyu sighed.

Saily teased, "Seems like you want to see someone else," and then Karishma's image appeared, even speaking in her voice.

Karishma said, "Why are you staring like that? Have you decided what to eat?"

Abhimanyu snapped back to reality and said, "Stop it now."

Saily removed Karishma's image and laughed.

Abhimanyu remarked, "I don't know what headache I've brought upon myself. She couldn't even speak properly for a week, and now she's pranking. Surely her software has been updated. I'll have to talk to Grandfather about this."

After a while, Aakash came out wearing a tracksuit, and then both of them headed to the living room for training.

Abhimanyu and Aakash sprinted towards the park, with Abhimanyu instructing Aakash to keep running laps around the park without stopping until he collapses from exhaustion.

Confused, Aakash asked, "What kind of training is this?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's about being strong, isn't it?"

Reluctantly, Aakash started running as instructed. Abhimanyu then turned to Saily and said, "Alright, prepare my opponent."

Saily conjured an image of Wasim, whom Abhimanyu swiftly defeated with a single punch.

Abhimanyu then requested Saily to create a more formidable opponent. This time, Saily conjured a stronger version of Wasim, skilled in various martial arts techniques. This opponent posed a real challenge for Abhimanyu, with a plethora of combo moves at his disposal.

It took Abhimanyu ten minutes to defeat this more powerful version of Wasim. Each time, the opponent displayed different moves, but Abhimanyu's mind became sharper and more agile with each round.

As Aakash approached, exhausted, he expressed his inability to continue running. However, Abhimanyu began his own rigorous commando exercises, completing laps around the park in a fraction of the usual time and effortlessly shattering a large stone with a punch upon his return.

Abhimanyu then asked Aakash to assess his current level. Aakash, feeling slighted by his younger brother's sarcasm, begrudgingly resumed running, while Abhimanyu continued his training without pause.

Abhimanyu and Aakash returned to their apartment three hours later, with Aakash still running tirelessly. Abhimanyu, aware of Aakash's profession as a criminal detective, knew that his stamina would already be high and decided to push him a little further.

Abhimanyu prepared another meal, and after both had their breakfast, they got ready and headed out. Aakash dropped Abhimanyu off at his school before continuing to station.

Aakash returned to his station where an officer informed him that DCP Samsher Mishra wanted to see him in his office.

Upon arriving at DCP Mishra's office, Aakash was questioned about the report he had submitted regarding the incident where 15 people were killed in a dark alley, especially after his arrival, without any evidence to support his claims. DCP Mishra demanded an explanation of how such an event was possible.

Aakash reiterated the events as they had occurred and included all relevant details in his report.

DCP Mishra expressed disbelief, stating that it was impossible for 15 people to be killed in just 10 seconds in the darkness.

Aakash confirmed that this was indeed what had happened.

DCP instructed Aakash to thoroughly investigate Wasim, who worked for Kapil Mehta, in connection with the case. Aakash acknowledged the order and left for the Commissioner's office. Later, Bhawna was also summoned to the office, where she confirmed Aakash's observations.

DCP revealed a commonality between the recent case and a prior incident in Jaipur where a gang member was apprehended for multiple murders. Interestingly, both Abhimanyu and Karishma were present at both scenes.

Bhawna speculated that Karishma might have been involved in tampering with the lights in the room since she was the one who arrived from outside.

DCP emphasized investigating both Abhimanyu and Karishma thoroughly, cautioning against disclosing this to Aakash due to his relation to Abhimanyu.

Bhawna reassured DCP of Aakash's professionalism and commitment to his duty, suggesting that he wouldn't let emotions interfere with the investigation.

Despite Bhawna's confidence, DCP insisted on minimizing risks, emphasizing the need to keep Aakash out of certain aspects of the case due to his personal connection.

Bhawna accepted the directive, saluted, and left the office.

Abhimanyu, noticing some suspicious activity near the principal's office, sought permission to use the washroom and then stealthily approached the office. From outside, he overheard Dean Trilok Chowdhury discussing someone named Rashid, questioning why he was hired despite lacking background information.

Dean explained that Rashid had been hired based on a reference from someone named Manohar, who hailed from Bagdiha near Kanpur. Intrigued, Abhimanyu listened further as the conversation unfolded.

As the men left the office, Abhimanyu swiftly retreated behind a nearby wall, sensing their military background and their involvement in investigating the case. He speculated that they might be probing Rashid's background further by visiting his hometown.

Abhimanyu, about to return to her class, heard a faint sound coming from near the principal's office. Curious, he approached to listen.

Dean Trilok Chowdhury asked, "Subham, you knew Manohar. Didn't you know who Rashid was?"

Subham, the principal's son, replied, "Dad, I genuinely didn't know Rashid was involved in such activities. Manohar had some connections, but I never imagined he was working with terrorists."

Dean Trilok Chowdhury said sternly, "You've crossed forty, son. How many times will your foolishness put the students at risk? Making you a principal was my biggest mistake."

Subham assuredly said, "Dad, I promise this won't happen again."

Dean Trilok Chowdhury admonished, "You're a principal, not a mafia don. Stick to your role. Don't let me catch you in any more illegal activities."

Subham affirmed, "Yes, Dad. This won't happen again."

After Dean left, Abhimanyu discreetly made his way back to the stairs. Once Dean was out of sight, he returned to the vicinity of the principal's office to eavesdrop.

Meanwhile, Subham, in frustration, swept the items off the table and exclaimed, "Rashid couldn't even handle a simple task properly, and now he's caused me trouble." Just then, his phone rang.

Subham answered the call, saying, "Yes, brother. Don't worry, everything will be fine." He hung up the call, took a seat, and sat quietly, lost in thought. After a moment, he made another call, instructing the person on the other end to halt their work temporarily until he gave the go-ahead. With that done, he resumed his tasks.

Sensing that no further information could be gleaned, Abhimanyu went to returned to his classroom and resumed his studies. While on the way He whispered to sally, "Sally find out who that bald principal was talking to."

Sally said, "I'll do it right away."

A few moments later, Sally added, "The first number is a private one, and the second one is registered under a Sushil Mehto."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Can't you trace the private number?"

Sally replied, "I don't have access, and I can't find any leads."

Abhimanyu asked, "What information do you have about Sushil Mehto?"

Sally explained, "Sushil Mehto is originally from Bihar but has been living in Delhi for quite some time. His exact profession is unknown, but there are several cases filed against him in government records."

Abhimanyu suggested, "Can you trace his location?"

Sally replied, "I can trace the area using cell towers, but for the exact location, I'll need to keep him on the line for a few minutes. Alternatively, there's another method, but it'll take me some time, around 10 minutes."

Abhimanyu agreed, saying, "Alright, try to pinpoint his exact location."

Sally nodded and said, "Okay, I'll try totrace IMEI number of phone."

Abhimanyu returned to his class and took his seat. After 10 minutes, Saily said, "I found the location. It's in Chauhan Patti, deep inside a jungle."

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "A jungle?"

Saily explained, "His phone has been in the jungle area for quite some time."

Abhimanyu whispered, "Show me that location on the map."

A map unfolded before Abhimanyu, revealing the jungle area.

Abhimanyu requested, "Zoom in on that pinpoint location."

As Abhimanyu observed, there seemed to be nothing there.

In his mind, Abhimanyu concluded, "I think I need to go there and see what's really there."

Quietly, Abhimanyu instructed, "Close it now. Send a message to Dadaji and report everything."