Chapter 18:Delhi liberals

Five minutes later, the lunch bell rang, and many students brought their lunch boxes. Those who didn't bring lunch left the area.

Karishma and Aliya started eating their lunch, accompanied by another girl named Charu. Charu, like Aliya, was beautiful, but she seemed a bit sad from within.

Karishma asked Abhimanyu, "Are you not having lunch?"

Abhimanyu replied, "No, I'm not hungry," and resumed focusing on his lecture. A video was playing in front of Abhimanyu, and Saily was making it so real through virtual reality that there was no need for imagination; even the most foolish person could understand the lessons well.

Suddenly, Gopal rushed to Rohit with bread, probably his lunch. Rohit appreciated him silently, understanding that he did it without any explanation, and assured him he wouldn't say anything about it.

Gopal then returned to his seat, and Rohit didn't want to argue with him anymore, knowing Abhimanyu's strength.

Just then, Abhimanyu received a message from his grandfather instructing him to investigate the location and find out the owner of the private number.

Rohit, in anger, exclaimed, "So, that scoundrel Sarthak is taking action against me for beating up some kid on a school tour!"

Abhimanyu replied, "Do you think nothing will happen against you after causing such chaos in broad daylight?"

Rohit remained silent and turned to a boy named Samir, asking about Sarthak's whereabouts. Samir explained that Sarthak was collecting signatures from all the boys, mentioning what he had done. He would be there soon.

Rohit commanded, "Gather all the boys and take him behind the school building near the toilet. Today, he will learn that being a student president doesn't mean he can control me!"

Saying this, Rohit left the area.

Abhimanyu also got up and started to leave.

Karishma too began to leave.

Aliya asked, "Are you going to fight too?"

Karishma replied, "No, just as backup. Abhimanyu is enough for them alone."

Aliya said, "Okay, I'll come with you."

Charu had come to school after the holidays and asked, "Is this new guy Abhimanyu really that good?"

Aliya replied, "I don't know. I haven't seen him fight anyone yet, but I heard that during the tour, he single-handedly defeated Rohit and his gang, as well as another gang from another school."

Charu asked, "How much interaction do you guys have with him?"

Karishma changed the subject, saying, "We'll talk about this later. First, let's report this to Miss Kashmira."

On the other side, Rohit's boys cornered Sarthak and took him behind the school near the toilets. Rohit himself also arrived there, saying, "Come on, hand over that application, and do your duty as the president." There were around 20 boys near Rohit. They didn't want to attract the teachers' attention, so there were fewer students around.

Sarthak replied, "If you have the guts, then come and get it," and he tucked the letter into his pocket. At Rohit's signal, one boy approached Sarthak to hit him, but Sarthak dodged, grabbed his arm, struck him in the stomach with his knee, and then landed a punch on his face, making him fall back.

Sarthak said, "I don't usually fight, but that doesn't mean I'm weak."

Just then, Abhimanyu arrived at the scene. Seeing Sarthak fighting, he hesitated to interfere.

Another boy stepped forward to punch Sarthak, but Sarthak dodged again, grabbed his hand, struck him, and knocked him down. The other boys rushed to attack Sarthak one by one. Sarthak managed to knock down several of them, but then one boy kicked him from behind, causing him to lose his balance. Another boy punched him, followed by another, and then one kicked him, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Abhimanyu said, "It's not fair for all 20 of you to gang up on one person."

Rohit replied, "He's not one of your friends, so stay out of it, or else we'll start bothering your friends from tomorrow."

Just then, someone shouted, "Stop this fight! This is a school, and Rohit, you've started another fight here."

Abhimanyu turned around and saw Kashmira standing there.

Rohit's boys said to him, "Bro, you'll have to deal with another disciplinary action. Let's get out of here."

Rohit left with his boys.

Sarthak got up from his place, cleaned his clothes, and approached Abhimanyu, handing him the application. He said, "You also sign this."

Abhimanyu looked at the application. Only three students had signed it so far - Sarthak, Rakhi, and Roshan. These were the only three signatures on the application.

Abhimanyu asked Sarthak, "Haven't you gone to the other students yet?"

Sarthak replied, "Everyone's afraid of Rohit, so no one wants to get directly involved. And I know the principal won't take any action against him. Dean asked me to write this report, and then it had to be given to the principal. So, I needed the signatures of the students present there. After they signed, Karishma and Aliya also signed."

Sarthak then asked Kashmira to sign the application, and she did.

Sarthak then started to leave.

Abhimanyu whispered, "He's got some guts."

Karishma heard him and said, "He's taken on Rohit several times before. But back then, there was a different student president, and he could handle Rohit. Now, he's taking steps on his own."

Abhimanyu remarked, "Then maybe he's going to be fighting with Rohit like this all year."

Karishma replied, "Maybe if the previous president comes back, things will be different."

Abhimanyu asked, "Didn't he graduate?"

Karishma answered, "No, he had an accident during the final exams. Maybe he missed his last exam. Now he's in a coma. If he wakes up before midterms, he can come back here."

Abhimanyu said, "Looks like you really admire him too."

Karishma remained silent on this matter.

Aliya suggested, "Let's go back to class and don't mention this in front of Charu because she's his sister."

Abhimanyu nodded, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind."

Kashmira added, "Alright, recess is about to be over."

Just then, the bell signaling the end of recess rang.

Everyone headed off for their club activities.

After school, Abhimanyu headed towards Chauhan Patti. He was walking towards the nearby metro station for Chauhan Patti when he felt like someone was following him. But when he turned around, he didn't see anyone whose attention was focused on him.

Abhimanyu thought to himself, "Maybe it was just my imagination." Then, he tried to hail an auto to Chauhan Patti. The auto driver initially refused to go there, but Abhimanyu persuaded him by offering 200 rupees.

Reluctantly, the auto driver agreed, and they set off for Chauhan Patti.

Meanwhile, Bhawna emerged from behind a wall and immediately approached another auto driver, offering him 500 rupees to follow Abhimanyu's auto from behind.

The auto driver started tailing the other auto, and Bhawna instructed him to follow discreetly so that Abhimanyu wouldn't notice. Bhawna thought to herself that if Abhimanyu hadn't noticed being followed, then she wouldn't have to reveal her involvement.

Abhimanyu reached near Chauhan Patti and started walking towards the jungle after paying the auto driver.

After a while, Bhawna also arrived there, and after getting off the auto, she went straight to the auto driver and asked for the whereabouts of the boy who had been in his auto.

The auto driver pointed towards the jungle.

Upon hearing that Bhawna, who had come in the same auto, heard that Bhawna was a police officer and was heading towards the jungle, she immediately notified someone over the phone, saying that a boy was heading towards their hideout, and a police officer was following him.

The person on the phone instructed to keep an eye on them and make sure they didn't find their hideout. If they went beyond the hill, they might find another way, so be careful not to let them go in that direction.

In front of Abhimanyu, there was an open map, and he was heading towards the pinpointed location on the map, with Bhawna following him closely, and the same auto driver tailing them.

When Abhimanyu reached the pinpointed location, he found nothing but an empty field.

Abhimanyu asked Saily, "I can't see anything here. What could Sushil possibly be doing here?"

Saily replied, "I don't know, but he was here until 2 o'clock, and now he's heading towards Shahdara."

Abhimanyu started looking around carefully, inspecting every stone and occasionally examining a tree, and finally, he put his ear to the ground, trying to listen, but he couldn't hear anything unusual.

Meanwhile, the auto driver made a call and said, "Boss, that boy is trying to find the secret gate. Maybe he knows our hideout is underground."

From the other end, a voice replied, "They'll never find that route, but make sure he doesn't go towards the other gate, and what about the policewoman?"

The auto driver replied, "Boss, she's silently keeping an eye on that boy."

The man exclaimed, "Who is that boy, and how does he know about our hideout? And why is that policewoman following him? Send me his photo."

The auto driver said, "Boss, I'm near the girl, but I can't take her picture with face, and the boy is far away; his photo won't come out."

Saily told Abhimanyu, "We're getting a phone signal now. He's talking to someone."

In front of Abhimanyu, the location and details of the man were displayed.

Abhimanyu said, "It's an auto driver, but I didn't come in his auto."

Saily replied, "He's right behind you."

Abhimanyu didn't turn around and thought for a moment, then formulated a plan. He started moving forward in one direction, then after a while, he turned back to his previous location. Then he started moving in another direction. As Abhimanyu was moving in that direction, suddenly smoke started rising from somewhere behind him, towards the sky.

When Bhawna looked back, she saw smoke rising from a place not far away, but Abhimanyu, upon seeing the smoke, smiled and continued moving forward in the direction he was heading. Bhawna wanted to go towards the smoke, but she decided to follow Abhimanyu instead.

The auto driver called his boss again and said, "Boss, I tried setting fire and creating smoke, but they are still heading towards the gate."

From the other end, a voice replied, "I'll be there with my men in 10 minutes. Keep an eye on them until then."

On the other side, Abhimanyu reached near a hill and started searching for a way. When he reached behind the hill, he saw a cave blocked by a large stone. There was a small opening on the side, so he went inside. When he reached inside the cave, it was completely empty. Abhimanyu started tapping the ground everywhere with his feet. Bhawna had reached near the entrance of the cave and was looking inside. When Abhimanyu tapped his foot on a certain spot, he heard a different sound. He tried to listen more carefully by putting his ear to the ground and punching the ground with his hands to clear it, but he couldn't see anything unusual on the ground.

Abhimanyu then got up from that spot and began to carefully examine the surrounding walls. Suddenly, he noticed a round stone that seemed slightly different from the others. As he approached the stone, he tried to push it, but nothing happened. He then attempted to rotate it clockwise, but still, nothing happened. Then, he tried rotating it anticlockwise, and this time, it began to move. The ground suddenly started shaking, and the area that seemed different to Abhimanyu began to open up, revealing stairs leading downwards. Bhawna was shocked to see this. Abhimanyu began to descend the stairs, and after a while, Bhawna followed him down.

When Abhimanyu reached the bottom, he found himself in an underground warehouse filled with numerous boxes. On one side, various plants were being grown, including seven poisonous plants and thirteen types of toxic plants, all of which were illegal to cultivate or sell. Their value on the black market was in the millions. Abhimanyu realized that it was a treasure trove, meaning that the bald principal was involved in a multi-million dollar business.

Suddenly, more than fifty people started coming in from the front, prompting Abhimanyu to hide behind the boxes. As the leader of the group approached, Abhimanyu realized it was none other than Sushil, accompanied by the auto driver.

Bhawna also hid behind the boxes upon seeing them. When Sushil arrived and found no one there, he ordered his men to search, convinced that they were hiding nearby.

As one man approached Abhimanyu's hiding spot, Abhimanyu swiftly subdued him, rendering him unconscious. While everyone was searching, someone shouted, "Boss, we found the policewoman!"

Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu looked towards the source of the voice and saw Bhawna. Sushil's men then captured her and brought her closer to him.

Sushil demanded to know who Abhimanyu was and how he found out about this place.

Abhimanyu replied defiantly, "Are you blind, Can't you able to see my uniform ."

Sushil, eyeing him, said, "Don't act oversmart I can see that you are from Agrasen School, just tell how did you find out about this place? Otherwise!"

Abhimanyu realized the gravity of the situation. Bhawna warned that they wouldn't escape and the police would soon arrive. Sushil dismissed her concern, ordering his men to tie them up. Abhimanyu complied, sitting down as his hands were bound with a pipe to prevent him from standing.

Bhawna remained standing, refusing to yield to the situation. Sushil made a call, informing someone about the situation and ordering to eliminate both Abhimanyu and Bhawna. He then took a picture of them and sent it to someone, likely his higher-ups.

Abhimanyu observed everything, realizing that Sushil was communicating with someone in authority, probably the principal. Then, another call came for Sushil, instructing him to make Abhimanyu unconscious, simulating an accident, and eliminate Bhawna along with the policewoman.

Abhimanyu asked Bhawna if she had called for backup, but she replied that she hadn't found anyone trustworthy enough. Abhimanyu decided not to reveal his intentions to Bhawna, as he couldn't trust someone who might be under suspicion.

Saily informed them that Abhimanyu's grandfather had sent soldiers, and their team would arrive soon. Abhimanyu discreetly took out a blade from his sleeve and began to cut the rope. However, he kept his hand behind him, concealing the blade, to avoid arousing suspicion.

After a while, Sushil ordered his men to use injection to render them unconscious and then throw them into the Yamuna river in a car, locking the vehicle to ensure they wouldn't escape.

Abhimanyu couldn't fully grasp their conversation due to their cautious manner of speaking, but he understood enough to realize the danger they were in.

A man brought two injections in his hands, and first, he injected Bhawana with one of them. Bhawana became unconscious due to the dose of that injection and soon passed out.

After she became unconscious, the man was about to administer another injection to Abhimanyu, but then Abhimanyu swiftly attacked him with the blade hidden in his sleeves. He pulled out the blade, causing blood to ooze from the man's neck, and die, and became a corpse.

Abhimanyu then moved forward while sitting and started laughing devilishly, causing all the present thugs to tremble with fear. Abhimanyu stood up, approached another man standing nearby, and threw the blade at his neck, creating a similar death scenario. He then pulled up the pants on both legs, revealing daggers strapped to them. He took out both daggers and then unleashed his terrifying expression, causing everyone present to shiver at his brutality.

Sushil shouted, "What are you looking at? Finish him!"

Abhimanyu immediately rushed towards them, targeting everyone's necks, and began removing the death alarms from each thug one by one using the daggers. Abhimanyu was swift, and by the time they could even move their hands, three of the thugs had already met their end.

Sushil shouted, "He's attacking the neck!" but even after his warning, there was no use because Abhimanyu was too agile. Whenever anyone tried to defend against the dagger from below or elsewhere, Abhimanyu swiftly struck from above with the other dagger, causing blood to flow from everyone's bodies. Seeing this, the remaining thugs began to flee, but Abhimanyu chased after them one by one, and within a few minutes, he had dispatched them all. In the end, only Sushil was left alive, but Abhimanyu didn't need to keep him alive. Keeping Sushil alive and exposing himself to danger was not an option, but he didn't killed him.

Just then, from the same path Abhimanyu descended, a group of people in black attire arrived, their faces covered with masks. Their attire was quite different from when Abhimanyu transforms into the Black Demon, and the masks were of a similar demonic style. These were the young soldiers from Delhi, all 29 of them, led by their commander who was in a coma and thus absent.

Sent by Abhimanyu's grandfather request, the military head Ramakant had dispatched them. Upon their arrival, they assumed they were to eliminate some thugs and rescue two individuals, without knowing their identities. However, as they surveyed the scene, they were astounded. The floor was wet with blood, and bodies of thugs were scattered around. One girl, identified as Bhawna, was still bound with a pipe, unconscious. Another boy stood with dahggers in both hands, his clothes unstained by blood but his hands and knives dripping with it.

The leader of the young soldiers was astonished to see Abhimanyu there.

Abhimanyu had observed them all, but first, he went to check on Bhawna because he didn't know what was in the injection. Upon examining her, he found that she was only unconscious. Then he examined the vial that had been given to Bhawna and, after reading its label, he breathed a sigh of relief as it was a sedative.

Abhimanyu then approached the soldiers and asked, "Who is your leader?" Everyone looked towards their leader, who was a girl, her physique clearly indicating her leadership role.

Addressing their leader, Abhimanyu explained, "I am Inspector Bhawna, and after being injected, I became unconscious. Meanwhile, all these thugs died. I retrieved my blade from one of them. Hand over your weapons, I will take them with me later. Then, inject one of them and continue your operation."

The leader gestured to a boy, indicating him to proceed. Abhimanyu sat back near the pipe again. A soldier re-bound his hands and administered the sedative injection. Abhimanyu then left his mark, reporting back to headquarters before departing. Their mark, made with black spray, bore the name "Delhi Liberals." Soon after, the police arrived and upon seeing the mark, they understood that it was the work of a gang named the Delhi Liberals. The young soldiers, known as Delhi Liberals, had different marks and stories for each state. Just like the Black Demon in Bihar, the Delhi Liberals were also revered as saviors, although no one had actually seen them.

The police arrived at Abhimanyu and Bhawna's location and checked their veins after cutting the ropes. They said, "They are still alive, just unconscious." They saw a vial nearby and said, "They have been given a sedative injection. Take them to the hospital."

Aakash also arrived there and saw the bodies and "Delhi Liberals" written on the wall, but he couldn't understand if this was the work of the Delhi Liberals gang or Abhimanyu's. When he approached them, Komal said, "Both of them were given sedative injections. It will take at least 5 hours for them to regain consciousness."

Later, when Abhimanyu woke up in the hospital, Bhawna woke up too. They looked at each other, and then a nurse came in and announced that they had regained consciousness. Outside, the Commissioner and other high-ranking officers were waiting to take their statements. The Commissioner first asked Bhawna what had happened and how she ended up there.

Bhawna replied, "I don't know. I reached that place while following Abhimanyu, and then we were both tied up and given a sedative injection. My eyes just opened." Aakash asked, "Why were you following Abhimanyu? Why didn't I know anything about this?" The Commissioner explained, "I had forbidden it, and it was only because I had asked her to follow Abhimanyu."

The DCP then went to Abhimanyu and asked, "Tell me, what were you doing in that warehouse?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I had a friend named Samarth who is currently in a coma, but before he went into a coma, he sent me a message about a warehouse, so I went into that jungle to find it."

The DCP asked, "Tell me about your friend."

Abhimanyu explained that Samarth was not just anyone but the leader of a group of Delhi young soldiers, and he was Charu's brother. Samarth had initially been in a military school and continued his training even after he moved to Agrasen School of Talents. Eventually, he became the leader of the Delhi young soldiers' group. However, he had discovered some dark deeds of his principal at school, which led to trouble. Knowing that Samarth's father had considerable influence, the principal tasked him with apprehending a dangerous gang to keep him occupied. Later, soldiers attacked the gang, rescuing everyone but Samarth, who ended up in a coma. Abhimanyu omitted the details about the soldiers' involvement and focused on Samarth's accident, as revealing the soldiers' actions might seem strange to the public.

After hearing the whole story, the Commissioner asked, "When did you meet Samarth, and how did you become such close friends that you even went to that warehouse in Delhi for him?"